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FF X-2 vs International + Last Mission die Unterschiede auf ein Blick


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Hier ist ein Thread über die ganzen Änderungen um die kompletten Final Fantasy X-2 versionen.

Wegen der nachfrage hab ich es einfach mal gemacht.

Möglicherweise beinhaltet diese auflistung SPOILER

drum ist alles im Spoiler geklappt. Have Fun



06.) DIFFERENCES - G0600



This section will inform you of the differences that have been happening to

FFX-2 from its first Japan release up until its latest version, FFX-2 INT.

Extras pertaining to FFX-2 INT. are discussed more indepth in section 7.




1. Zanarkand Active Link, Story Level 1, Zanarkand: when confronted by Isaaru

at the place of Yunalesca battle in FFX, you must choose second option

presented to get Heart Reborn Result Plate

2. Celsius airship, beginning of Story Level 2: if you never went to Moonflow

in Story Level 1, you'll find Tobli in the hallway where three musicians

are; should you manage to push the lil bugger into the lift first, followed

by all 3 musicians, you're awarded with Cat Nip accessory

3. Bevelle, Via Infinito, Story Level 5: work your way to floor 40 of Via

Infinito dungeon, then waste Black Elemental in boss battle; after the

fight open the chest - among the loot you'll receive Enterprise accessory

4. Circle button is assigned as confirmation button, X button is assigned as

cancelation button.

5. One save slot requires 434 KB of free space.

6. When you go to Accessory submenu in the main menu, and choose Sort option,

the game doesn't have the 'cling' sound, while other three versions have


7. In the CGI movie on Thunder Plains in Story Level 4, when Yuna performs,

Yuna actually changes to Lenne and she sings alone.




1. 'Active Link' is renamed to 'Hot Spot'.

2. 'Result Plate' is renamed to 'Garment Grid'.

3. 'Story Level' is renamed to 'Chapter'.

4. Zanarkand Hot Spot, CH1, Zanarkand: when confronted by Isaaru at the place

of Yunalesca battle in FFX, you must choose fifth option presented to get

Heart Reborn GG

5. Celsius airship, beginning of CH2: if you never went to Moonflow in CH1,

you'll find Tobli in the hallway where three musicians are; should you

manage to push the lil bugger into the lift first, followed by all 3

musicians, you're awarded with Enterprise accessory

6. Bevelle, Via Infinito, CH5: work your way to floor 40 of Via Infinito

dungeon, then waste Black Elemental in boss battle; after the fight open

the chest - among the loot you'll receive Cat Nip accessory

7. Circle button is assigned as cancelation button, X button is assigned as

confirmation button.

8. One save slot requires 186 KB of free space.

9. Addition of 'Adjust screen location' command in Config window.

10. In the CGI movie on Thunder Plains in CH4, when Yuna performs, Yuna

changes to Lenne, however, they both appear on Celsius singing together.

The english version of the song is also different to the Japanese one as

it has two voices singing towards the end: Yuna's and Lenne's. They both

sing back to back on the ship.

11. 'Dress Up' command changed to 'Spherechange'.




1. This version of the game doesn't support 60Hz.

2. This version of the game isn't displayed full screen, instead you see two

black borders, one on top and one at bottom of your TV screen.

3. Some of main menu selections (especially changing GG or dresspheres

equipped) have been sped up.

4. When in battle, Dress Up screen comes up lightning fast, as opposed to slow

appearance in [NTSC-J] and [NTSC-U/C] versions.

5. Circle button is assigned as cancelation button, X button is assigned as

confirmation button.

6. Opening CGI has English subtitles.

7. One save slot requires 221 KB of free space.

8. 'Adjust screen location' command in Config window is present.

9. In the CGI movie on Thunder Plains in CH4, when Yuna performs, Yuna changes

to Lenne, however, they both appear on Celsius singing together. The

english version of the song is also different to the Japanese one as it has

two voices singing towards the end: Yuna's and Lenne's. They both sing back

to back on the ship.




