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Wie viele DLC's habt Ihr beendet?  

57 Stimmen

  1. 1. Wie viele DLC's habt Ihr beendet?

Durchschnittsbewertung: 29.03

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#322 - Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye

#323 - Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye

  1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Da Vincis Verschwinden [PS3]
  2. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Figuren-Pack [PS3]
  3. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Karten-Pack [PS3]
  4. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Das verlorene Archiv [PS3]
  5. Assassin's Creed III - Die Kampferprobten [PS3]
  6. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 1: Die Schande [PS3]
  7. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 2: Der Verrat [PS3]
  8. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 3: Die Vergeltung [PS3]
  9. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Blackbeard's Zorn [PS4]
  10. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Schrei nach Freiheit [PS4]
  11. Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings [PS4]
  12. Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper [PS4]
  13. Astro's Playroom - Astro's Playroom [ADD-ON] [PS5]
  14. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS3]
  15. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS4]
  16. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS3]
  17. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS4]
  18. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS3]
  19. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS4]
  20. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS3]
  21. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS4]
  22. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS3]
  23. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS4]
  24. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS3]
  25. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS4]
  26. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS3]
  27. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS4]
  28. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS3]
  29. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS4]
  30. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Glatteis und 'Der Unterhändler' [PS3]
  31. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - 'Der Panzer' und Notaus [PS3]
  32. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Arktisaufklärung [PS3]
  33. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Vertigo [PS3]
  34. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Expresslieferung und Feuer frei [PS3]
  35. Concrete Genie - VR-Trophäen [PS4]
  36. Control - Das Fundament [PS4]
  37. Control - Gewandelte Weltereignisse [PS4]
  38. Crash Bandicoot - Lost Treasures [PS4]
  39. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped - Future Tense [PS4]
  40. Crysis 3 - Die verlorene Insel [PS3]
  41. Deus Ex Human Revolution - The Missing Link [PS3]
  42. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Systemspaltung [PS4]
  43. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Ebene 4 [PS4]
  44. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Picus [PS4]
  45. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Eine kriminelle Vergangenheit [PS4]
  46. Driveclub - Tour [PS4]
  47. Driveclub - Ignition [PS4]
  48. Driveclub - Photo-Finish [PS4]
  49. Driveclub - Redline [PS4]
  50. Driveclub - Elements [PS4]
  51. Driveclub - Apex [PS4]
  52. Driveclub - Sakura [PS4]
  53. Driveclub - Downforce [PS4]
  54. Driveclub - Midnight [PS4]
  55. Driveclub - Lamborghini [PS4]
  56. Driveclub - Pacesetter [PS4]
  57. Driveclub - Turbocharged [PS4]
  58. Driveclub - Evolution [PS4]
  59. Driveclub - Lamborghini Icons [PS4]
  60. Driveclub - Torque [PS4]
  61. Driveclub - RPM [PS4]
  62. Driveclub - Velocity [PS4]
  63. Driveclub - Horsepower [PS4]
  64. Driveclub - Unite in Speed [PS4]
  65. Driveclub - All Stars [PS4]
  66. Driveclub - AMG [PS4]
  67. Driveclub Bikes - EBR [PS4]
  68. Driveclub Bikes - Suzuki [PS4]
  69. Driveclub Bikes - No Limits [PS4]
  70. Driveclub Bikes - MV Agusta [PS4]
  71. Driveclub Bikes - Finish Line [PS4]
  72. Escape Plan - Die Anstalt [PSV]
  73. Escape Plan - Der Untergrund [PSV]
  74. Escape Plan - Director's Cut [PSV]
  75. Fallout 4 - Automatron [PS4]
  76. Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop [PS4]
  77. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor [PS4]
  78. Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop [PS4]
  79. Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop [PS4]
  80. Fallout 4 - Nuka World [PS4]
  81. Far Cry 5 - Düstere Stunden [PS4]
  82. Far Cry 5 - Lost on Mars [PS4]
  83. Far Cry 5 - Dead Living Zombies [PS4]
  84. Far Cry 5 - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  85. FIFA 12 - UEFA EURO 2012 [PS3]
  86. Firewatch - Audio Tour [PS4]
  87. FlOw - FlOw [PS4]
  88. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Lost and Damned [PS3]
  89. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony [PS3]
  90. Grand Theft Auto V - Heists [PS3]
  91. Gravity Rush - Dienstmädchen-Paket [PSV]
  92. Gravity Rush - Spion-Paket [PSV]
  93. Gravity Rush - Spezialeinheiten-Paket [PSV]
  94. Hitman - Paris [PS4]
  95. Hitman - Sapienza [PS4]
  96. Hitman - Marrakesh [PS4]
  97. Hitman - The Icon & A House Built on Sand [PS4]
  98. Hitman - Bangkok [PS4]
  99. Hitman - Colorado [PS4]

  100. Hitman - Hokkaido [PS4]

  101. Hitman - Landslide [PS4]

  102. Hitman 2 - Hawke's Bay [PS4]
  103. Hitman 2 - Miami [PS4]
  104. Hitman 2 - Santa Fortuna [PS4]

  105. Hitman 2 - Mumbai [PS4]

  106. Hitman 2 - Whittleton Creek [PS4]

  107. Hitman 2 - Isle of Sgàil [PS4]

  108. Hitman 2 - Himmelstein [PS4]

  109. Hitman 2 - Legacy Paris [PS4]
  110. Hitman 2 - Legacy Sapienza [PS4]
  111. Hitman 2 - Legacy Marrakesh [PS4]
  112. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bonus Missions [PS4]
  113. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bangkok [PS4]
  114. Hitman 2 - Legacy Colorado [PS4]
  115. Hitman 2 - Legacy Hokkaido [PS4]
  116. Hitman 2 - Singapore [PS4]
  117. Hitman 2 - New York [PS4]
  118. Hitman 2 - Siberia [PS4]
  119. Hitman 2 - Haven Island [PS4]
  120. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 Expansion [PS5]
  121. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 [PS5]
  122. Hitman 3 - Hitman [PS5]
  123. Horizon Zero Dawn - Neues Spiel+ [PS4]
  124. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Quests [PS4]
  125. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Taten [PS4]
  126. Just Cause 3 - Himmelsfestung [PS4]

  127. Just Cause 3 - Mech Land Assault [PS4]

  128. Just Cause 3 - Bavarium Seeräuber [PS4]

  129. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS3]

  130. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS4]

  131. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS3]

  132. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS4]

  133. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS3]

  134. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS4]

  135. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS3]

  136. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS4]

