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Hallo Community,

es ist für dieses Spiel leider noch kein Leitfaden vorhanden.
Wer einen dazu erstellen möchte, bitte vorher unsere Regeln lesen Leitfäden - Regeln, Übersicht und Rangliste.

Da wir unsere Leitfäden einheitlich gestalten, haben wir euch hier ein Tutorial erstellt, wie ein Leitfaden regelkonform aufzubauen ist → Leitfaden-Tutorial.


Nach der Zuteilung des Leitfadens, der Fertigstellung, dem Ablauf der jeweiligen Frist und der Einarbeitung aller wichtigen Tipps und Tricks, kannst du hier im Thread Bescheid geben, damit dieser geschlossen und für die Startseite fertig bearbeitet werden kann.

Vielen Dank

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


zur freien Verfügung..



Trophäen-Leitfaden - Goosebumps: The Game
1x platin.png  2x gold.png  17x silber.png  21x bronze.png  = 41 | Gesamtpunkte: 1185

Allgemeine Infos:
  • Text Text Text Text Text
  • Text Text Text Text Text

8434258033.PNG Calling All Creeps!
Collect the cell phone from your school locker.


Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

B9D5A4B2B6.PNG Stay Out of the Forest
Find a way past the strange man in the woods.


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48E0262C25.PNG An Old Story's End
Evict an elderly intruder.


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7341F3DFD0.PNG The Ghost Next Door
See to the needs of the 3 unexpected guests.


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96EC3E9B63.PNG It Came from Beneath the Sink!
Face what lies beneath the sink… and survive!


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4A6743B3AC.PNG Elevator to Nowhere
Access the mysterious dimension from every possible angle.


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215473EDA5.PNG Toy Terror: Batteries Included
Disable a deadly toy bent on destruction.


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462722713F.PNG I Was Your Evil Twin
Look into an antique mirror and do some self reflection.


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D8C8C97E01.PNG Haunted Car
Convince your brother to give you a ride across town.


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857566FD1D.PNG Shop Til You Drop… Dead!
Find a way inside the Mall.


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3E0D1A3EE0.PNG Trick or… Trapped!
Survive a power outage with gnome complications.


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1FC209164B.PNG Say Cheese
Take a photograph using the Haunted Camera.


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A9137FB06F.PNG Don't Go to Sleep!
Charge your cell phone.


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DF9F8B56DC.PNG Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid!
Intimidate a very deadly creature.


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73D2E67A22.PNG Welcome to Dead House
Complete Area 1 and return home.


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A466D7C9B6.PNG How I Got my Shrunken Head
Solve a compression problem to reach the attic.


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2272AFF70A.PNG The Monster Who Cried Girl
Recreate a crime scene to get security off your scent.


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3DF57D3E37.PNG Deep in the Jungle of Retail
Correctly answer a riddle as if your life depended on it.


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8152060F97.PNG Go Eat Worms!
Have your life ended in 10 unique ways.


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C4E92A12A8.PNG Not the Living Dummy's Night
Survive the game to completion.


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FE2C29D8DF.PNG It's Only a Nightmare
Complete the game without ever using the cell phone.


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04FE30A1DF.PNG Danger Time
Complete the game after draining your phone to 0% battery.


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0B3912FF8B.PNG Night of the Giant Inventory
Grab every item you possibly can.


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72DC3AE0F6.PNG Invaders from the Big Screen
Tell Aunt Dahlia about your weekend plans.


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37A17FF118.PNG Slappy's Nightmare
Discover Slappy's secret shame.


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740F8FE842.PNG You Can't Scare Me!
Earn every Trophy.


Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs).
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten.


F656A90E1C.PNG Good Hare Day
Place the Magician's Top Hat on its rightful owner.


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F3D5A74FE8.PNG Creep from the Deep
Toss 10 expendable items into a deep, dark hole.


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09C8C3D941.PNG It Came From Ohio!
Track down RL Stine in the phone book and give him a call.


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F3E6B0F850.PNG Using the ol' Brain Juice
Find a way to call RL Stine without touching gross coins or a dirty phone receiver.


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59C766A5BA.PNG Are You Terrified Yet?
Find entry into the bookstore.


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D7F8C97B4D.PNG A Shocker on Shock Street
Be proactive and start your laundry.


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BACA54C203.PNG You're Not Plant Food!
Narrowly escape defeat by wearing a talisman into the woods.


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0DD9B6CFD6.PNG It Came from the Internet!
Used modern technology to give the second Ghost Child his heart's desire.


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6525B61002.PNG Earth Geeks Must Go!
Achieve a perfect game of skeeball.


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D54CA5F714.PNG My Friends Call Me Monster
Defeat Slappy while wearing the Haunted Mask.


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D3F155353B.PNG Heads, You Lose!
Pry the Haunted Mask off your face.


Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

94603A3F84.PNG All-Day Nightmare
Finish the game in 300 turns or fewer.


Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

07AA797EC5.PNG Be Careful What You Wish For…
Gather all possible items dropped from the laundry chute.


Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

D4A0EFE11F.PNG Say Cheese--Again!
Take pictures of every monster possible using the Haunted Camera.


Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

0DFAE77C7B.PNG How I Learned to Fly
Finish the game in 175 turns or fewer.


Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

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