1. 'Active Link' name is retained from the first japanese release.

2. 'Result Plate' name is retained from the first japanese release.

3. 'Story Level' name is retained from the first japanese release, however it

is only viewable on Navigation map and Save/Load screen. When you actually

complete a Story Level (or Chapter), game now states 'Chapter X Complete!'.

4. Zanarkand Hot Spot, CH1, Zanarkand: when confronted by Isaaru at the place

of Yunalesca battle in FFX, you must choose second option presented to get

Heart Reborn GG

5. Celsius airship, beginning of CH2: if you never went to Moonflow in CH1,

you'll find Tobli in the hallway where three musicians are; should you

manage to push the lil bugger into the lift first, followed by all 3

musicians, you're awarded with Enterprise accessory

6. Bevelle, Via Infinito, CH5: work your way to floor 40 of Via Infinito

dungeon, then waste Black Elemental in boss battle; after the fight open

the chest - among the loot you'll receive Cat Nip accessory

7. Circle button is assigned as confirmation button, X button is assigned as

cancelation button.

8. Cat Nip has undergone a severe beating.=) Hehehe. In all prior versions,

Cat Nip has following properties:

- when user's HP becomes critical (that is yellow HP), all of her actions

do 9999 damage, or 9999 healing

But in INT. version, Cat Nip's effects are the following:

- when user's HP becomes critical (that is yellow HP), all of her actions

do 9999 damage, or 9999 healing, HOWEVER, girl is also affected with SLOW

and BERSERK negative statuses

- there is NO WAY no negate berserk, but you can get rid of slow by having

Speed Bracer equipped (which grants Auto-Haste ability)

9. Some of main menu selections (especially changing GG or dresspheres

equipped) have been sped up.

10. When in battle, Dress Up screen comes up lightning fast, as opposed to

slow appearance in [NTSC-J] and [NTSC-U/C] versions.

11. One save slot requires 221 KB of free space.

12. 'Mission Start!' title (when a new mission is available) has been changed

to 'Mission Time!', like in NTSC-U/C and PAL versions.

13. The words 'Wait mode' and 'Active mode' have been replaced with 'Wait

Mode' and 'Active Mode'.

14. Graphical facial expressions have been altered during certain scenes in

the game (you can find some pictures in the Ultimania guide for FFX-2

International + Last Mission).

15. Changes in certain dialogue. For example when Leblanc called the Gullwings

'Dullwings' during Story Level 1, the japanese subtitle has been altered

to reflect this = the mention of 'bakame-dan' instead of 'kamome-dan'.

16. Close up shots of one of the three main characters during the victory

poses after battles - sadly it doesn't occur all the time.

17. The word 'MISS' during battles has now been highlighted in red to make it

more visible = prior versions had it in white.

18. Changes have been made to some of the monster's names, parameters and

attacks. Obviously I ain't gonna list them all, but I'll mention some:

- Trema now has Spellspring ability

- Cactus buddies know Supreme Bullet (Fireworks attack)

- all fiends now have immunity against itchy

19. Very slightly longer loading time to load up a game in I+LM compared to

original NTSC/J version, but you probably won't even notice it.

20. Somebody on FFX-2 Int. + LM GameFAQs board mentioned pseudo-Japanese

quotes in the game, lyonnie was kind enough to provide both the original

and translated version (please note that English translations are made by

lyonnie and may not be accurate]:

Yuna's battle quotes:

(i) Zenkai de ikuyo (Let's give it our all)

(ii) Yuuna, mairimasu (Yuna's here)

(iii) Oshimai (The end)

(iv) Korede sayonara (This is the end for you)

Rikku's battle quotes:

(i) Konou (Grrrr!)

(ii) Yossha! (Alright!)

(iii) Choi choi tte kanji (Feeling good!)

(iv) Wasshooi! (Whoosh!)

Paine's battle quotes:

(i) Shimete yaru (I'm going to get you)

(ii) Jyaana (Bye!)

(iii) Sayonara (Goodbye)

(iv) Sore! (Take this!)