  137. L.A. Noire - Neue Sammlungen [PS4]

  138. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Dark Knight [PS4]
  139. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Batman 75. Jubiläum [PS4]
  140. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Man of Steel [PS4]
  141. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Arrow [PS4]
  142. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Bizarro [PS4]
  143. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - The Squad [PS4]
  144. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Die Meister des Bösen [PS4]
  145. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Captain Marvel [PS4]
  146. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Ant-Man [PS4]
  147. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Black Panther [PS4]
  148. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Doktor Strange [PS4]
  149. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [PS4]
  150. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - The Phantom Limb [PS4]
  151. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Poes Kampf ums Überleben [PS4]
  152. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Erste Ordnung Belagerung auf Takodana [PS4]
  153. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Flucht von Starkiller-Basis [PS4]
  154. LittleBigPlanet - Metal Gear Solid Pack [PS3]
  155. LittleBigPlanet - Pirates of the Caribbean Pack [PS3]
  156. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Move Pack [PS3]
  157. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Das Muppet Premium Level Pack [PS3]
  158. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Cross-Controller Pack [PS3]
  159. LittleBigPlanet 2 - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PS3]
  160. LittleBigPlanet 3 - Die Heimreise [PS4]
  161. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Avengers Ultimative Flucht [PSV]
  162. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Hero Rush [PSV]
  163. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - S.H.I.E.L.D. - Interceptor [PSV]
  164. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PSV]
  165. Little Nightmares - Die Tiefen [PS4]
  166. Little Nightmares - Der Unterschlupf [PS4]
  167. Little Nightmares - Das Wohnhaus [PS4]
  168. Mafia II - Jimmy's Vendetta [PS3]
  169. Mafia II - Joe's Adventures [PS3]
  170. Mafia III - Schneller, Baby! [PS4]
  171. Mafia III - Offene Rechnungen [PS4]
  172. Mafia III - Zeichen der Zeit [PS4]
  173. Max Payne 3 - Lokale Gerechtigkeit [PS3]
  174. Max Payne 3 - Geiselbefreiung [PS3]
  175. Max Payne 3 - Schmerzhafte Erinnerungen [PS3]
  176. Max Payne 3 - Himmlisches Deathmatch [PS3]
  177. Mirror's Edge - Time Trials Pure [PS3]
  178. Moving Out - Movers in Paradise [PS4]
  179. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Supersportwagen [PS3]
  180. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Bewaffnet und Gefährlich [PS3]
  181. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Lamborghini Ungezähmt [PS3]
  182. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Porsche Entfesselt [PS3]
  183. Need for Speed - Lebendiges Spiel [PS4]
  184. Need for Speed - Prestige und Speedlists [PS4]
  185. Never Alone - Foxtales [PS4]
  186. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  187. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  188. Payday The Heist - Wolfpack [PS3]
  189. Payday 2 - Infamy 2.0 [PS4]
  190. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Ninja-Pack [PS4]
  191. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Rittertum-Pack [PS4]
  192. Payday 2 - Die Point-Break-Überfälle [PS4]
  193. Payday 2 - Der Alesso-Raub [PS4]
  194. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Western-Pack [PS4]
  195. Payday 2 - Das BBQ-Pack der Schlächterin [PS4]
  196. Payday 2 - Überfall auf das Golden Grin [PS4]
  197. Payday 2 - Goat-Simulator-Überfälle [PS4]
  198. Payday 2 - Wolf Pack [PS4]
  199. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Mod-Pack [PS4]
  200. Payday 2 - Hardcore Henry Packs [PS4]
  201. Payday 2 - Biker Heist [PS4]
  202. Payday 2 - Seasonal [PS4]
  203. Payday 2 - Gage Spec Ops Pack [PS4]
  204. Payday 2 - Scarface Pack [PS4]
  205. Payday 2 - John Wick Heists [PS4]
  206. Payday 2 - Gage Russian Weapon Pack [PS4]
  207. Payday 2 - Klassisch [PS4]
  208. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Furchtlos [PSV]
  209. Prince of Persia - Epilog [PS3]
  210. Read Dead Redemption - Outlaws bis zum Schluss [PS3]
  211. Read Dead Redemption - Legenden und Schurken [PS3]
  212. Read Dead Redemption - Lügner und Betrüger [PS3]
  213. Read Dead Redemption - Alptraum der lebenden Toten [PS3]
  214. Ride 3 - Sport Bikes Pack [PS4]
  215. Ride 3 - BMW R 1200 GS Pack [PS4]
  216. Ride 3 - Italy Pack [PS4]
  217. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 1 [PS4]
  218. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 2 [PS4]
  219. Ride 3 - The World of Customizers [PS4]
  220. Ride 3 - 2-Strokes Pack [PS4]
  221. Ride 3 - Top Performance Pack [PS4]
  222. Ride 3 - Japan Pack [PS4]
  223. Ride 3 - Limited Models Pack [PS4]
  224. Ride 3 - Naked Bikes Pack [PS4]
  225. Ride 3 - Racing Pack [PS4]
  226. Ride 3 - Back to Basic Pack [PS4]
  227. Ride 3 - Street Racing Pack [PS4]
  228. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Ausdauer [PS4]
  229. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Baba Yaga [PS4]
  230. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Kalte Finsternis [PS4]
  231. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Croft-Anwesen [PS4]
  232. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Koop-Ausdauer [PS4]
  233. Rocket League - Utopia Coliseum [PS4]
  234. Rocket League - Supersonic Fury [PS4]
  235. Rocket League - Die Rache der Battle-Cars [PS4]
  236. Rocket League - Chaos Run [PS4]
  237. Rocket League - Neo Tokyo [PS4]
  238. Rocket League - AquaDome [PS4]
  239. Rocket League - Dropshot [PS4]
  240. Rocket League - Champions Field [PS4]
  241. Rocket League - Klub-Update [PS4]
  242. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Die Schmiede [PS4]
  243. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Pfeiler [PS4]
  244. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Albtraum [PS4]
  245. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Preis des Überlebens [PS4]
  246. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Das Herz der Schlange [PS4]
  247. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der große Kaiman [PS4]
  248. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Weg nach Hause [PS4]
  249. Sleeping Dogs - Albtraum in North Point [PS3]
  250. Sleeping Dogs - Das Jahr der Schlange [PS3]
  251. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS3]
  252. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS4]
  253. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PSV]
  254. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS3]
  255. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS4]
  256. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PSV]
  257. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS3]
  258. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS4]
  259. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PSV]
  260. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS3]
  261. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS4]
  262. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PSV]
  263. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS3]
  264. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS4]
  265. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PSV]
  266. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS3]
  267. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS4]
  268. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PSV]
  269. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS3]
  270. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS4]
  271. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PSV]
  272. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS3]
  273. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS4]
  274. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PSV]
  275. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS3]
  276. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS4]
  277. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PSV]
  278. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS3]
  279. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS4]
  280. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PSV]
  281. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS3]
  282. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS4]
  283. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PSV]
  284. Spider-Man - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  285. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Der Raubüberfall [PS4]
  286. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Revierkämpfe [PS4]
  287. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Silver Lining [PS4]
  288. Table Top Racing World Tour - Tropical Ice Pack [PS4]
  289. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS3]
  290. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS4]
  291. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS3]
  292. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS4]
  293. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS3]
  294. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS4]
  295. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS3]
  296. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS4]
  297. The Last of Us Part II - Modus "Erbarmungslos" [PS4]
  298. The Outer Worlds - Peril on Gorgon [PS4]
  299. The Outer Worlds - Murder on Eridanos [PS4]
  300. The Walking Dead - 400 Tage [PSV]
  301. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 2 [PSV]
  302. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 3 [PSV]
  303. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 4 [PSV]
  304. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 5 [PSV]
  305. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone [PS4]
  306. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Blood & Wine [PS4]
  307. Uncharted Drakes Schicksal - Extended Collection [PS4]
  308. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Drakes Schicksal [PS3]
  309. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Siege Expansion Pack [PS3]
  310. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Extended Collection [PS4]
  311. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 1 [PS3]
  312. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Fort-Kooperativ [PS3]
  313. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 2 [PS3]
  314. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Schatten [PS3]
  315. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - U3-Karten [PS3]
  316. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Extended Collection [PS4]
  317. Uncharted 4 A Thief's End - Überleben [PS4]
  318. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Among Thieves [PSV]
  319. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Drake's Deception [PSV]
  320. Watch Dogs - Bad Blood [PS4]
  321. Watch Dogs 2 - Menschliche Bedingungen [PS4]
  322. Watch Dogs 2 - Keine Kompromisse [PS4]
  323. Watch Dogs 2 - Showd0wn [PS4]
- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Ich habe bei mir auch mal nachgeguckt... ganz schön mickrig (16):


