lemondemon19 Geschrieben 24. April 2015 Geschrieben 24. April 2015 Da die Videoguides im Leitfaden, als auch der im Herausforderungen-Thread nicht mehr funktionieren, habe ich einen neuen erstellt. Das ist ein Videoguide von Bick Benedict, alle Kapitel und Missionen auf Paladin inklusive aller Sammelobjekte und Upgrade-Fundorte. Kapitel 1 Kapitel I-1 Das belagerte Dorf Relic: Silver Daggers Trial: Finish the level, defeating the Great Warg with at least one surviving villager https://youtu.be/qGIPNvrnhUk?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel I-2 Die Fährte Life gem (1/30): After you get knocked off your horse move towards the screen and look to the left Relic: Life Gem Medallion Trial: Finish the level without being healed by any means. https://youtu.be/udNjddklDMY?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel I-3 Der Totensumpf Life gem (2/30): At the very start of the level, search the knight on the left Life gem (3/30): After your first encounter with the goblins, take the swamp path to the right. After the path there will be a hidden cave on the right side of the screen Life gem (4/30): After your first encounter with the goblins, take the left path. Once you encounter more goblins, jump over the fallen tree to the right and the gem will be on the island Relic: Hook Tip Ark: After the boss on the right before using the hook to get out Life gem (5/30): After the boss while you are jumping across the broken stairs there will be the last piece Trial: Finish the level after killing at least 50 Goblins https://youtu.be/mSNtjeM-7qg?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel I-4 Pans Tempel Life gem (6/30): In the hidden passage to the right of the skull looking stone and third rune Ark: On the left side before the Fairy door (requires seraph shoulders) Trial: Finish the level after beating Pan's trial in 5 movements -In clockwise movement only: outer, inner, outer, middle, inner. https://youtu.be/JZcYHryM0uI?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel I-5 See des Vergessens Life gem (7/30): Beside the statue on the edge of the lake Relic: Light Magic Medallion Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Ice Titan in less than 1:30 minutes. https://youtu.be/TlxfVZgd6SI?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 2 Kapitel II-1 Verzauberter Wald Ark: Behind the waterfall (requires shadow magic) Light gem (1/30): After reaching the ruins, take the path on the right underneath a tree near goblins Trial: Finish the level after killing 30 Goblins with their own grenades https://youtu.be/sLASgr-7xKY?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-2 Unterirdische Höhlen Light gem (2/30): Saw the wooden totem on the left path with the spiked chain Relic: Spiked Chain Trial: Finish the level after killing at least 10 enemies while poisoned by Spider venom https://youtu.be/O8MT5IHj9Jg?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-3 Eingang des Labyrinths Light gem (3/30): After balancing on the wooden beams take the stairs down on the right Ark: Break the wall to the right when you enter the ruins (requires cyclone boots) Trial: Finish the level after defeating at least 5 Warthogs https://youtu.be/hIbhHuICVeQ?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-4 Wasserfälle von Agharta Light gem (4/30): After using the giant spider to pull the tree down, strangle it and it will drop a gem Light gem (5/30): After using the big troll to knock down the rock, jump the gap and take the tunnel on the right. After the tunnel go into the waterfall Relic: Shadow Magic Medallion Trial: Finish the level after killing at least 20 Small Trolls while you are mounted on a big one https://youtu.be/jSTr14O-4h8?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-5 Agharta Dark gem (1/30): Tame the Warg and cross the gap. Take the left path and on the left will be a small area Ark: Smash the statue near the Warg (requires dark gauntlet) Life gem (8/30): Instead of jumping down and destroying the big door with the Troll, take the stairs to the right. Dark gem (2/30): After taming the second Warg, look beside the second gap Trial: Finish the level without using Shadow Magic Energy https://youtu.be/N34la1pndXc?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-6 Dunkles Verlies Light gem (6/30): Just after jumping onto the long platform, instead of rappelling down the final time, swing out from the wall and jump to the ledge on the left Dark gem (3/30): While looking for the runic keys take the left path and you will find a small cave just after you find the key on the right Dark gem (4/30): While climbing up the walls before the end, you will spot a platform below you. Shift to the left and drop down Trial: Finish the level without using a grip attack against a single Gremlin https://youtu.be/9K_8gs_BfoU?