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  1. Atelier Rorona Plus Trophy List
    Written by Primaclaire
    1. Complete - Obtained after getting all other trophies.
    2. Assignment 1 - Obtained after clearing the 1st assignment.
    3. Assignment 2 - Obtained after clearing the 2nd assignment.
    4. Assignment 3 - Obtained after clearing the 3rd assignment.
    5. Assignment 4 - Obtained after clearing the 4th assignment.
    6. Assignment 5 - Obtained after clearing the 5th assignment.
    7. Assignment 6 - Obtained after clearing the 6th assignment.
    8. Assignment 7 - Obtained after clearing the 7th assignment.
    9. Assignment 8 - Obtained after clearing the 8th assignment.
    10. Assignment 9 - Obtained after clearing the 9th assignment.
    11. Assignment 10 - Obtained after clearing the 10th assignment.
    12. Assignment 11 - Obtained after clearing the 11th assignment.
    13. Assignments Cleared! - Obtained after clearing the last assignment.
    14. Rorona's Workshop - Obtained after the event where the workshop is passed down to Rorona.
    15. The Puppet Show Begins - Obtained after the first Lionela event.
    16. The Wandering Bard - Obtained after the first Tantris event.
    17. The Ghost & The Teddy Bear - Obtained after the first Pamela event.
    18. Making Up - Obtained after the event where Rorona and Cordelia make up.
    19. Honorable Injury - Obtained after the event where Sterk gets injured.
    20. Busy Cafe - Obtained after the event where Rorona helps out Iksel.
    21. Puppet and a Girl - Obtained after the event where the puppet gets fixed.
    22. Duet - Obtained after the event where Rorona and Tantris play music together.
    23. Slicer - Obtained after the event where Gio slices up a monster.
    24. Hom and the Kitten - Obtained after the event with Hom and the Kitten.
    25. Drunken Tiffani - Obtained after the event with a drunken Tiffani.
    26. To the Lake - Obtained after the event where Rorona goes to the lake with everyone.
    27. True Ending - Obtained by seeing the True Ending image.
    28. Cordelia Ending - Obtained by seeing the Cordelia Ending image.
    29. Gio Ending - Obtained by seeing the Gio Ending image.
    30. Astrid - Obtained by seeing the Astrid Ending image.
    31. Good - Obtained by seeing the Good Ending image.
    32. Iksel - Obtained by seeing the Iksel Ending image.
    33. Sterk - Obtained by seeing the Sterk Ending image.
    34. Normal - Obtained by seeing the Normal Ending image.
    35. Lionela - Obtained by seeing the Lionela Ending image.
    36. Tantris - Obtained by seeing the Tantris Ending image.
    37. Pie Master Ending - Obtained by seeing the Pie Shop Ending image.
    38. Adventurer Ending - Obtained by seeing the Adventurer Ending image.
    39. Rich Ending - Obtained by seeing the Rich Ending image.
    40. Adventurer Lv. 50 - Obtained by reaching Adventurer Level 50.
    41. Alchemy Lv. 50 - Obtained by reaching Alchemy Level 50.
    42. The Cabbage Girl - Obtained by winning the Cabbage Festival contest.
    43. Martial Master - Obtained by winning the Martial Contest.
    44. Dragonbane - Obtained by defeating one of the dragons.
    45. Demon Hunter - Obtained by defeating a demon at Night's Domain.
    46. Destroyer - Obtained by defeating Iron Giant at Orthogalaxen.
    47. Alchemists from the Future - Obtained after meeting alchemists from the future.
    48. Endless Search for Marriage - Obtained after you help find Esty's love.
    49. Let's Meet Again! - Obtained after you send the two alchemists back to the future.
    50. Lord of the Demonkin - Obtained after you purify the demon lord.
    51. Emperor of the Deep - Obtained after you defeat the Ozean Kaise.
    52. Ancient Champion of the Sky - Obtained after you defeat the wyvern that rules the skies.
    53. Present from the Future - Obtained after you receive a gift from master from the future.
    54. Once More Unto The Lake - Obtained after going to the lake for a vacation with Esty
    Ich habe hier mal eine Auflistung der ARP Trophäen gefunden, leider ohne Bilder und Anzahl der verschiedenen Trophäen. Kann leider nicht zu 100% bestätigen das sie stimmt. Kann so einige aber bereits selbst bestätigen und auch bestätigen das sie nicht mit AR zu 100% übereinstimmt. Für den Anfang zumindest besser als nichts.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Super vielen Dank dafür, das gibt auf jeden Fall schon mal Ansatzpunkte. :smile:

Keine Vervollständigung der Itemliste, Monsterliste, keine 100% Ruf und 100 Freundschaft zu jedem sind doch schon mal nicht schlecht.

Mal kucken wie das mit den Bossen dann so aussieht.^^


Jupp. Habe sie heute auch erst gefunden. Habe den Ruf schon auf 100% und mich gewundert wieso es keine Trophy gab aber klar wenns keine gibt^^

Freundschaft muss trotzdem fix hoch, wegen der Flags, und steigt auch langsamer wie in Rorona, dafür fallen Kämpfe durch das überarbeitete System leichter


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