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Wie viele Platin-Trophäen habt Ihr? TEIL 2 !

Wie viele Platin-Trophäen habt Ihr?  

365 Stimmen

  1. 1. Wie viele Platin-Trophäen habt Ihr?

    • 0-49
    • 50-99
    • 100-149
    • 150-199
    • 200-299
    • 300 und mehr
Durchschnittsbewertung: 66.51

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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

platin.png 350: Dead Island 2 (PS4)

platin.png 351: Dead Island 2 (PS5)

platin.png 352: Cario 1 (PS4)

platin.png 353: Cario 1 (PS5)

platin.png 354: Cario 2 (PS4)

platin.png 355: Cario 2 (PS5)

platin.png 356: Cario 3 (PS4)

platin.png 357: Cario 3 (PS5)

platin.png 358: Cario 4 (PS4)

platin.png 359: Cario 4 (PS5)

platin.png 360: EzQuiz (PS4)

platin.png 361: EzQuiz (PS5)

platin.png 362: Color Swiper (PS4)

platin.png 363: Color Swiper (PS5)

platin.png 364: Motocross Ramp Madness (PS4)

platin.png 365: Rolling Wheels (PS5)

platin.png 366: Oddworld's Abe's Exoddus (PS4)

platin.png 367: Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 - Turbocharged (PS5)

platin.png 368: My Name is Mayo 3 (PS4)

platin.png 369: Motocross Ramp Madness (PS5)

platin.png 370: Learn Basic Kanji! (PS4)

platin.png 371: Crowd Run (PS4)

platin.png 372: Crowd Run (PS5)

Bearbeitet von Letsplayandy1990
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Seit meinem letzten Beitrag sind zwar nur sieben Platin-Trophäen dazugekommen, aber ich will auch nochmal. 😁



1. Call of Duty: Black Ops

2. Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed

3. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

4. Need for Speed Shift

5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

6. Battlefield 3

7. L.A. Noire

8. Need for Speed Undercover

9. Need for Speed The Run

10. Dead Nation

11. Need for Speed Most Wanted

12. Battlefield 4 (PS3)

13. Far Cry 3

14. Need for Speed Rivals

15. Battlefield 4 (PS4)

16. inFAMOUS First Light

17. Driveclub

18. Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)

19. Table Top Racing: World Tour

20. Rocket League

21. Battlefield V

22. Need for Speed Heat

23. Battlefield 2042 (PS5)

24. Battlefield 2042 (PS4)

25. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered

26. Marvel's Spider-Man

27. Battlefield Hardline

28. Burnout Paradise Remastered

29. Need for Speed

30. Need for Speed Payback

31. Wreckfest

32. Grid Legends

33. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

34. Hot Wheels Unleashed

35. Grand Theft Auto V (PS5)

36. Need for Speed Unbound

37. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

38. Dirt 5

39. WRC Generations

40. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition

41. Project CARS 3

42. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

43. WRC 10

44. EA Sports WRC

45. MotoGP 22

46. Grand Theft Auto III - The Definitive Edition

47. WRC 9

48. The Crew Motorfest

49. Battlefield 1

50. Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged

51. Deadpool

52. The Crew 2

53. Alan Wake Remastered

54. Horizon Forbidden West

Bearbeitet von Mangogeschmack
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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


:platin: #244: Danjigoku (PS4)

:platin: #245: The Voices Stories

:platin: #246: Good Guys (PS4)

:platin: #247: Good Guys (PS5)

:platin: #248: Spin the Book

:platin: #249: Lasso Catch (PS4)

:platin: #250: Flute the Snake Charmer (PS4)

:platin: #251: Flute the Snake Charmer (PS5)

:platin: #252: The Forgotten Tribe (PS4)

:platin: #253: Foot Step

:platin: #254: Dodge These Balls

:platin: #255: DLost Chiko 2

:platin: #256: Spin the Lighthouse

:platin: #257: Lasso Catch (PS5)

:platin: #258: Danjigoku (PS5)

:platin: #259: Bigfoot's Journey (PS4)

:platin: #260: Bigfoot's Journey (PS5)

:platin: #261: Sister (PS4)

:platin: #262: Sister (PS5)

:platin: #263: My Name is Mayo 3

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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