odiug3u2 Geschrieben 4. Oktober 2015 Geschrieben 4. Oktober 2015 Moin, vielleicht bekommen wir hier ja 30 Orte zusammen. Im Level 1 konnte ich zwei entdecken. Das erste gleich zu Beginn links auf einer großen Wiese. Drei halb verbuddelte Kisten frei legen. Im zweiten Teil auf dem Weg zum Schloss sind 5 Statuen zu zerlegen. Level 2: Teil 2 sind 5 Krähen zu treffen. Teil 3 hier 5 Chemiefässer zerstören Level 4: Auf dem Friedhof ein Auto heben und eine Pflanze gießen. Weiter bin ich noch nicht. Wenn wir es voll bekommen kann man es ja dem Leitfaden anhängen.
FlipNoT Geschrieben 10. Oktober 2015 Geschrieben 10. Oktober 2015 Hier ist ein englischer Guide für alle 30 Minikits, die mit dem Starterpack möglich sind und für die Platin-Trophäe benötigt werden: Follow the LEGO Brick Road Level 1) After breaking open and getting past the wagon, head to the far left, off the road and you will see three boxes. Use Wyldstyle to detect the hidden lego bricks and then use batman to pull the grapple hook and grab the minikit. 2) After jumping over the broken bridge with the batmobile, turn around and break the statue of the witch in the left corner. (1/5) Head up the path a little more and there will be another statue on the right side to break . (2/5) Head up the path a little further and on the left will be another statue to destroy. (3/5) Continue up the path and there will be another statue on the right to destroy. (4/5) Continue along the path and just in front of the drawn up bridge will be the last statue. (5/5) Meltdown at Sector 7-G Level 1) While free falling there will be 5 birds to destroy that will get you a minikit. The first platform you land on will have two you flying around you can shoot, the second platform will have two you can shoot, one flying around and the second will be on the platform that you raise with the terminal on it, and the third platform will have one flying around that you can shoot. 2) During the boss battle with Joker jump over the fire on the left side and push the silver tower under the AC unit, then jump up and grab the minikit. Elements of Surprise Level 1) 1) At the very start of the level, in the top right corner is a door that you need a model 2 batmobile to open. Tear down the wall and the minikit will be inside. Thanks to CoolGamer for finding this one. A Dalektable Adventure Level NONE Painting the Town Black Level 1) After you take down the first purple barricade on the right, in front of you will be an orange truck on its side. Destroy the truck then use the batmobile to drive up the ramp and take out the tower. 2) Head to the far left and you will see an armored truck that Gandalf can open, hit the keystone and go through the pink portal to find the minikit. 3) Drive through the barricade with all the archers on it and take the first right, head all the way down to the end and then head towards the screen. On the right you will see a wire going down into a sewer, break the lego pieces to the right of it and build the batarang target for a minikit. Once Upon a Time Machine in the West Level 1) When you start in front of the Kwik-E-Mart on the left is a wooden barricade to destroy. (1/5) On the other side of the area, by the save terminal, is the second one. (2/5) After you head through the Kwik-E-Mart the next one is on the left. (3/5) The last two are after you get over the carrier ship, they will both be on the right. (4/5) (5/5) 2) After you get over the carrier ship, in the back right corner will be a grapple point for Batman. Head up and down the path to find the minikit. 3) After getting taken to the top of Town Hall, on the right will be a bunch of items that you need Gandalf to get out of your way. After clearing the path follow it around and you will eventually clear some boxes to find a batarang symbol. Hit it for the minikit. Aperture Science Enrichment Center Level 1) In the second level, in the middle of the room will be two doors. The left one you will open as part of the story, but the right one you can use Wyldstyle to reveal a batarang symbol. Climb up the agility wall inside to grab the minikit. 2) After meeting Wheatley you will have to open a pipe to escape, instead jump towards the screen, in front of the pipe, and you will see a platform. Use Wyldstyle to reveal a batarang symbol, once you hit it the minikit is yours. 3) In test chamber 9 you will have to reveal the yellow plate by shrinking down and going through a hole in the wall in the back. After you gain access to the yellow platform, use Gandalf to clear the blockage and grab the minikit. Riddle-earth Level 1) After you open up the tower with the Batmobile and the keystone comes out, use Wyldstyle to jump up the wall inside and grab the minikit. 