100% DLCs:

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - Supersportwagenpaket
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - Porsche & Lamborghini-Pack
Call of Duty: Black Ops - First Strike
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Escalation
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Rezurrection
Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill
Battlefield 3: Aftermath
Battlefield 3: End Game
Battlefield 4: China Rising
Battlefield 4: Second Assault
Battlefield 4: Naval Strike
Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth
Battlefield 4: Final Stand
Grand Theft Auto Online: Heists


Hier meine abgeschlossenen DLC's:


1. Borderlands: Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (PS3)

2. The Walking Dead: 400 Days

3. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds - Quests

4. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds - Feats

5. Borderlands: Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (PS4)

6. Worms Battlegrounds: Alien Invasion

7. - 20. Ride 3: Die ganzen DLC Packs

21. Far Cry 4: Valley of the Yetis

22. - 30. Rocket League: Alle DLC Packs

31. - 38. Burnout Paradise Remastered: Alle DLC Packs

39. Metro Exodus: New Game +

40. Metro Exodus: The Two Colonels

41. Metro Exodus: Sam's Story

42. Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones

43. Assassin's Creed Origins: Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt

44. Assassin's Creed Origins: The Curse of the Pharaohs

45. Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Additional Feats

46. - 48. Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade Episode I-III

49. - 51. Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Fate of Atlantis Episode I-III

52. AO - International Tennis: Additional Trophies

53. Bioshock: Challenge Room

54. Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den

55. Goat Simulator: GoatMMO

56. Goat Simulator: GoatZ

57. Goat Simulator: Payday

58. Goat Simulator: Waste of Space

59. Maneater: Truth Quest

60. Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids

61. Dead Island: Bloodbath Arena

62. Remnant: From the Ashes: Subject 2923

63. - 65.  Marvel's Spider-Man: Die Stadt die niemals schläft Episode I-III


Joa, 65 also aktuell

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


#324 - Returnal - Ascension

  1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Da Vincis Verschwinden [PS3]
  2. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Figuren-Pack [PS3]
  3. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Karten-Pack [PS3]
  4. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Das verlorene Archiv [PS3]
  5. Assassin's Creed III - Die Kampferprobten [PS3]
  6. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 1: Die Schande [PS3]
  7. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 2: Der Verrat [PS3]
  8. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 3: Die Vergeltung [PS3]
  9. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Blackbeard's Zorn [PS4]
  10. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Schrei nach Freiheit [PS4]
  11. Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings [PS4]
  12. Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper [PS4]
  13. Astro's Playroom - Astro's Playroom [ADD-ON] [PS5]
  14. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS3]
  15. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS4]
  16. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS3]
  17. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS4]
  18. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS3]
  19. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS4]
  20. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS3]
  21. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS4]
  22. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS3]
  23. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS4]
  24. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS3]
  25. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS4]
  26. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS3]
  27. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS4]
  28. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS3]
  29. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS4]
  30. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Glatteis und 'Der Unterhändler' [PS3]
  31. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - 'Der Panzer' und Notaus [PS3]
  32. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Arktisaufklärung [PS3]
  33. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Vertigo [PS3]
  34. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Expresslieferung und Feuer frei [PS3]
  35. Concrete Genie - VR-Trophäen [PS4]
  36. Control - Das Fundament [PS4]
  37. Control - Gewandelte Weltereignisse [PS4]
  38. Crash Bandicoot - Lost Treasures [PS4]
  39. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped - Future Tense [PS4]
  40. Crysis 3 - Die verlorene Insel [PS3]
  41. Deus Ex Human Revolution - The Missing Link [PS3]
  42. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Systemspaltung [PS4]
  43. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Ebene 4 [PS4]
  44. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Picus [PS4]
  45. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Eine kriminelle Vergangenheit [PS4]
  46. Driveclub - Tour [PS4]
  47. Driveclub - Ignition [PS4]
  48. Driveclub - Photo-Finish [PS4]
  49. Driveclub - Redline [PS4]
  50. Driveclub - Elements [PS4]
  51. Driveclub - Apex [PS4]
  52. Driveclub - Sakura [PS4]
  53. Driveclub - Downforce [PS4]
  54. Driveclub - Midnight [PS4]
  55. Driveclub - Lamborghini [PS4]
  56. Driveclub - Pacesetter [PS4]
  57. Driveclub - Turbocharged [PS4]
  58. Driveclub - Evolution [PS4]
  59. Driveclub - Lamborghini Icons [PS4]
  60. Driveclub - Torque [PS4]
  61. Driveclub - RPM [PS4]
  62. Driveclub - Velocity [PS4]
  63. Driveclub - Horsepower [PS4]
  64. Driveclub - Unite in Speed [PS4]
  65. Driveclub - All Stars [PS4]
  66. Driveclub - AMG [PS4]
  67. Driveclub Bikes - EBR [PS4]
  68. Driveclub Bikes - Suzuki [PS4]
  69. Driveclub Bikes - No Limits [PS4]
  70. Driveclub Bikes - MV Agusta [PS4]
  71. Driveclub Bikes - Finish Line [PS4]
  72. Escape Plan - Die Anstalt [PSV]
  73. Escape Plan - Der Untergrund [PSV]
  74. Escape Plan - Director's Cut [PSV]
  75. Fallout 4 - Automatron [PS4]
  76. Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop [PS4]
  77. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor [PS4]
  78. Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop [PS4]
  79. Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop [PS4]
  80. Fallout 4 - Nuka World [PS4]
  81. Far Cry 5 - Düstere Stunden [PS4]
  82. Far Cry 5 - Lost on Mars [PS4]
  83. Far Cry 5 - Dead Living Zombies [PS4]
  84. Far Cry 5 - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  85. FIFA 12 - UEFA EURO 2012 [PS3]
  86. Firewatch - Audio Tour [PS4]
  87. FlOw - FlOw [PS4]
  88. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Lost and Damned [PS3]
  89. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony [PS3]
  90. Grand Theft Auto V - Heists [PS3]
  91. Gravity Rush - Dienstmädchen-Paket [PSV]
  92. Gravity Rush - Spion-Paket [PSV]
  93. Gravity Rush - Spezialeinheiten-Paket [PSV]
  94. Hitman - Paris [PS4]
  95. Hitman - Sapienza [PS4]
  96. Hitman - Marrakesh [PS4]
  97. Hitman - The Icon & A House Built on Sand [PS4]
  98. Hitman - Bangkok [PS4]
  99. Hitman - Colorado [PS4]