Please note that some battle quotes occur at the beginning of battle,

while some are triggered when an action takes place during battles.

21. Slight changes to the save data icons (subtle color and orientation

changes to the moogle and sabotenda [cactuar] icons).

22. Additional Sphere Break players.

23. 'Adjust screen location' command in Config window is present.

24. Dressphere screen changed to accomodate addition of two new dresspheres.

25. In the CGI movie on Thunder Plains in CH4, when Yuna performs, Yuna

changes to Lenne, however, they both appear on Celsius singing together.

The english version of the song is also different to the primary Japanese

one as it has two voices singing towards the end: Yuna's and Lenne's. They

both sing back to back on the ship.

26. Another difference is that the properties of many enemy attacks have

changed, the most significant of which is that some use MP in I+LM, while

in the NTSC-J, NTSC-U/C, or PAL version, they did not use up MP.

27. Many monsters in the Coliseum are more powerful and have new or different

attacks or stats. Of course, they also added some new enemies. Here's the

list of these enemies.


Iron Giant (Coliseum) | White Fang (Coliseum) | Zalamander (Coliseum)

Stalwart (Coliseum) | Shell Shocker (Coliseum)| Guardian Beast (Coliseum)

Haizhe (Coliseum) | Deep Haizhe (Coliseum) | Hrimthurs (Coliseum)

Protochimera (Coliseum) | Chocobo Eater (Coliseum)| YSLS-99 (Coliseum)

Battlesnake (Coliseum) | Barbuta (Coliseum) | Vertigo (Coliseum)

Adamantoise (Coliseum) | Aquila (Coliseum) | Barong (Coliseum)

Tentacles (Coliseum) | Balivarha (Coliseum) | Spine Drake (Coliseum)

Chocobo (Coliseum A) | Chocobo (Coliseum B) | Cactuar (Coliseum)

Garik Ronso (Coliseum) | Elma (Coliseum) | Yaibal (Coliseum)

Lucil (Coliseum) | Kimahri | Lulu

Baralai (Coliseum) | Nooj (Coliseum) | Gippal (Coliseum)

Brother | Buddy | Goon Red

Goon Black | Goon Purple | Strongest Shinra

Seymour | ???? (Tidus) | Auron

Unum | Duo | Tria

Quartum | Valefor (Coliseum) | Ifrit (Coliseum)

Ixion (Coliseum) | Bahamut (Coliseum) | Trema (Coliseum)


28. 'Dress Up' command from first japanese release retained 'Dress Up'.

29. Dressphere collection submenu has been changed to make space for two

additional dresspheres you can score in this version.



07.) EXTRAS - G0700



Here, I'll list all of the extras that have been added to FFX-2 INT.




1. Two new dresspheres have been added to the game. They are:


You can obtain this dressphere *very* easily. Once you're aboard Celsius for

the first time, Shinra will report that he completed another 'thing'. So

talk to him and choose the first option presented. After short tutorial you

will see more options. Choose the sixth one to go to Battle Cup mode.

Now choose the first cup - YRP are pitted against seven rosters of fiends in

elimination duels. To become a champ, you need to win three battles. As this

is the first cup, it's fairly easy, so winning shouldn't pose a problem.

When you win, SAIKIKKA DSP is yours!


Getting this one is even easier than Saikikka. When you start New Game or

New Game Plus, complete the first mission in Luca. As soon as you're onboard

Celsius on the bridge, go to the pilot's seat and talk to Aniki. He'll stand

up, say a few lines and award you with OMATSURISHI DSP!