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-7 Eingang des Heiligtums Light gem (7/30): Walk towards the screen after using the grip before getting your second shard Ark: Use the crank in the area with the second shard (requires stake) Dark gem (5/30): Just after your second shard there will be a ledge above you on the wall Relic: Dark Crystal Trial: Finish the level after absorbing at least 20 Neutral Elemental Orbs https://youtu.be/Y22Ha8gQLPo?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-8 Heiligtum der Titanen Dark gem (6/30): Run past the Titan to the far end and you should see it on your right Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Stone Idol Titan in less than 2:30 minutes https://youtu.be/8qHF0iXvUVs?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel II-9 Der schwarze Ritter Relic: Dark Gauntlet Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Black Knight Golem without using Light Magic Energy https://youtu.be/H3ABvU0fY1c?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 3 Kapitel III-1 Die drei Türme Ark: On the last island of the jumping section (requires sprint) Relic: Fairies Dark gem (7/30): Inside the door in the room Light gem (8/30): Grip the piece of wood on the left and swing across the gap Dark gem (8/30): After using the Warg to climb, go right and outside Life gem (9/30): At the top of the tower just before the third fairy, move towards the screen Dark gem (9/30): While rappelling down the third tower you will spot the knight half way Trial: Finish the level after killing 15 enemies while they are dazed by Fairies https://youtu.be/xAz54YYK1EQ?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel III-2 Der dunkle Fürst der Lykaner Relic: Cyclone Boots Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Dark Lord without using Light Magic energy. https://youtu.be/WPH_uZAgrxU?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 4 Kapitel IV-1 Bergfestung Life gem (10/30): After breaking down the door, take the right path Dark gem (10/30): After sprinting across the gap, destroy the wall on the right Light gem (9/30): Using the first hook to cross the gap, pull yourself up to the ledge Light gem (10/30): Smash the statue after defeating the Ogre Ark: After defeating the Ogre you will come across a barred gate (requires stake) Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Ogre without being hit by his attacks https://youtu.be/W2cYzPZw4-A?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel IV-2 Die Krähenhexe Light gem (11/30): At the start of the level run up to the top of the stairs Dark gem (11/30): At the start of the go outside and climb down the cliff into a cave Ark: After your encounter with the 3 Swordmasters run up the stairs (requires sprint and seraph shoulders) Life gem (11/30): After fighting 3 Swordmasters and climbing up to the top level in the archway Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Crow Witch without killing more than 2 of her sons https://youtu.be/XO8pj2oNoOE?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 5 Kapitel V-1 Veroswälder Life gem (12/30): After your encounter with the snow goblins destroy the wall on the right Life gem (13/30): After the first Snow Goblin camp destroy the wall on the left Dark gem (12/30): After the first Snow Goblin camp destroy the wall on the right Trial: Finish the level, recovering your relics from the Chupacabras in less than 3 minutes since stolen https://youtu.be/p3uGkFRsORM?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel V-2 Wygol Ark: At the start of the level there will be stairs to the right and a wall to destroy (requires seraph shoulders) Dark gem (13/30): In the cemetary next to the third hole Relic: Stake Trial: Finish the level without allowing Zobek to kill a single ghoul https://youtu.be/wGlLdgrsZFA?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel V-3 Abteikatakomben Life gem (14/30): Take the left path into the room with the big gears, get to the other side and run towards the screen and take a left Light gem (12/30): In the courtyard, rotate the gear 90 degrees and go into the portal Trial: Finish the level without allowing Zobek to fall in combat a single time https://youtu.be/YOe4Or5yt2M?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel V-4 Abteibibliothek Light gem (13/30): At the start, follow the path and take a right Light gem (14/30): At the second beam, follow the hallway to the right Dark gem (14/30): In the big room under some books beside the beam source Trial: Finish the level and beat the mirror and lights puzzle in less than 2:30 minutes https://youtu.be/ADqoTtBfwDg?