Nel0 Geschrieben 29. September 2009 Geschrieben 29. September 2009 Hier hast du eine Komplettlösung vielleicht sollte der Bereich hier auch mal zu den IMPORT spielen verschoben werden Quelle von der komplettlösung ist: Episode 1 - Meeting Dolphin-go - Find a Sonobuoy (the round things floating in the water) and recharge it will a battery. If you need to buy more batteries, you can buy them with the top option from the professor guy - Once you've recharged the first SonoBuoy, you should be able to find the first an odd looking stone in the newly opened area. Check this stone to finish the episode. Episode 2 - 4 Stones - Buy another battery and recharge another one of the Sonobuoys, and find the second stone, repeat and find the third and fouth stones. - Once you have all of the sounds, you should be able to find a singing fish ("Singer") - Check him to finish the episode? (Forgot exactly where this episode ends ) Episode 3 - Contact - Once you have found and repeated the sound of one of the fish, the other one should be North of the Base. Find him and repeat his sound as well. - Then it will tell you to recharge the fourth SonoBuoy, This can be found in a new area, which is north of the base, though a little ravine. Rechage the battery to finish this Episode. Episode 4 - Bill's invitation/challenge? - You've been told to find the 3 more "Singer" - The first one is very close to the first Sonobuoy (but is very small and hard to spot, look for its sound) - Keeping getting batteries and expanding where you can get to around the new place (shirabe ocean), the next Singer is next to battery 05. Side Quest - Soothing Singing Voice? - Find the big Whale in Shirabe Sea to start the first side quest. - Once started you need to go back to base and talk to Jenifer, she says that an organ can be heard in the sea (time to find it) - The organ can be found a bit north of the sunken ship. (It looks more like an old fashioned clock to me, but...) - Click on it to finish the side quest and recieve 20,000 credits Episode 4 - Bill's invitation/challenge? - You've been told to find the 3 more "Singer" - The first one is very close to the first Sonobuoy (but is very small and hard to spot, look for its sound) - Keeping getting batteries and expanding where you can get to around the new place (shirabe ocean), the next Singer is next to battery 05. - Once you find the third one, you will be able to open the Meme panel from the start menu screen. Here you can put your meme Pools into orbs that will give you certain level ups to the dolphin-go (the first one makes it so you can carry two batteries instead of one). Once you've done that and read the logs, episode 4 will end. Episode 5 (Left) - Mysterious Man - Once you have found the circle stones (very close to sonobuoy 06), then it tells you to go back to base and talk to Jennifer and the professor. Once you have spoken to both about all the options, it tells you to return to the stone circle. - Once you come back it will tell you that PI is not about PI (3.14) but short for pilgrim. and you need to find "Him". This ends this Episode. Episode 5 (Right) - Communicating with the gods - Once you have found the circle stones there is a shell right next to it (it should automatically look at it), collect this and then return to talk to Jennifer. It then tells you to find a Stone Henge thing. - To the east of the stone circle thing, there is a hole, but you need to find some singing fish and fill up another tank to level up the dolphin-go. Then you can make your way to Izanai sea though the tunnel. - Recharge the Sonobuoy and then just ahead is the "stone henge", go there to end this Episode as well. To start the Episode 6 (Left), return to base and talk to the professor and to start Episode 6 (Right) you need to find the first head near/in the stone henge thing. Episode 6 (Left) - The Past Of A Genius - After finishing "Mystrious Man", go back and talk to the professor. This will trigger this Episode - Now you can target the bomb protest sign near stone henge in Izanai sea. Once you have got this in your Aqua Library, return to base and talk to Jennifer about Pilgrim (it will show a picture of a man, and she will say that him (Pilgrim) and Bill (the man you are looking for) are the same person. After this talk to the professor about the bomb and it says go and search the area again. - When i zoned back into Izanai sea it gave me a log and the Episode ended. (i had a NaSU quite close to the entrance and used that to zone in). Episode 6 (Right) - Lonely Statue - Once you found the first head just inside stone henge, this Episode will start, you need to find 4 more heads as well. - Just keep going until you find 4 heads in the Izanai Sea area. Once you have done this recharge Sonobuoy 13 and go to a new area (Pillars Of Atlantis), here you will find the last head. Once you have, the Episode will end. Episode 7 - Voice - Go though Pillars Of Atlantis and get to the next area called Gate to Adventure. Charge Sonobuoy 15 right above your head as you come out of the tunnel, and then behind you on top of the