2. If you desire to know how the two dresspheres look like, here are some

interesting link/s for you to check out:


3. In case you wish to know information about two new dresspheres themselves,

like abilities that are at your disposal, I invite you to check out this

document I've written:





1. Four new RP/GG have been added to the game. Unfortunately for this update

I'm missing the information on three RP/GG, but will remedy that in next



Red gate: Spellspring (0 MP cost)

Green gate: Critical (ALL physical attacks deal critical damage)

Yellow gate: Magic Booster (spells are 50% stronger, but MP cost is doubled)

Blue gate: Break Damage Limit (damage maximum is 99999 damage per hit)

All gates: Hidden Hero Medicine (new command is added to Main Command window

and allows user infinite use of Hero Drinks)

OBTAIN HOW? CH1, 2, 3, 4, 5, unlock Strongest Shinra in Creature Dictionary


Equip: Itchproof

Red gate: Poisonproof, Sleepproof (Health Preserver)

Green gate: Stoneproof, Deathproof (Life Preserver)

Yellow gate: Confuseproof, Berserkproof (Sanity Preserver)

Blue gate: Silenceproof, Darkproof (Sense Preserver)

All gates: Ribbon (user cannot be affected by: petrification, sleep, doom,

silence, darkness, poison, confusion, berserk, curse,

pointless, itchy, slow, stop)

OBTAIN HOW? CH1, 2, 3, 4, 5, on the airship, beat Large Cup Hard once


Equip: Pointlessproof

All gates: Triple AP (amount of AP user gains is tripled)

OBTAIN HOW? CH1, 2, 3, 4, 5, on the airship, beat Regular Cup 3 times


Red gate: Critical (ALL physical attacks deal critical damage)

Green gate: Magic Booster (spells are 50% stronger, but MP cost is doubled)

Yellow gate: Break Damage Limit (damage maximum is 99999 damage per hit)

Blue gate: Auto-Haste (user is always in haste status)

OBTAIN HOW? CH1, 2, 3, 4, 5, on the airship, beat Aeon Cup 3 times




1. There are three options in the main menu:




2. When you select 'INTERNATIONAL' option, you're presented to three (or four,

depending on circumstances) more:

- top one allows you to start a new game

- middle one allows you to continue playing the game using previously saved

file from INT. version

- bottom one allows you to continue playing the game by importing the save

from initial japanese FFX-2 game* (released 13th March 2003)

- finally, if you perform soft reset while playing a file which has been

completed at least once, New Game Plus option will appear above 'New

Game' option

* note: only importing the saves from THAT version will work!!! You cannot

play INT. version by trying to import saves from [PAL] or [NTSC-U/C]


Everything you've acquired in that FFX-2 save will carry over into

INT. game, allowing you to continue from the very same spot.

3. If you're wondering about 'LAST MISSION', please look into subsection G.

4. Choosing 'FFVII: ADVENT CHILDREN' will allow you to view a trailer from

the movie Square Enix is planning as a sequel to FFVII.






3. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY to adjust the game, so that you would have say

English subtitles, but Japanese voice acting.




Two new commands have been added to Triangle menu, as well as some other nifty


1. The dresspheres girls have equipped are now reflected in the menu by their

portraits. So if you put lady luck dressphere on Yuna, her portrait will be

different than were you to put samurai dressphere on her.


For now I'll call it 'A.I. character abilities'. Picking this will lead you

to next three options, explained below:

- first option lets you choose an item to 'feed' to that character, to

increase stats or learn a command/auto-ability*

- second option lets you chose an accessory to 'feed' to that character*

- third option lets you delete a character's command/auto-ability, but note

that some cannot be deleted

* note: below the item/accessories list is the amount you need. For example,

you need 48 Potions to increase the character's HP by 3... and so on.

Also, note that A.I characters can equip RP/GG, dresspheres and accessories

as well, though they do not change outfits like YRP. RP/GG give these

characters extra abilities, for example, Ray of Hope RP/GG allows enemies

to drop only rare items. This could be considered the best ability in the

game, for you can get 20 Iron Dukes in one battle with Mayor Numerus.

Dresspheres basically dictate the increase in command/auto-abilities and

stats they might have. For example, equipping mascot gives that character

the Ribbon auto-ability.


