Meine Wenigkeit Geschrieben 9. März 2015 Geschrieben 9. März 2015 Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse Mentor Guide: How To Unlock Every Move And Challenge When you take on a mentor, you’ll immediately gain access to the first challenge. Complete it and you’ll get the first move. Each mentor has four challenges with increasing difficulty but you won’t get access to challenges two through four until the friendship meter is filled. So how do you fill up the friendship meter? There are three ways you can fill up the meter quicker. Gain experience through the story mode or on parallel quests. This is the most surefire way to gain access to the other challenges without having to do anything else. Use your mentor/master as your NPC partner during parallel quests. Performing moves learned by your mentor in battle will increase the friendship meter. NOTE: Completing all four challenges will let your character receive your mentor’s Z-Soul which will increase the damage output of that mentor’s specific moves. Mentor and Challenge List As mentioned above, there are a total of 12 mentors to find and be trained by. Each will appear after completing certain parts of the story mode and reaching a specific level. Here’s the complete list of mentors and challenges with the requirements to find them. Krillin Complete the first half of the Saiyan Saga – Level 5 required 1. Challenge – Orin Combo 2. Challenge – Destructo-Disc Get Krillin an Energy Capsule S, which you can buy in the Item Shop. 3. Challenge – Spread Shot Retreat 4. Challenge – Scatter Kamehameha Piccolo Complete the first half of the Saiyan Saga – Level 5 required 1. Challenge – Evil Explosion 2. Challenge – Super Explosive Wave Get Piccolo an All Energy Capsule S, which you can buy in the Item Shop. 3. Challenge – Light Grenade 4. Challenge – Special Beam Cannon Vegeta Complete the Saiyan Saga – Level 8 required 1. Challenge – Galick Gun 2. Challenge – Final Barrage Get Vegeta the Z-Soul equipment “I’m the Strongest on Earth!”. You can get this item by ultimate finishing parallel quest #5: “Attack of the Saiyans”. Just beat all Saibamen before you defeat Raditz and Nappa. After that, head to the next zone and defeat Vegeta. If you were able to eliminate all Saibamen, you have a chance to trigger the special event, which is Nappa and Raditz coming to fight you again, allowing Vegeta to recover. Now defeat all three of them one last time to get the equipment. If you didn’t get the Z-Soul, do it again. 3. Challenge – Shine Shot 4. Challenge – Final Flash Captain Ginyu Complete the first half of the Frieza Saga – Level 15 required 1. Challenge – Fighting Pose F 2. Challenge – Fighting Pose A 3. Challenge – Milky Cannon 4. Challenge – Body Change Frieza Complete the Frieza Saga and complete Ginyu’s training – Level 20 required 1. Challenge – Death Beam 2. Challenge – Death Crasher Get Frieza an All-Regen Shard. You can find this item lying around on the parallel quest #8: “Namekian Dragonballs”. 3. Challenge – Emperor’s Sign 4. Challenge – Supernova Hercule Complete the first half of the Android Saga 1. Challenge – Dynamite Kick 2. Challenge – Present for You 3. Challenge – Rolling Hercule Punch 4. Challenge – The Savior Has Come Cell Complete the Cell Saga – Level 30 required 1. Challenge – All Clear 2. Challenge – Gravity Impact 3. Challenge – Perfect Shot 4. Challenge – Perfect Kamehameha Android #18 Complete the Android Saga – Level 34 required 1. Challenge – Power Blitz 2. Challenge – Endless Shot 3. Challenge – Deadly Dance 4. Challenge – Dual Destructo-Disc Adult Gohan and Videl Complete the Buu Saga – Level 40 required 1. Challenge – Eagle Kick 2. Challenge – Ki Blast Cannon Get Gohan and Videl the Z-soul equipment “I’m…I’m okay!”. The only way to get this item is by completing the parallel quest #47, which is “Super-Super Ultimate Series of Battles!”. You can accept this quest from Kid Trunks, who is standing right in front of the World Tournament area. This mission is one of the hardest parallel quests in the whole game, so you should better be prepared. I did it by spamming my Final Flash as a Super Saiyan while my Z-soul “Why yoooou!” filled up my whole Ki bar after I’ve killed an opponent. The item “I’m…I’m okay!” should be dropped after you’ve defeated Videl, so if there is no pop-up that says “You got Equipment”, just do it again until you get it. You can also try to find an existing lobby in the online parallel quest section to make this mission way easier. 3. Challenge – Hawk Charge 4. Challenge – Justice Combination Gotenks Complete the Buu Saga – Level 40 required 1. Challenge – Galactic Donuts 2. Challenge – DIE DIE Missile Barrage 3. Challenge – Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Super) 4. Challenge – Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Ultimate) Goku Complete the Démigra Saga – Level 70 required 1. Challenge – After Image Strike 2. Challenge – Spirit Bomb Get Goku a Sensu Essence Capsule, which can be bought in the Item Shop. 3. Challenge – x10 Kamehameha 4. Challenge – Super Kamehameha Beerus Complete Goku’s training – Level 70 required 1. Challenge – Headshot 2. Challenge – no skill 3. Challenge – God of Destruction’s Anger 4. Challenge – Sphere of Destruction Quelle:
Adesgran Geschrieben 10. März 2015 Geschrieben 10. März 2015 Hallo Kann mir hier jemand einen guten Guide zu allen Meistern, nicht für die Quests sondern die jeweiligen Attacken empfehlen? (darf auch auf Englisch sein) Ich mein das meiste ist relativ klar, einfach den Move im Kampf anwenden, aber zum beispiel "Geschenk für dich" von Mr. Satan hab ich noch nicht ganz raus. Ausserdem weiss ich immer noch nicht ob die anzahl Treffer, der Schaden oder was auch immer gewertet wird um weiter zu kommen :'>
BM42 Geschrieben 11. März 2015 Geschrieben 11. März 2015 -> Beitrag verschoben Es reicht dazu ein Thema zu haben.
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