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Online Rang


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hiho, kann mir einer erklären wie das mit den online rängen geht?

wenn ich online spiele bekomm ich irgendwann ja quasi einen titel (unteroffizier..etc).

allerdings war es auch schon so, dass wenn ich mal 2-3 tage nicht gezockt habe ich wieder keinen rang mehr hatte???

wie is das bei euch?

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

so frage selber beantwortet:

How does the ranking system work?

First, we should note that we have received a lot of feedback about what people expect from a ranking system, and will likely introduce changes in a future patch. That said, here is an explanation of how the system currently works from our lead designer:

A player’s rank is calculated based on their average score over their last 10 games. As each match is completed the player’s score is automatically updated and their new rank is calculated. At preset ranking scores player’s acquire ranked titles, this starts at “Squire” for a ranking score of 500 points. Players ranking titles can go up or down, but as they are calculated over a 10 game average they should not rapidly fluctuate. Players are also protected by multiple systems, that will not save their score if they have not played for a preset % of the match, if their score is too low or if they are kicked or banned from the game. The top 7 rankings can also have a female form if the female voice is chosen from the Get Fabulous menu.

Rankings are awarded as follows:

  • Squire – 500-599
  • Private – 600-699
  • Corporal – 700-799
  • Sargeant – 800-899
  • Ensign – 900-999
  • Lieutenant – 1000-1249
  • Captain – 1250-1499
  • General – 1500-1749
  • Warlord – 1750-1999
  • Sir (Dame) – 2000-2249
  • Baron (Baroness) – 2250-2499
  • Earl (Countess) -2500-2999
  • Duke (Duchess) – 3000-3499
  • Lord (Lady) – 3500-3999
  • Prince (Princess) – 4000-4499
  • King (Queen) – 4500+
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