For Party configuration, it allows you to chose a party. Every recruitable

character/fiend has a 'size', that is S, M or L. Take S=1, M=2, L=3, you

can only setup a party that doesn't exceed 3, that is 3x 'S' or 1x 'L',

but not 1x 'L' + 1x 'S'. Almost every human is 'S' size (except one who's

'M' sized). You can have a maximum of 11 party members, regardless of their

size. You can change party members at any time, anywhere.




For starters, check out these two guides:



I'll only make a short recap on what Creature Create is (thanks to Kouli)

1. CREATURE CREATE system allows you to capture practically all fiends in

Spira and use them in battle, along with NPCs in the game, like Yaibal,

Lucil, Elma, Nooj, Baralai, Gippal, Trema...

You'd also be surprised to know that some of original FFX cast can be yours

to command: Tidus, Auron, Lulu, Kimahri, Seymour, as well as Aniki/Brother,

Dachi/Buddy, and Strongest Shinra (nope, this is not the normal Shinra,

this is another version of him).

The Creature Create system alone is pretty much worth it. Very fun and

addictive. You capture fiends using different sized items called Pods, then

it's your job to level up creatures and see their Episode Completes. Fiends

you capture, or rather the % of fiends captured, is also shown. When you

EPCOM a fiend, you have the opportunity to release it and view a special

scene - some of them are hilarious, while some are needed to get access to

new fiends for capturing.

There are 184 fiends to be captured in the Creature Create mode.

Once you complete 100% of all fiends, and you view Shinra's ending, you're

presented with an option of creating New Game Plus data.

2. BATTLE TOURNAMENT is the place where you can train your creatures or level

them up in order to gain Story Levels and possible Episode Completes for

them. There's 10 different tournaments, which allow you to fight lot of

fiends and NPCs. Needless to say, Trema and Paragon are among them. The

final boss of Last Mission also appears in one of Battle cups - its name is


Figting in Battle Cups is the only way to get Tidus, Auron, Seymour and

Strongest Shinra to join your party.

3. For any other information please refer to two guides I linked to above.

This document lists differences and extras, not detailed information on the

two features.




Thanks to Kouli once again for providing the information.

1. LAST MISSION! This is a final mission for the 3 girls, to a 80 floor tall

dungeon. I'm told that playing style is similar to that of Chocobo Dungeon

game - in any case, the playing style is NOTHING like what you experienced

when playing the regular game.

There's a boss on 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th, followed by a cutscene. All of

these cutscenes and the final scene on top of the tower are supposed to

illustrate the idea of FFX-3.

Characters available for this mission are Yuna, Rikku, Paine ONLY. You can

only use one girl at a time.

Yes, you figured it out, Tidus is mentioned, as how Yuna and him have lived

at Besaid Island now. However, the scene in Last Mission depends on the

saved file you load in before you start Last Mission. So there are

variations, like Yuna being alone (if you started Last Mission from scratch

or have loaded a savegame where you have not yet completed the game), or

seeing Inami (the name of Wakka's and Lulu's son in japanese version of

FFX-2) grown tooth, and so on.

2. Again, Last Mission is ENTIRELY IN JAPANESE!

3. When you select 'Last Mission' from starting menu, choose between:

NEW GAME: allows you to start a new game, but with a few very distinctive

possibilities; when you select it, more options appear

- first choice allows you to load a save from INT. version of

FFX-2 (preferably choose a save with 100% and perfect ending


- second choice allows you to load a save from initial japanese

version of FFX-2 (preferably choose a save with 100% and

perfect ending achieved)

- third choice will skip straight to the beginning of the Last

Mission without prompting you to load a save from FFX-2)

LOAD: allows you to continue playing previously saved Last Mission save

Saving in Last Mission is possible on each 5th floor or when in possession

of a special item.

4. After getting a Clear Data save of Last Mission on your memory card, you

get 2 choices when going to the right option to watch the FFVII Advent

Children Trailer:

- The first one shows the trailer itself

- The second one shows the cinematic ending of Last Mission (be advised,

this is NOT the real ending, it is the one with the 'Kimi e' song and all

those old FFX & FFX-2 recollection shots)

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