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Ich habe es damit verbunden, daß ich eh nochmal das Spiel auf schwer durchspielen mußte ... und dabei habe ich in jedem Level alle Tiere und alle Jizo-Statuen gesucht und gefunden, 3 Fliegen mit einer Klatsche sozusagen :D

Genau so mache ich es auch, erstmal chillig so durch spielen und mal schauen welche Trophie man so alles erspielt, und dann mache ich auch alle Tiere, schwer und alle Jizo-Statuen holen...

In den schlössern sind sie etwas schwieriger zu finden aber in den normalen levels eigentlich praktisch unübersehbar !

Im Trainingslevel fehlen mir schon zwei und in dem danach auch eine, wie ist es denn dann in den genannten Schlössern...da werde ich ja garkeine finden...

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An alle die genau solche Schwierigkeiten hatten wie ich mit den Tieren.

Ich hab da mal was auf Englisch gefunden. Mit ein bisschen Englischkenntnissen und Logik geht das relativ schnell.

TiPP:Am besten ihr druckt es euch aus und hakt jedes Tier dass ihr befreit habt ab und zählt im Level sicherheitshalber mit.

Schaut im Start-Menü -> Fortschritte einfach wie viele Ihr schon im Level gefangen habt wenn ihr spielt.

So könnt ihr wissen, ob ihr eins verpasst habt, falls auf dem Blatt steht dass ihr schon 7 hättet haben müssen und ihr feststellt ihr habt bis zu dem Punkt erst 6,

müsst ihr umkehren und das eine finden. So müsst ihr nicht wieder durchs ganze Level zurück.

Viel Erfolg.

Ninja Mountain (0)


Leaving Home (16)

1, 2, 3 - Follow the main path until you encounter a samurai guarding 3 animal cages. Kill the samurai and free the 3 animals.

4, 5, 6 - As you enter proceed through the bamboo forest and you will come across 3 more animal cages.

7, 8 - As you get to Suzume's location there are 2 more animal cages.

9, 10 - Proceed past the temple entrance and you will see 2 animal cages to the right.

11 - After crossing the bridge in mushroom lake you will see a lone animal cage to the right of the main path.

12, 13, 14 - After the 11th animal cage you will see 3 animal cages together.

15 - The 15th animal cage is right after the 3 bunched up animal cages to your left.

16 - The last animal cage is to the left, towards the exit of the level.

Earth Castle (19)

1 - As you enter the earth castle, head all the way right to find an animal cage.

2, 3 - When you get near the bridge in the courtyard, which is the first area of the earth castle, keep going forward before you get on the bridge to find 2 animals cages.

4, 5 - There are 2 animal cages inside an open building on the right once you enter the second area of the earth castle.

6 - As you progress in the second area you will find another animal cage in front of you.

7, 8, 9 - There will be 3 animal cages together a little bit after the 6th animal cage.

10, 11 - Before you pass the 3rd lamp string there is a path to the right which leads to 2 more animal cages.

12 - All the way forward when you pass the 3rd lamp string on the ground you will see a lone animal cage.

13, 14 - After you free the 12th animal, jump on the roof and get on the 3rd lamp string into the next area. Here there will be 2 animal cages inside a building. IF YOU SEE A LIT UP DOOR GET NEAR IT TO OPEN IT because some animals are hidden in there. This is how I got stuck on finding the last few animals because they were inside closed doors, not the open building.

15, 16 - There will be 2 more caged animals a little bit after you get the 13th and 14th animal.

17, 18, 19 - The last 3 caged animals of this castle are to the right in the courtyard where you fight a large samurai past the 5th lamp string.

Great River Canyon (7)

1, 2, 3 - After you cross the first bridge there will be 3 animal cages near the second bridge.

4, 5, 6, 7 - The last 4 animal cages are together after the second bridge to your right.

A Distress Signal (5)

1, 2, 3 - Before you reach Shun there will be 3 caged animals together near a cherry bomb pickup item.

4, 5 - Once you reach the end of the level gate, turn right before you finish the level and there will be 2 caged animals in a small samurai camp.

Haunted Forest (11)

1 - Follow the main path and go into the forest area to your right and you will see a lone caged animal surrounded by samurai.

2, 3 - Get back the to the main path after the 1st animal and head left this time, into the forest area, and you will see 2 more caged animals together surrounded by samurai.