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel V-5 Abteiturm Life gem (15/30): After the first encounter take the path towards the screen Life gem (16/30): During the second climbing section go to the left instead of the right Relic: Holy Water Flasks Trial: Finish the level after finding and destroying 100 breakable objects before the alloted time runs out https://youtu.be/jQ7__34j8j8?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel V-6 Brauner Trial: Finish the level after attacking the Elite Vampire 4 consecutive times with his own blade https://youtu.be/7U0lYIstauw?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel V-7 Burgkanalisation Dark gem (15/30): In the first room walk through the sewage towards the screen and to the right Trial: Finish the level after killing 3 Skeleton Warriors without destroying their shields https://youtu.be/drMGrFWQN4k?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 6 Kapitel VI-1 Burghof Life gem (17/30): Destroy the wall on the left after jumping into the pit Trial: Finish the level and kill 3 Skeleton Warriors while you are mounted on a Warg https://youtu.be/7mersCQFuAQ?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VI-2 Irrgarten Life gem (18/30): Saw a statue on the right side of the gardens Light gem (15/30): Destroy a wall on the left side of the gardens Dark gem (16/30): Make a web bridge with the spider on the right side of the gardens Trial: Finish the level after defeating 15 Mandragoras in less than 15 seconds. https://youtu.be/GSk1iJpktaM?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VI-3 Burgsaal Life gem (19/30): In the third room on a ledge. Destroy the bookshelf Ark: In the small area with the three masks (requires seraph shoulders) Light gem (16/30): After the chess game on the far right side Trial: Finish the level and win the Vampire Wargame without losing more than 3 pieces. https://youtu.be/0XZhlGlY8WI?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VI-4 Refektorium Dark gem (17/30): After letting the Ghouls feast take the path towards the screen. Life gem (20/30): Use the key on the door in the room with the pot of flesh Dark gem (18/30): Climb the wall on the right of the last room and balance on the beams towards the screen Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Evil Butcher after he uses at least 15 of the objects in the kitchen https://youtu.be/17tF8p8N2w0?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 7 Kapitel VII-1 Balkon Dark gem (19/30): After the wooden beams, shimmy on the ledge to the right Light gem (17/30): Instead of rappelling down, swing out from the wall and jump to the ledge across from you to access the left window Dark gem (20/30): Move towards the screen from the Logic Gates puzzle Trial: Finish the level after beating the logic gates puzzle in 7 movements -Drop the balls in the order of: left, center x5, right https://youtu.be/ik1H-CxKkUM?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VII-2 Elektrolabor Light gem (18/30): Left side of the second room just as you enter Life gem (21/30): Far right corner of the room with the Mechanical Monstrosity Trial: Finish the level and deactivate the Mechanical Monstrosity using only the tesla coil in the lab after it is activated https://youtu.be/zPw4QzGlXg4?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VII-3 Chromatisches Observatorium Life gem (22/30): Inside the Green Room position yourself on the snow pile beside the rail Light gem (19/30): Combine the blue lens and green lens in the main room Dark gem (21/30): Far end inside the White Room (combine all lenses and white key) Trial: Finish the level, destroying 10 Deadly Toys using normal melee hits before completely killing any of them with a grip https://youtu.be/OPeuAnHOG94?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 8 Kapitel VIII-1 Außenmauer Dark gem (22/30): As soon as you climb the wall there will be a hidden alcove on the left Light gem (20/30): In the last room on the left beside the statue Trial: Finish the level after killing 10 Gremlins using only your silver daggers https://youtu.be/p52LxHeLmr0?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VIII-2 Der Uhrwerkturm Light gem (21/30): Sprint jump to the platform on the left after crossing the first two beams of the level Life gem (23/30): After climbing up the electric ledges, on the right platform Trial: Finish the level and get to the top corridor in less than 5 minutes https://youtu.be/Z5kYK6Jtc18?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VIII-3 Olrox Dark gem (23/30): Found in the fourth Iron Maiden that Olrox opens up Trial: Finish the level after keeping the focus meter at its maximum value for 60 seconds https://youtu.be/wQp-xbQZ_vg?