  100. Hitman - Hokkaido [PS4]

  101. Hitman - Landslide [PS4]

  102. Hitman 2 - Hawke's Bay [PS4]
  103. Hitman 2 - Miami [PS4]
  104. Hitman 2 - Santa Fortuna [PS4]

  105. Hitman 2 - Mumbai [PS4]

  106. Hitman 2 - Whittleton Creek [PS4]

  107. Hitman 2 - Isle of Sgàil [PS4]

  108. Hitman 2 - Himmelstein [PS4]

  109. Hitman 2 - Legacy Paris [PS4]
  110. Hitman 2 - Legacy Sapienza [PS4]
  111. Hitman 2 - Legacy Marrakesh [PS4]
  112. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bonus Missions [PS4]
  113. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bangkok [PS4]
  114. Hitman 2 - Legacy Colorado [PS4]
  115. Hitman 2 - Legacy Hokkaido [PS4]
  116. Hitman 2 - Singapore [PS4]
  117. Hitman 2 - New York [PS4]
  118. Hitman 2 - Siberia [PS4]
  119. Hitman 2 - Haven Island [PS4]
  120. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 Expansion [PS5]
  121. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 [PS5]
  122. Hitman 3 - Hitman [PS5]
  123. Horizon Zero Dawn - Neues Spiel+ [PS4]
  124. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Quests [PS4]
  125. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Taten [PS4]
  126. Just Cause 3 - Himmelsfestung [PS4]

  127. Just Cause 3 - Mech Land Assault [PS4]

  128. Just Cause 3 - Bavarium Seeräuber [PS4]

  129. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS3]

  130. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS4]

  131. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS3]

  132. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS4]

  133. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS3]

  134. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS4]

  135. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS3]

  136. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS4]