4, 5, 6, 7 - After the 2nd and 3rd animal, head forward from where you freed them and you will come across 4 more caged animals together by a ginseng root and tiger lily.

8, 9, 10, 11 - Head to the main path after the 4 caged animals and keep progressing until you get to the Village of the Giant Carp. There you will see 4 more caged animals.

Night Castle (16)

1 - After you enter the Night Castle you will see a lone animal cage under a building.

2, 3 - Head forward from the 1st animal and you will see 2 more caged animals near a healing potion.

4 - Once you reach the middle yard you will see a lone animal cage in the center of 2 buildings.

5, 6 - Before you proceed to the Lamp String yards, turn right to the right yard from the 4th animal, then keep going until you see a lone lamp string. Jump over the small wall and you will see the 2 caged animals guarded by 3 samurai.

7 - Proceed to the lamp string yards and right to the left you will see a lone caged animal in the building.

8 - There will be one caged animal by the center building complex in the first part of the lamp string yards, I believe somewhere near the large samurai.

9, 10 - Pass the cracks in the wall and then pass the first tall tower and you will see 2 more tall towers. One is on the right, the other on the left. Near the one on the left you will see 2 more caged animals, I believe, under a building.

11 - After you pass the 4 tall towers and head up a ramp into the upper yards, you will see a lone caged animal under a building to the right.

12, 13 - Right after the 11th animal, are 2 more caged animals under a building.

14 - Get on the walkway with a lot of archers near the big entrance gate and you will eventually see a large wooden stair type structure and a checkpoint altar. Near that checkpoint altar will be a lone caged boar.

15 - Keep heading down the big wooden steps and you will see a lone caged cat.

16 - Traverse back up on the archer walkway and jump on top of the large entrance gate that has a lamp string connected to it. Don't cross the string yet, but go to the other side of the entrance gate and there will be a hidden lone caged animal in a little hidden walkway.

Grassy Hills (18)

1, 2 - You will reach the first 2 caged animals once you get to the Waving Grass River.

3, 4 - Once you reach the Valley of the Waving Grass there will be 2 more caged animals near, or on, the main path.

5, 6 - Before you get to Toras location, head to the right part of the field and there will be 2 caged animals.

7, 8, 9 - Now head to Toras location and there will be 3 more caged animals.

10, 11 - Once you reach the village past the river there will be 2 more caged animals to the right of the village.

12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 - When you reach the final area of Grassy Hills near the end of the Old Mountain Road, there will be the last 7 caged animals heavily guarded.

Flooded Valley (0)


Water Castle (22)

1 - Once you enter the Water Castle head right and you will find a lone caged animal.

2, 3 - Then head directly left of the entrance or forward from the 1st animal, and there will be 2 more caged animals.

4, 5 - After you enter the castle past the moat there will be 2 more caged animals, which is in the lower yards.

6, 7 - Right after the 3rd and 4th animal, head to the left door and keep progressing into it, then you will see 2 caged animals under an open building to the left behind a line of spearmen.

8, 9, 10 - To the right of the 5th and 6th animal are 3 more caged animals behind the archers under an open building.

11, 12 - When you pass the flooded walkways on the ground, and you enter a courtyard with a lot of samurai, there are 2 caged animals on the platform that has the archers on it.

13 - Head through the courtyard and you will see a caged up panda on the left.

14 - Head towards the end of the flooded courtyard after you kill the large samurai and you will see a caged fox behind 3 or 4 support beams.

15 - To the left of the fox cage there is an awning you can climb to get to the archers on the high walls. Climb it and you will see a caged chicken.

16 - Keep traversing the high walls until you pass a lamp string, and you will see a caged rabbit.

17 - When you reach the flooded yard where you have to swim, use Shun to clear out the archers and then jump to your left. You will see a caged chicken on top of a roof that you must jump to get to.

18, 19 - When traversing the rooftops of the flooded yard you will see 2 caged animals guarded by a line of archers.

20 - There is a caged boar in the second flooded yard area right next to a building.

21, 22 - There are 2 caged animals under the open building right behind the 19th animal.

Winter Range (19)

1, 2 - Keep walking on the main path until you hit a fork in the road where you see a path straight ahead of you and one on the left. Go straight up the forward path or the left; both lead to the same place into an area with village buildings. and you will see 2 caged animals.

3, 4 - Eventually in the Old Pine Forest you will see 2 caged animals in the middle of the road.

5, 6 - In the large samurai camp to the left are 2 caged animals.