2) After you enter the second area underneath the stairs will be a purple box with a green question mark on top of it. (1/5) Follow the bottom wall and you will see the second one tucked in a corner. (2/5) The third one is on the fountain in the middle of the area. (3/5) The fourth one is on the top right ledge in the back right of the area. (4/5) The last one is to the left of the stairs that are being blocked by the big green barrier. (5/5) 3) In the same area as the riddle boxes there will be three doors that you will have to go through to progress with the story. Go through the big middle door and head around to the far right. At the end of the path you will see Brainiac but instead at the beginning of the path you will see some Lego bricks to break and rebuild. Use Batman to grapple to the top and break the boxes at the end for the minikit. The Phantom Zone Level 1) At the start of the level in the front left corner is a ghostbuster sign you can destroy. (1/5) After breaking through the wall of cars, in the back right corner there will be a sign hidden in the corner. (2/5) Continue following the road until you see a closed DOCK gate on your left, in front of the gate is the sign. (3/5) The next sign is down the road to the right from the last one, in the bottom right corner. (4/5) When you come to the area with the flying police vehicle shooting at you, the sign will be in the bottom right corner of the area. (5/5) 2) At the start of the level at the top middle of the screen you will see a garbage truck with a grapple point on the back, pull it for a minikit. All Your Bricks Belong to Us Level NONE Mystery Mansion Mash-Up Level 1) At the start of the level there will be three owls outside of the house that you can shoot, the first is to the left of the house on the little greenhouse. (1/3) The second is way up on the left side of the house, stand at the top of the stairs where you spawn and you should be able to hit it. (2/3) The last one is on the shack to the right of the house. (3/3) 2) Once inside the mansion to the left of the stairs and in front of the fire place will be a bunch of Lego pieces you can break and then put back together. Build them into the clock by the stairs and use Gandalf to spin the clock hands for the minikit. Prime Time Level 1) After you hit the platform that flies you across the area, turn around and use Wyldstyle to reveal a chest with the minikit in it. The End is Tri Level 1) After you turn off the electricity jump on the newly available platform and head to the right. High above you will be a rock that you can shoot and break open. Pull the grapple point to grab the minikit. 2) After you arrive in Middle Earth head to the back right corner and you will see a grapple point, pull it then use Wyldstyle to climb the wall and grab the minikit. 3) After you climb up the wheel head over the right and there will be a cave you need Gandalf to light up, inside is the minikit. 4) During the fight with the Tri there will be 5 flying monkeys flying around above you. Shoot all five of them and the minikit is yours. Final Dimension Level 1) After Vortech traps you for the second time forcing you to move the character you are playing as around the toy pad, there will be a minikit floating towards you at the bottom of the screen. If you land on him the second time you’ve missed it. 2) After the Doctor gives Vortech a little push and you land on solid ground, head to the front right corner. Use Batman’s Grapple hook to get to the top and break the statue. (1/5) The second statue is in the middle area on the left side. (2/5) The third statue is in the middle area on the right side .(3/5) The fourth statue is behind the throne in the middle of the map. (4/5) The last statue is behind you from where you spawned into the area, through the wall of fire. (5/5) 3) When you spawn on the small little platform off to the right will be a minikit that Gandalf can access, when you get close to the edge platforms will spawn. The trophy will NOT unlock until you finish the level it seems, so if it doesn’t unlock right after collecting it, finish the level and it should. Quelle: playstationtrophies.org
HughJFan Geschrieben 19. Oktober 2015 Geschrieben 19. Oktober 2015 lieber auf deutsch... sind gesamt 30 Minikits für Trophäe?
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