  137. L.A. Noire - Neue Sammlungen [PS4]

  138. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Dark Knight [PS4]
  139. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Batman 75. Jubiläum [PS4]
  140. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Man of Steel [PS4]
  141. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Arrow [PS4]
  142. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Bizarro [PS4]
  143. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - The Squad [PS4]
  144. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Die Meister des Bösen [PS4]
  145. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Captain Marvel [PS4]
  146. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Ant-Man [PS4]
  147. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Black Panther [PS4]
  148. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Doktor Strange [PS4]
  149. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [PS4]
  150. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - The Phantom Limb [PS4]
  151. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Poes Kampf ums Überleben [PS4]
  152. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Erste Ordnung Belagerung auf Takodana [PS4]
  153. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Flucht von Starkiller-Basis [PS4]
  154. LittleBigPlanet - Metal Gear Solid Pack [PS3]
  155. LittleBigPlanet - Pirates of the Caribbean Pack [PS3]
  156. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Move Pack [PS3]
  157. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Das Muppet Premium Level Pack [PS3]
  158. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Cross-Controller Pack [PS3]
  159. LittleBigPlanet 2 - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PS3]
  160. LittleBigPlanet 3 - Die Heimreise [PS4]
  161. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Avengers Ultimative Flucht [PSV]
  162. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Hero Rush [PSV]
  163. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - S.H.I.E.L.D. - Interceptor [PSV]
  164. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PSV]
  165. Little Nightmares - Die Tiefen [PS4]
  166. Little Nightmares - Der Unterschlupf [PS4]
  167. Little Nightmares - Das Wohnhaus [PS4]
  168. Mafia II - Jimmy's Vendetta [PS3]
  169. Mafia II - Joe's Adventures [PS3]
  170. Mafia III - Schneller, Baby! [PS4]
  171. Mafia III - Offene Rechnungen [PS4]
  172. Mafia III - Zeichen der Zeit [PS4]
  173. Max Payne 3 - Lokale Gerechtigkeit [PS3]
  174. Max Payne 3 - Geiselbefreiung [PS3]
  175. Max Payne 3 - Schmerzhafte Erinnerungen [PS3]
  176. Max Payne 3 - Himmlisches Deathmatch [PS3]
  177. Mirror's Edge - Time Trials Pure [PS3]
  178. Moving Out - Movers in Paradise [PS4]
  179. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Supersportwagen [PS3]
  180. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Bewaffnet und Gefährlich [PS3]
  181. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Lamborghini Ungezähmt [PS3]
  182. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Porsche Entfesselt [PS3]
  183. Need for Speed - Lebendiges Spiel [PS4]
  184. Need for Speed - Prestige und Speedlists [PS4]
  185. Never Alone - Foxtales [PS4]
  186. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  187. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  188. Payday The Heist - Wolfpack [PS3]
  189. Payday 2 - Infamy 2.0 [PS4]
  190. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Ninja-Pack [PS4]
  191. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Rittertum-Pack [PS4]
  192. Payday 2 - Die Point-Break-Überfälle [PS4]
  193. Payday 2 - Der Alesso-Raub [PS4]
  194. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Western-Pack [PS4]
  195. Payday 2 - Das BBQ-Pack der Schlächterin [PS4]
  196. Payday 2 - Überfall auf das Golden Grin [PS4]
  197. Payday 2 - Goat-Simulator-Überfälle [PS4]
  198. Payday 2 - Wolf Pack [PS4]
  199. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Mod-Pack [PS4]
  200. Payday 2 - Hardcore Henry Packs [PS4]
  201. Payday 2 - Biker Heist [PS4]
  202. Payday 2 - Seasonal [PS4]
  203. Payday 2 - Gage Spec Ops Pack [PS4]
  204. Payday 2 - Scarface Pack [PS4]
  205. Payday 2 - John Wick Heists [PS4]
  206. Payday 2 - Gage Russian Weapon Pack [PS4]
  207. Payday 2 - Klassisch [PS4]
  208. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Furchtlos [PSV]
  209. Prince of Persia - Epilog [PS3]
  210. Read Dead Redemption - Outlaws bis zum Schluss [PS3]
  211. Read Dead Redemption - Legenden und Schurken [PS3]
  212. Read Dead Redemption - Lügner und Betrüger [PS3]
  213. Read Dead Redemption - Alptraum der lebenden Toten [PS3]
  214. Returnal - Ascension [PS5]
  215. Ride 3 - Sport Bikes Pack [PS4]
  216. Ride 3 - BMW R 1200 GS Pack [PS4]
  217. Ride 3 - Italy Pack [PS4]
  218. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 1 [PS4]
  219. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 2 [PS4]
  220. Ride 3 - The World of Customizers [PS4]
  221. Ride 3 - 2-Strokes Pack [PS4]
  222. Ride 3 - Top Performance Pack [PS4]
  223. Ride 3 - Japan Pack [PS4]
  224. Ride 3 - Limited Models Pack [PS4]
  225. Ride 3 - Naked Bikes Pack [PS4]
  226. Ride 3 - Racing Pack [PS4]
  227. Ride 3 - Back to Basic Pack [PS4]
  228. Ride 3 - Street Racing Pack [PS4]
  229. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Ausdauer [PS4]
  230. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Baba Yaga [PS4]
  231. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Kalte Finsternis [PS4]
  232. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Croft-Anwesen [PS4]
  233. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Koop-Ausdauer [PS4]
  234. Rocket League - Utopia Coliseum [PS4]
  235. Rocket League - Supersonic Fury [PS4]
  236. Rocket League - Die Rache der Battle-Cars [PS4]
  237. Rocket League - Chaos Run [PS4]
  238. Rocket League - Neo Tokyo [PS4]
  239. Rocket League - AquaDome [PS4]
  240. Rocket League - Dropshot [PS4]
  241. Rocket League - Champions Field [PS4]
  242. Rocket League - Klub-Update [PS4]
  243. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Die Schmiede [PS4]
  244. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Pfeiler [PS4]
  245. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Albtraum [PS4]
  246. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Preis des Überlebens [PS4]
  247. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Das Herz der Schlange [PS4]
  248. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der große Kaiman [PS4]
  249. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Weg nach Hause [PS4]
  250. Sleeping Dogs - Albtraum in North Point [PS3]
  251. Sleeping Dogs - Das Jahr der Schlange [PS3]
  252. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS3]
  253. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS4]
  254. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PSV]
  255. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS3]
  256. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS4]
  257. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PSV]
  258. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS3]
  259. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS4]
  260. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PSV]
  261. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS3]
  262. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS4]
  263. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PSV]
  264. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS3]
  265. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS4]
  266. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PSV]
  267. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS3]
  268. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS4]
  269. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PSV]
  270. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS3]
  271. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS4]
  272. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PSV]
  273. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS3]
  274. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS4]
  275. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PSV]
  276. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS3]
  277. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS4]
  278. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PSV]
  279. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS3]
  280. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS4]
  281. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PSV]
  282. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS3]
  283. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS4]
  284. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PSV]
  285. Spider-Man - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  286. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Der Raubüberfall [PS4]
  287. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Revierkämpfe [PS4]
  288. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Silver Lining [PS4]
  289. Table Top Racing World Tour - Tropical Ice Pack [PS4]
  290. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS3]
  291. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS4]
  292. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS3]
  293. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS4]
  294. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS3]
  295. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS4]
  296. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS3]
  297. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS4]
  298. The Last of Us Part II - Modus "Erbarmungslos" [PS4]
  299. The Outer Worlds - Peril on Gorgon [PS4]
  300. The Outer Worlds - Murder on Eridanos [PS4]
  301. The Walking Dead - 400 Tage [PSV]
  302. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 2 [PSV]
  303. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 3 [PSV]
  304. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 4 [PSV]
  305. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 5 [PSV]
  306. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone [PS4]
  307. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Blood & Wine [PS4]
  308. Uncharted Drakes Schicksal - Extended Collection [PS4]
  309. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Drakes Schicksal [PS3]
  310. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Siege Expansion Pack [PS3]
  311. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Extended Collection [PS4]
  312. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 1 [PS3]
  313. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Fort-Kooperativ [PS3]
  314. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 2 [PS3]
  315. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Schatten [PS3]
  316. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - U3-Karten [PS3]
  317. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Extended Collection [PS4]
  318. Uncharted 4 A Thief's End - Überleben [PS4]
  319. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Among Thieves [PSV]
  320. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Drake's Deception [PSV]
  321. Watch Dogs - Bad Blood [PS4]
  322. Watch Dogs 2 - Menschliche Bedingungen [PS4]
  323. Watch Dogs 2 - Keine Kompromisse [PS4]
  324. Watch Dogs 2 - Showd0wn [PS4]
- Werbung nur für Gäste -


#325 - Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection - The Lost Legacy