tunnel is a yingyang looking thing. Click it to start this episode. - After this it tells you to go back to base, talk to Jennifer and the Professor, and when you click on Dolphin, Jennifer will tell you there was an earthquake around where you just were. Basically this means a strange looking rock from before has fallen down around Sonobuoy 16, and now you can journey further. If you follow the shallow path where the rock was, you will get to a new area called "Sea Of Apocalypse", follow it round until you find Sonobuoy 17, it should just be on the right as you exit the shallow path bit. Now you can dive deep into the depths here. I was going round the circle thing on the map and got a cutscene with "a voice". You will need this to continue on in the Episode. - Keep going though this area unlocking all the Sonobuoys. Eventually you'll get to another new area (past the town and then though a tunnel) called "Sasayaki sea" or "Whisper Sea" in english. A voice will keep on talking to you while you are going our this area. Keep unlocking the sonobuoys again (up until number 24 i think) and then go to the west of Sonobuoy 24 and you will get a new Log. This will end this episode. Episode 8 - The Truth - Keep going though this area and you will find a Pyramid-looking thing. You need to enter by going behind it and going deep underground. The entrance is marked by a signpost, but you may need to get a couple more Sonobuoys. Once you enter the main bit of the temple, the next episode will start. - Keep going though the temple finding the Singing Fish. You will unlock a log each time you do a new one. - Once you've found all 3, the chapter will end. Short and sweet Side Quest - President Of A Small Island - I had started Episode 7 When i got this, but if you go towards the north of Shinabe Sea (around the stone circle, maybe a bit more north), you should get a message from Jennifer. This will start the side quest. It tells you to find a case. - The case can be found just to the north-west of the stone circe. But the case is locked and you don't know the number so you have to find some more clues. - Just to the north of the case is a Stone pillar, go and check that for the password for the lock. This will end the side quest. Episode 9 - Thinking Of Her - After finishing chapter 8, make your west of the pyramid. There should be a black circle on the map around there. This is the "Three Caves Of The Mermaid". Make your way to the bottom cave and Dolphin-go will tell you he has picked up a signal from Dolphin-go #1 (You are driving number 2). This will trigger the start of the Episode. - Go though the bottom of the three caves and you will find Dolphin-go #1. - It will tell you to play sonar sounds to communicate with Dolphin-go #1. Keep doing so until his battery dies. This will end the Episode
Nel0 Geschrieben 29. September 2009 Autor Geschrieben 29. September 2009 Episode 10 - Encounter - Go back to base and talk to both people, they will tell you that they think the "Number one spot" (where you were told to go) is either the deepest place, or "Tuna's hidden house" (the area directly west of the base). - There will be a black spot on the map. Go here and keep on decending all the way until you find a light. (You will get like 6-7 new log messages on the way down). Once you find this light, the credits will roll and this Episode will be complete. The main episodes are now over, i think all the rest from here are classed as side Episodes, i will keep the ones in the main path on the scrap book as numbered episodes though, and the ones without arrows to them are classed as side. Episode 11 (Left) - Banquest Of The Dead - Go to Shirabe sea, and on the sea bed, under the front of the ship, there will be a skeleton. Click on it to start the next episode. - When you find the skeleton, Jennifer will tell you then to search around the boat, "you might find something interesting". - On the other side of the side there will be three Treasure chest, check them all. There won't be any thing in them though. Then further to the west on the other side of the big rock there will be a fouth chest. Once you find this one, it will tell you to search for and find some cannons. - Go to Inori Sea (The place where you found Dolphin-go #1), and there are a row of four cannons to the north-east of the pyramid. Go towards them and you will get a message saying, "I wonder what they were aiming at". - Go just opposite the cannons and you should find a place where there are some bottles and cannon balls scattered around. Explore around there for a little bit, and you will get a message from Jennifer. She says that they were aimming for the rock. - Go back a bit, and then boost into the rock that is sticking out from a tunnel looking thing. This will break the rock and open up a new tunnel. Inside will be another chest with a piece of map from a "very famous pirate. On the map it showed two "Twin-Peaks". This will end the episode. Episode 11 (Right) - Uninvited Guest - When you go back to base, talk to Jennifer. She will show you a newspaper that says a bomb hasn't