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Family Treasures


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Family Treasures

Six Coins - Defeat Yukimura with a killing blow attack.

Keiji's Journal - Defeat Keiji with a Musou Kaiden attack.

Seal of Dominion - Defeat Nobunaga while the health gauge is still green.

Atago Verses - Defeat Mitsuhide with a flash attribute attack.

Thousand Birds Censer - Defeat Goemon while under the effects of an attack speed power-up.

Rider's Cup - Defeat Kenshin with a Musou Kaiden attack.

Bean Bag - Defeat Oichi with a flash attribute attack.

Donation Log - Defeat Okuni while under the effects of an attack speed power-up.

Secret Scrol - Defeat Kunoichi while under the effects of a mobility power-up.

Saika Cloak - Defeat Magoichi with a chain of 100 hits or more.

Fūrin Kazan Banner - Defeat Shingen while under the effects of Musou Gokui.

White Kimono - Defeat Masamune with a mineral attribute attack.

Dōsan's Dagger - Defeat Nō with a frost attribute attack.

Iga Ninjutsu Scroll - Defeat Hanzō while under the effects of a mobility power-up.

Gold-plated Armor - Defeat Ranmaru while under the effects of an attack power-up.

Thousand Gourds - Defeat Hideyoshi with a mineral attribute attack.

Imagawa Records - Defeat Yoshimoto while under the effects of an attack speed power-up.

Horned Helm - Defeat Tadakatsu with a Musou Kaiden attack.

Nadeshiko Ribbon - Defeat Ina with a cyclone attribute attack.

Hatsuhana Teapot - Defeat Ieyasu with a killing blow attack.

Third Teacup - Defeat Mitsunari while the health gauge is still green.

Azai Ichimonji - Defeat Nagamasa with a killing blow attack.

Crested Haori - Defeat Sakon with a chain of 100 hits or more.

Cat Ema - Defeat Yoshihiro while under the effects of an attack power-up.

Dōsetsu's Helmet - Defeat Ginchiyo with a killing blow attack.

Naoe Scroll - Defeat Kanetsugu while the health gauge is still green.

Taikōki - Defeat Nene while under the effects of a mobility power-up.

Fūma Blood Seal - Defeat Kotarō while under the effects of a mobility power-up.

Five Rings - Defeat Musashi with a Musou Kaiden attack.

Ōtenta Mitsuyo - Defeat Toshiie while under the effects of Musou Gokui.

Ushimaru - Defeat Motochika with a frost attribute attack.

Konpeitō - Defeat Gracia while the health gauge is still green.

Kanemaki Mysteries - Defeat Kojirō with a Musou Kaiden attack.

Otogoze Teapot - Defeat Katsuie with an inferno attribute attack.

Single Shoulder Armor - Defeat Kiyomasa while under the effects of Musou Gokui.

Silver Helmet - Defeat Kanbei with a frost attribute attack.

Exquisite Censer - Defeat Muneshige while under the effects of a defense power-up.

Independence Hairpin - Defeat Kai with a killing blow attack.

Hōjō Seal - Defeat Ujiyasu while under the effects of Musou Gokui.

Kagami Mochi - Defeat Hanbei with a cyclone attribute attack.

One Heart Monument - Defeat Motonari with a chain of 100 hits or more.

Uesugi Records - Defeat Aya with a frost attribute attack.

Nihon-gō - Defeat Masanori while under the effects of Musou Gokui.

Hand towel - Defeat Takatora with a killing blow attack.

Blood Red Armor - Defeat Naotora with a cyclone attribute attack.

Tomes on Strategy - Defeat Munenori with a Musou Kaiden attack.

Sanada War Standard - Defeat Nobuyuki with a chain of 100 hits or more.

Paper Breastplate - Defeat Yoshitsugu with a chain of 100 hits or more.

Spider Teapot - Defeat Hisahide with an inferno attribute attack.

Sea Breeze - Defeat Kojūrō while under the effects of a defense power-up.

Catalog of Finery - Defeat Kagekatsu while under the effects of Musou Gokui.

Three Arrows - Defeat Takakage with a cyclone attribute attack.

Parasol - Defeat Koshōshō‎‎ with a flash attribute attack.

Crimson Vest - Defeat Toyohisa while under the effects of an attack power-up.

Gen'an's Principles - Defeat Hayakawa with a frost attribute attack.

es geht auch einfach

geht auf Battle Info dann auf all Officers drückt R1 oder L1 dann bei den officier mit Schatzkiste Dreieck drücken da wird es auch beschrieben

noch ein TIP !!!

es steht immer die prozentzahl dabei die könnt ihr einfach erhöhen wen ihr zuvor InterimSave macht bekommt ihr das item nicht verlasst denn kampf und ladet wieder die protzente erhöhen sich bis zu sieben was es etwas leichter macht

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


es geht auch einfach

geht auf Battle Info dann auf all Officers drückt R1 oder L1 dann bei den officier mit Schatzkiste Dreieck drücken da wird es auch beschrieben

noch ein TIP !!!

es steht immer die prozentzahl dabei die könnt ihr einfach erhöhen wen ihr zuvor InterimSave macht bekommt ihr das item nicht verlasst denn kampf und ladet wieder die protzente erhöhen sich bis zu sieben was es etwas leichter macht

Also ich soll bei jeden Offi der ne Schatzkiste hat also ca 4 Offi immer wieder Interim Save machen um dann denn Schatz zu bekommen :dozey:

wie lange soll ich das denn machen ?


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