  1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Da Vincis Verschwinden [PS3]
  2. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Figuren-Pack [PS3]
  3. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Karten-Pack [PS3]
  4. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Das verlorene Archiv [PS3]
  5. Assassin's Creed III - Die Kampferprobten [PS3]
  6. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 1: Die Schande [PS3]
  7. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 2: Der Verrat [PS3]
  8. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 3: Die Vergeltung [PS3]
  9. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Blackbeard's Zorn [PS4]
  10. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Schrei nach Freiheit [PS4]
  11. Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings [PS4]
  12. Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper [PS4]
  13. Astro's Playroom - Astro's Playroom [ADD-ON] [PS5]
  14. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS3]
  15. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS4]
  16. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS3]
  17. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS4]
  18. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS3]
  19. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS4]
  20. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS3]
  21. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS4]
  22. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS3]
  23. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS4]
  24. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS3]
  25. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS4]
  26. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS3]
  27. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS4]
  28. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS3]
  29. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS4]
  30. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Glatteis und 'Der Unterhändler' [PS3]
  31. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - 'Der Panzer' und Notaus [PS3]
  32. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Arktisaufklärung [PS3]
  33. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Vertigo [PS3]
  34. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Expresslieferung und Feuer frei [PS3]
  35. Concrete Genie - VR-Trophäen [PS4]
  36. Control - Das Fundament [PS4]
  37. Control - Gewandelte Weltereignisse [PS4]
  38. Crash Bandicoot - Lost Treasures [PS4]
  39. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped - Future Tense [PS4]
  40. Crysis 3 - Die verlorene Insel [PS3]
  41. Deus Ex Human Revolution - The Missing Link [PS3]
  42. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Systemspaltung [PS4]
  43. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Ebene 4 [PS4]
  44. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Picus [PS4]
  45. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Eine kriminelle Vergangenheit [PS4]
  46. Driveclub - Tour [PS4]
  47. Driveclub - Ignition [PS4]
  48. Driveclub - Photo-Finish [PS4]
  49. Driveclub - Redline [PS4]
  50. Driveclub - Elements [PS4]
  51. Driveclub - Apex [PS4]
  52. Driveclub - Sakura [PS4]
  53. Driveclub - Downforce [PS4]
  54. Driveclub - Midnight [PS4]
  55. Driveclub - Lamborghini [PS4]
  56. Driveclub - Pacesetter [PS4]
  57. Driveclub - Turbocharged [PS4]
  58. Driveclub - Evolution [PS4]
  59. Driveclub - Lamborghini Icons [PS4]
  60. Driveclub - Torque [PS4]
  61. Driveclub - RPM [PS4]
  62. Driveclub - Velocity [PS4]
  63. Driveclub - Horsepower [PS4]
  64. Driveclub - Unite in Speed [PS4]
  65. Driveclub - All Stars [PS4]
  66. Driveclub - AMG [PS4]
  67. Driveclub Bikes - EBR [PS4]
  68. Driveclub Bikes - Suzuki [PS4]
  69. Driveclub Bikes - No Limits [PS4]
  70. Driveclub Bikes - MV Agusta [PS4]
  71. Driveclub Bikes - Finish Line [PS4]
  72. Escape Plan - Die Anstalt [PSV]
  73. Escape Plan - Der Untergrund [PSV]
  74. Escape Plan - Director's Cut [PSV]
  75. Fallout 4 - Automatron [PS4]
  76. Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop [PS4]
  77. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor [PS4]
  78. Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop [PS4]
  79. Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop [PS4]
  80. Fallout 4 - Nuka World [PS4]
  81. Far Cry 5 - Düstere Stunden [PS4]
  82. Far Cry 5 - Lost on Mars [PS4]
  83. Far Cry 5 - Dead Living Zombies [PS4]
  84. Far Cry 5 - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  85. FIFA 12 - UEFA EURO 2012 [PS3]
  86. Firewatch - Audio Tour [PS4]
  87. FlOw - FlOw [PS4]
  88. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Lost and Damned [PS3]
  89. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony [PS3]
  90. Grand Theft Auto V - Heists [PS3]
  91. Gravity Rush - Dienstmädchen-Paket [PSV]
  92. Gravity Rush - Spion-Paket [PSV]
  93. Gravity Rush - Spezialeinheiten-Paket [PSV]
  94. Hitman - Paris [PS4]
  95. Hitman - Sapienza [PS4]
  96. Hitman - Marrakesh [PS4]
  97. Hitman - The Icon & A House Built on Sand [PS4]
  98. Hitman - Bangkok [PS4]
  99. Hitman - Colorado [PS4]

  100. Hitman - Hokkaido [PS4]

  101. Hitman - Landslide [PS4]

  102. Hitman 2 - Hawke's Bay [PS4]
  103. Hitman 2 - Miami [PS4]
  104. Hitman 2 - Santa Fortuna [PS4]

  105. Hitman 2 - Mumbai [PS4]

  106. Hitman 2 - Whittleton Creek [PS4]

  107. Hitman 2 - Isle of Sgàil [PS4]

  108. Hitman 2 - Himmelstein [PS4]

  109. Hitman 2 - Legacy Paris [PS4]
  110. Hitman 2 - Legacy Sapienza [PS4]
  111. Hitman 2 - Legacy Marrakesh [PS4]
  112. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bonus Missions [PS4]
  113. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bangkok [PS4]
  114. Hitman 2 - Legacy Colorado [PS4]
  115. Hitman 2 - Legacy Hokkaido [PS4]
  116. Hitman 2 - Singapore [PS4]
  117. Hitman 2 - New York [PS4]
  118. Hitman 2 - Siberia [PS4]
  119. Hitman 2 - Haven Island [PS4]
  120. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 Expansion [PS5]
  121. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 [PS5]
  122. Hitman 3 - Hitman [PS5]
  123. Horizon Zero Dawn - Neues Spiel+ [PS4]
  124. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Quests [PS4]
  125. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Taten [PS4]
  126. Just Cause 3 - Himmelsfestung [PS4]

  127. Just Cause 3 - Mech Land Assault [PS4]

  128. Just Cause 3 - Bavarium Seeräuber [PS4]

  129. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS3]

  130. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS4]

  131. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS3]

  132. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS4]

  133. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS3]

  134. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS4]

  135. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS3]

  136. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS4]