yet exploded. Keep on talking to her and the captain and they will tell you it is in "Izanai Sea" - If you zone into Izanai Sea from Pillars Of Atlantis, then the bomb will be pretty much right infront of you. Click on it to end the episode. Episode 12 - Pirates Paradise - Go towards the Twin-Peaks in Shirabe Sea and you will get a message from Jennifer. This will start the Episode. - If you go just to the north of the twin peaks, on the sea bed around there you will find a Stone tablet. Check it to get a new piece of map. - The next one is in Inori Sea, It is far west of the Pyramid there (Just south of the singing Manta) - You'll get a new piece of map and it will show Sea Of Apocalypse (the place with a big volcano in the middle). It looks like its next to that volcano but it's actually up on top, very close to the surface. Check it to get a new piece of map - The next one is in Quiet Sea (the place just next to the base). If you leave from the base, go directly forward (east) until you hit the wall, then go north and follow this wall round. The Stone tablet should be just a bit north from here. Check it, but you won't get anything else. - If you look at the map again (you can check it by looking at the piece of map found at Inori Sea in the library). You will see that the X's are connected and make another X marking the area in the centre (Vicinity of the world? Sekai no hen). Go here and you will find another Rock stuck in the side of a tunnel. If you boost straight into it again, it will explode. Go into the tunnel to find a massive amount of gold This will end the Episode. After this episode i noticed that there was a cut-scene you could get and some bottles to find that weren't there before. I'm not sure if you need to get them but i listed where i found them just incase they are important for Episode 13. Bottles; - First one in between Gate To Adventure and Sea Of Apocalypse (This one is technically in Gate To Adventure area, the rest are in Sea Of Apocalypse) - On the way between the town and the volcano in Sea Of Apocalypse, near the One-Way sign. - Just next to the entrance to Sea Of Apocalypse as you go towards Gate To Adventure - Again last one is inbetween Sea Of Apocalypse Of Gate To Adventure. Also there is a cut scene with a dolphin that i got about 5 times or so at the barbers shop in the sunken town in the area Sea Of Apocalypse. I'm not sure if you need it or not though. You can just buy down a NaSU right there, and just enter it, go back to base, and then just go into it again. Episode 13 - Fugitive at the bottom of the ocean - After the last episode, go to Sasayaka Sea and around the sea bed in the little cave type things, there should be a telescope (it was a bit west of Sonobuoy 21, a bit north-east of Sonobuoy 23). Once you find it the mission will start. - A second one can be found almost directly under Sonobuoy 23, on the seabed. - Next one is a bit south of Sonobuoy 23, in a little cave bit. - Bottle - west and slightly north of Sonobuoy 21 - Bottle - East of 24 on the seabed. - Bottle - East of 24, not so far down. - Bottle - East of bottle 3, not too far away - The next telescope is on the way to the entrance to Inori Sea. This will end the last episode. (I'm not sure if the bottles are needed but this is just the order i found them in). Side Episode - (One up from bottom right) - If you go to the praying sea, between the entrance (from Sasayaki sea) and the Pyramid (Near to the signing Dolphin), there should be a little statue that wasn't there before. Click on it to start this Side Episode. - Once you've started, you will need to go back to base and talk to Jennifer. - Go back to where you found the first, and there should be another one. Once you discover it, a new one will appear in that place as well. Keep going until you have found all 5. (They should appear immediately). Once you have the quest will end. Side Episode (Bottom Right, at the bottom of the list of episodes) - The Professor's hidden pleasure. - After completing Episode 10, if you zone back into "Tuna's Hidden House", then you will get a message from the professor telling you "He has dropped his trunk in that area, can you help him find it?". - If you hover over the Deep hole, you should get a little cut scene with a fish with it on its head swimming by. Follow it though the little cave, and you will get another cutscene with the Professor. Follow it two more times, and then there will be a choice of three caves. i went left, and then there was another cut-scene showing the fish swimming into a hole in the ground. Follow it there again. It will show the fish running away out of the cave without the trunk. Go down and retrieve it to end this Side Episode. Apparently it was a dolls house inside the box.
virtualboy Geschrieben 1. Oktober 2009 Geschrieben 1. Oktober 2009 Danke für die Arbeit die Du Dir gemacht hast.
Sakura-24 Geschrieben 26. März 2011 Geschrieben 26. März 2011 danke für die Lösung:smile: ich finde bei Episode 13 kein telescope:banghead: ich suche seit Stunden
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