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel VIII-4 Der Thronsaal Light gem (22/30): At the start of the level on the right side of the stairs Relic: Seraph Shoulders Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Dark Lord after she kills at least 10 of her own Vampire Warriors https://youtu.be/Dn71U9elBUI?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 9 Kapitel IX-1 Der Knochenwald Dark gem (24/30): Directly left as soon as you start the level Light gem (23/30): At the beginning search behind the mirror on the right Dark gem (25/30): After you encounter the Headless Corpses for the first time take the left path. Sprint and use the seraph shoulders to reach the upper area Life gem (24/30): After meeting the Chupacabra use the ledge on your right Trial: Finish the level after killing 10 Headless Corpses, without being grappled by them a single time. https://youtu.be/UHXdH3DjeOA?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel IX-2 Kummermoor Dark gem (26/30): Run towards the screen at the beginning of the level Light gem (24/30): Beside the second flock of crows on the house Light gem (25/30): In the house with the third flock of crows Life gem (25/30): To the right of the third scarecrow in the shed Trial: Finish the level and get the three keys, scaring the crows only 13 times -Scare the flock of crows in this order: Flock 1 four times, Flock 2 five times. After the second scarecrow, go behind the shed and scare Flock 2 two more times, and Flock 3 twice https://youtu.be/LAF_QGqa49o?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel IX-3 Der Leierkasten Light gem (26/30): Open the green path at the beginning, cant miss it Life gem (26/30): Go north three times then left (Red, Blue, Magenta, Yellow) Trial: Finish the level and get the blue rose without falling in any of the Music Box Traps https://youtu.be/g2VV5F8__eo?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 10 Kapitel X-1 Titanenfriedhof Light gem (27/30): After climbing down the cliffside, take the left path across to the island by sprinting and double jumping. Once on the island go to the far left side Life gem (27/30): Before you use the first stone key follow the upper path left across the arm Dark gem (27/30): At the base of the Giant Statue that requires 2 stone keys Light gem (28/30): On the island with the second stone piece beside where you land Trial: Finish the level after receiving at least 100 points of damage from the deadly mist https://youtu.be/TqBMe-IGRac?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel X-2 Feuerspitze Trial: Finish the level without allowing Pan to recover any health during the fight. https://youtu.be/vib2BPs1i0c?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel X-3 Feuerfriedhof Light gem (29/30): Take the right path after seeing zombies for the first time Life gem (28/30): Take the left path after the Chupacabra has stolen your powers Life gem (29/30): Take the right path and move north Trial: Finish the level after killing 20 Zombies in a single aerial sequence https://youtu.be/UQjN_B4qNSY?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel X-4 Krematorium Dark gem (28/30): Instead of going up and exiting the oven, shimmy to the right Trial: Finish the level and kill at least 15 summoned creeping corpses during the fight against the Gravedigger https://youtu.be/TQ5Y3t2Vpm0?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 11 Kapitel XI-1 Abgrund des Nekromanten Dark gem (29/30): Drop down the left side of the big machine at the beginning of the level Life gem (30/30): After the stone smashing puzzle take the first portal, instead of taking the next one, come towards the screen. Light gem (30/30): After defeating Death, use the right mirror and go left Dark gem (30/30): After the long climbing section, use the mirror and go down the pillar to the left Trial: Finish the level after destroying 60 Reapers https://youtu.be/dOWoOIYSsVE?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel XI-2 Der Dracolich Trial: Finish the level and defeat the Dracolich in less than 5 minutes https://youtu.be/Ekkbv3Vf-dQ?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 12 Kapitel XII-1 Endkampf Trial: Finish the level and defeat Satan without being hit by any attack with the opposite color magic https://youtu.be/3Jn8vLHHYqY?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 13 (DLC) Kapitel XIII-1 https://youtu.be/TyonaXPibh8?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel XIII-2 https://youtu.be/MHLQ0eu79oA?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel XIII-3 https://youtu.be/qh2TwX7vxgU?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel 14 (DLC) Kapitel XIV-1 https://youtu.be/9RdGyEivpb0?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG Kapitel XIV-2 https://youtu.be/5XHGYnIEuvo?list=PLf2Gp1belEqs0TFFMqwMQOV4vSra4XbCG
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