  137. L.A. Noire - Neue Sammlungen [PS4]

  138. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Dark Knight [PS4]
  139. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Batman 75. Jubiläum [PS4]
  140. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Man of Steel [PS4]
  141. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Arrow [PS4]
  142. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Bizarro [PS4]
  143. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - The Squad [PS4]
  144. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Die Meister des Bösen [PS4]
  145. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Captain Marvel [PS4]
  146. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Ant-Man [PS4]
  147. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Black Panther [PS4]
  148. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Doktor Strange [PS4]
  149. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [PS4]
  150. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - The Phantom Limb [PS4]
  151. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Poes Kampf ums Überleben [PS4]
  152. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Erste Ordnung Belagerung auf Takodana [PS4]
  153. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Flucht von Starkiller-Basis [PS4]
  154. LittleBigPlanet - Metal Gear Solid Pack [PS3]
  155. LittleBigPlanet - Pirates of the Caribbean Pack [PS3]
  156. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Move Pack [PS3]
  157. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Das Muppet Premium Level Pack [PS3]
  158. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Cross-Controller Pack [PS3]
  159. LittleBigPlanet 2 - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PS3]
  160. LittleBigPlanet 3 - Die Heimreise [PS4]
  161. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Avengers Ultimative Flucht [PSV]
  162. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Hero Rush [PSV]
  163. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - S.H.I.E.L.D. - Interceptor [PSV]
  164. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PSV]
  165. Little Nightmares - Die Tiefen [PS4]
  166. Little Nightmares - Der Unterschlupf [PS4]
  167. Little Nightmares - Das Wohnhaus [PS4]
  168. Mafia II - Jimmy's Vendetta [PS3]
  169. Mafia II - Joe's Adventures [PS3]
  170. Mafia III - Schneller, Baby! [PS4]
  171. Mafia III - Offene Rechnungen [PS4]
  172. Mafia III - Zeichen der Zeit [PS4]
  173. Max Payne 3 - Lokale Gerechtigkeit [PS3]
  174. Max Payne 3 - Geiselbefreiung [PS3]
  175. Max Payne 3 - Schmerzhafte Erinnerungen [PS3]
  176. Max Payne 3 - Himmlisches Deathmatch [PS3]
  177. Mirror's Edge - Time Trials Pure [PS3]
  178. Moving Out - Movers in Paradise [PS4]
  179. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Supersportwagen [PS3]
  180. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Bewaffnet und Gefährlich [PS3]
  181. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Lamborghini Ungezähmt [PS3]
  182. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Porsche Entfesselt [PS3]
  183. Need for Speed - Lebendiges Spiel [PS4]
  184. Need for Speed - Prestige und Speedlists [PS4]
  185. Never Alone - Foxtales [PS4]
  186. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  187. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  188. Payday The Heist - Wolfpack [PS3]
  189. Payday 2 - Infamy 2.0 [PS4]
  190. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Ninja-Pack [PS4]
  191. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Rittertum-Pack [PS4]
  192. Payday 2 - Die Point-Break-Überfälle [PS4]
  193. Payday 2 - Der Alesso-Raub [PS4]
  194. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Western-Pack [PS4]
  195. Payday 2 - Das BBQ-Pack der Schlächterin [PS4]
  196. Payday 2 - Überfall auf das Golden Grin [PS4]
  197. Payday 2 - Goat-Simulator-Überfälle [PS4]
  198. Payday 2 - Wolf Pack [PS4]
  199. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Mod-Pack [PS4]
  200. Payday 2 - Hardcore Henry Packs [PS4]
  201. Payday 2 - Biker Heist [PS4]
  202. Payday 2 - Seasonal [PS4]
  203. Payday 2 - Gage Spec Ops Pack [PS4]
  204. Payday 2 - Scarface Pack [PS4]
  205. Payday 2 - John Wick Heists [PS4]
  206. Payday 2 - Gage Russian Weapon Pack [PS4]
  207. Payday 2 - Klassisch [PS4]
  208. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Furchtlos [PSV]
  209. Prince of Persia - Epilog [PS3]
  210. Read Dead Redemption - Outlaws bis zum Schluss [PS3]
  211. Read Dead Redemption - Legenden und Schurken [PS3]
  212. Read Dead Redemption - Lügner und Betrüger [PS3]
  213. Read Dead Redemption - Alptraum der lebenden Toten [PS3]
  214. Returnal - Ascension [PS5]
  215. Ride 3 - Sport Bikes Pack [PS4]
  216. Ride 3 - BMW R 1200 GS Pack [PS4]
  217. Ride 3 - Italy Pack [PS4]
  218. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 1 [PS4]
  219. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 2 [PS4]
  220. Ride 3 - The World of Customizers [PS4]
  221. Ride 3 - 2-Strokes Pack [PS4]
  222. Ride 3 - Top Performance Pack [PS4]
  223. Ride 3 - Japan Pack [PS4]
  224. Ride 3 - Limited Models Pack [PS4]
  225. Ride 3 - Naked Bikes Pack [PS4]
  226. Ride 3 - Racing Pack [PS4]
  227. Ride 3 - Back to Basic Pack [PS4]
  228. Ride 3 - Street Racing Pack [PS4]
  229. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Ausdauer [PS4]
  230. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Baba Yaga [PS4]
  231. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Kalte Finsternis [PS4]
  232. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Croft-Anwesen [PS4]
  233. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Koop-Ausdauer [PS4]
  234. Rocket League - Utopia Coliseum [PS4]
  235. Rocket League - Supersonic Fury [PS4]
  236. Rocket League - Die Rache der Battle-Cars [PS4]
  237. Rocket League - Chaos Run [PS4]
  238. Rocket League - Neo Tokyo [PS4]
  239. Rocket League - AquaDome [PS4]
  240. Rocket League - Dropshot [PS4]
  241. Rocket League - Champions Field [PS4]
  242. Rocket League - Klub-Update [PS4]
  243. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Die Schmiede [PS4]
  244. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Pfeiler [PS4]
  245. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Albtraum [PS4]
  246. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Preis des Überlebens [PS4]
  247. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Das Herz der Schlange [PS4]
  248. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der große Kaiman [PS4]
  249. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Weg nach Hause [PS4]
  250. Sleeping Dogs - Albtraum in North Point [PS3]
  251. Sleeping Dogs - Das Jahr der Schlange [PS3]
  252. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS3]
  253. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS4]
  254. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PSV]
  255. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS3]
  256. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS4]
  257. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PSV]
  258. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS3]
  259. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS4]
  260. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PSV]
  261. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS3]
  262. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS4]
  263. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PSV]
  264. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS3]
  265. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS4]
  266. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PSV]
  267. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS3]
  268. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS4]
  269. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PSV]
  270. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS3]
  271. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS4]
  272. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PSV]
  273. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS3]
  274. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS4]
  275. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PSV]
  276. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS3]
  277. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS4]
  278. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PSV]
  279. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS3]
  280. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS4]
  281. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PSV]
  282. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS3]
  283. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS4]
  284. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PSV]
  285. Spider-Man - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  286. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Der Raubüberfall [PS4]
  287. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Revierkämpfe [PS4]
  288. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Silver Lining [PS4]
  289. Table Top Racing World Tour - Tropical Ice Pack [PS4]
  290. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS3]
  291. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS4]
  292. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS3]
  293. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS4]
  294. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS3]
  295. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS4]
  296. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS3]
  297. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS4]
  298. The Last of Us Part II - Modus "Erbarmungslos" [PS4]
  299. The Outer Worlds - Peril on Gorgon [PS4]
  300. The Outer Worlds - Murder on Eridanos [PS4]
  301. The Walking Dead - 400 Tage [PSV]
  302. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 2 [PSV]
  303. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 3 [PSV]
  304. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 4 [PSV]
  305. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 5 [PSV]
  306. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone [PS4]
  307. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Blood & Wine [PS4]
  308. Uncharted Drakes Schicksal - Extended Collection [PS4]
  309. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Drakes Schicksal [PS3]
  310. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Siege Expansion Pack [PS3]
  311. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Extended Collection [PS4]
  312. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 1 [PS3]
  313. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Fort-Kooperativ [PS3]
  314. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 2 [PS3]
  315. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Schatten [PS3]
  316. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - U3-Karten [PS3]
  317. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Extended Collection [PS4]
  318. Uncharted 4 A Thief's End - Überleben [PS4]
  319. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection - The Lost Legacy [PS5]
  320. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Among Thieves [PSV]
  321. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Drake's Deception [PSV]
  322. Watch Dogs - Bad Blood [PS4]
  323. Watch Dogs 2 - Menschliche Bedingungen [PS4]
  324. Watch Dogs 2 - Keine Kompromisse [PS4]
  325. Watch Dogs 2 - Showd0wn [PS4]
- Werbung nur für Gäste -