7, 8, 9 - After the 5th and 6th are 3 more caged animals a little ahead of them.

10, 11, 12 - There are 3 more caged animals in the camp area, but are on the right side.

13, 14, 15 - After you cross the bridge head left near a barred gate and you will find 3 more caged animals.

16, 17, 18, 19 - When you reach the point where there are 2 Red large ones, on the right are the last 4 caged animals of the level.

Snow Castle (19)

There are two entrances into the castle. I am listing them in the order from where I entered, which was from jumping on the ledges. If you went through the sewer entrance, this might confuse you. THE ENTRANCE I TOOK WAS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE CASTLE. If you do happen to take the sewer entrance, just start from 6 down for the area before you enter the big gates. These areas are interconnected so it's not really that hard

1 - Once you enter the snow castle and are in the yard, there is a caged panda inside the closed building near the barred gate. Just get close to the yellow door and it will open revealing the animal.

2 - Enter the outside hallway area and get near the first lighted door to see the lone caged animal inside.

3, 4, 5 - Keep going forward and you will see a entrance gate to the right side with 3 caged animals inside near a jizo statue.

6 - When on the side where you see a sewer, there will be a caged animal near the checkpoint altar.

7 - After you exit the sewer entrance, go in the bottom half of the courtyard where there are a lot of archers, and you will see a caged animal to the immediate right.

8 - The open building right next to the 7th animal is another caged animal, which is a bear, all the way down to the end of the building.

9 - As soon as you enter the middle yards go right onto the archer platform and there will be a lone caged animal.

10 - Go back down on the ground and go left, and there should be a yellow door that will open when you get near it holding 2 samurai and a lone caged animal.

11 - There is a hidden frog caged behind the breakable walls immediately straight ahead from when you enter the building.

12 - Another animal is caged to the right of the entrance to the room of breakable walls. Just break all the walls if you can't find it.

13, 14 - Before you exit the building of breakable walls, right by the exit, break all the walls and you will see 2 hidden caged animals on the other side of a jizo statue.

15, 16 - When you reach the area where there are 2 red archers on platforms, kill them and then behind the building are 2 more caged animals.

17 - When you enter the second to last courtyard with a ton of samurai, you will see a lone caged animal near some archers.

18, 19 - Near the 17th animal in the open building are 2 more caged animals together.

Snowy Canyon (0)


Volcano's Shadow (10)

1, 2, 3 - As you enter the abandoned village, there are 3 caged animals. They are easy to spot.

4, 5 - When you see a set of platforms with red archers, there are 2 caged animals by it.

6, 7 - As you pass the 2nd set of red archers on platforms you will see 2 caged animals by a tree.

8, 9, 10 - When you reach the Silent Wood you will see 3 caged animals together.

The Big Jump (4)

1 - Right as you enter the fortress, head to your left and get on top of the archer platform and you will see a lone caged animal.

2, 3, 4 - Go to the far right where you see a portal samurai and you will see 3 caged animals together.

Final Approach (16)

1, 2 - Right as you enter the castle, to the left, you will see 2 caged animals.

3, 4 - Head all the way left from the 1st and 2nd animals to 2 more hidden caged animals.

5, 6 - All the way to the right in front of the right archer platform are 2 more caged animals.

7, 8, 9 - As you enter the middle yard to the right you will see 3 caged animals together.

10 - You will a lone caged animal right after you free the 3 caged animals in the middle yard.

11, 12, 13 - On top of the archer platform in the same area as the last 4 caged animals are 3 more caged animals.

14, 15, 16 - Once you enter the yard with a portal samurai and a lot of other samurai, look to the right and there are 3 more caged animals.

Living Castle (13)

1 - When you reach the first hallway in this level you will see a lone caged animal guarded by samurais.

2 - You will eventually reach another hallway with damaged beams with a lone caged animal.

3, 4, 5, 6 - As you exit the dojo go to your left and destroy the 2 breakable walls to reveal 4 more caged animals.

7, 8, 9 - As you enter the room with a lot of breakable walls, break all the walls to your left and you will see an evil monk and red samurai together. Kill them, then look to your left, and there are 3 caged animals.

10 - Keep going forward and destroy the walls on the right until you see the caged boar between 2 walls of fire.

11, 12 - All the way on the far left corner are 2 more caged animals near a jizo statue.

13 - On the right of the 2 caged animals is a lone caged animal near an evil monk.

This should net you the trophy

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