#326 - Back 4 Blood - Tunnels of Terror

  1. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Da Vincis Verschwinden [PS3]
  2. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Figuren-Pack [PS3]
  3. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Mehrspieler-Karten-Pack [PS3]
  4. Assassin's Creed Revelations - Das verlorene Archiv [PS3]
  5. Assassin's Creed III - Die Kampferprobten [PS3]
  6. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 1: Die Schande [PS3]
  7. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 2: Der Verrat [PS3]
  8. Assassin's Creed III - Die Tyrannei von König Washington - Episode 3: Die Vergeltung [PS3]
  9. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Blackbeard's Zorn [PS4]
  10. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Schrei nach Freiheit [PS4]
  11. Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings [PS4]
  12. Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper [PS4]
  13. Astro's Playroom - Astro's Playroom [ADD-ON] [PS5]
  14. Back 4 Blood - Tunnels of Terror [PS5]
  15. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS3]
  16. Burnout Paradise - Cagney [PS4]
  17. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS3]
  18. Burnout Paradise - Bike [PS4]
  19. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS3]
  20. Burnout Paradise - Party Pack [PS4]
  21. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS3]
  22. Burnout Paradise - Legendary Cars [PS4]
  23. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS3]
  24. Burnout Paradise - Boost Specials [PS4]
  25. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS3]
  26. Burnout Paradise - Toy Cars [PS4]
  27. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS3]
  28. Burnout Paradise - Cops and Robbers [PS4]
  29. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS3]
  30. Burnout Paradise - Big Surf Island [PS4]
  31. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Glatteis und 'Der Unterhändler' [PS3]
  32. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - 'Der Panzer' und Notaus [PS3]
  33. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Arktisaufklärung [PS3]
  34. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Vertigo [PS3]
  35. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Expresslieferung und Feuer frei [PS3]
  36. Concrete Genie - VR-Trophäen [PS4]
  37. Control - Das Fundament [PS4]
  38. Control - Gewandelte Weltereignisse [PS4]
  39. Crash Bandicoot - Lost Treasures [PS4]
  40. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped - Future Tense [PS4]
  41. Crysis 3 - Die verlorene Insel [PS3]
  42. Deus Ex Human Revolution - The Missing Link [PS3]
  43. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Systemspaltung [PS4]
  44. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Ebene 4 [PS4]
  45. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Breach Picus [PS4]
  46. Deus Ex Mankind Divided - Eine kriminelle Vergangenheit [PS4]
  47. Driveclub - Tour [PS4]
  48. Driveclub - Ignition [PS4]
  49. Driveclub - Photo-Finish [PS4]
  50. Driveclub - Redline [PS4]
  51. Driveclub - Elements [PS4]
  52. Driveclub - Apex [PS4]
  53. Driveclub - Sakura [PS4]
  54. Driveclub - Downforce [PS4]
  55. Driveclub - Midnight [PS4]
  56. Driveclub - Lamborghini [PS4]
  57. Driveclub - Pacesetter [PS4]
  58. Driveclub - Turbocharged [PS4]
  59. Driveclub - Evolution [PS4]
  60. Driveclub - Lamborghini Icons [PS4]
  61. Driveclub - Torque [PS4]
  62. Driveclub - RPM [PS4]
  63. Driveclub - Velocity [PS4]
  64. Driveclub - Horsepower [PS4]
  65. Driveclub - Unite in Speed [PS4]
  66. Driveclub - All Stars [PS4]
  67. Driveclub - AMG [PS4]
  68. Driveclub Bikes - EBR [PS4]
  69. Driveclub Bikes - Suzuki [PS4]
  70. Driveclub Bikes - No Limits [PS4]
  71. Driveclub Bikes - MV Agusta [PS4]
  72. Driveclub Bikes - Finish Line [PS4]
  73. Escape Plan - Die Anstalt [PSV]
  74. Escape Plan - Der Untergrund [PSV]
  75. Escape Plan - Director's Cut [PSV]
  76. Fallout 4 - Automatron [PS4]
  77. Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop [PS4]
  78. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor [PS4]
  79. Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop [PS4]
  80. Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop [PS4]
  81. Fallout 4 - Nuka World [PS4]
  82. Far Cry 5 - Düstere Stunden [PS4]
  83. Far Cry 5 - Lost on Mars [PS4]
  84. Far Cry 5 - Dead Living Zombies [PS4]
  85. Far Cry 5 - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  86. FIFA 12 - UEFA EURO 2012 [PS3]
  87. Firewatch - Audio Tour [PS4]
  88. FlOw - FlOw [PS4]
  89. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Lost and Damned [PS3]
  90. Grand Theft Auto IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony [PS3]
  91. Grand Theft Auto V - Heists [PS3]
  92. Gravity Rush - Dienstmädchen-Paket [PSV]
  93. Gravity Rush - Spion-Paket [PSV]
  94. Gravity Rush - Spezialeinheiten-Paket [PSV]
  95. Hitman - Paris [PS4]
  96. Hitman - Sapienza [PS4]
  97. Hitman - Marrakesh [PS4]
  98. Hitman - The Icon & A House Built on Sand [PS4]
  99. Hitman - Bangkok [PS4]
  100. Hitman - Colorado [PS4]

  101. Hitman - Hokkaido [PS4]

  102. Hitman - Landslide [PS4]

  103. Hitman 2 - Hawke's Bay [PS4]
  104. Hitman 2 - Miami [PS4]
  105. Hitman 2 - Santa Fortuna [PS4]

  106. Hitman 2 - Mumbai [PS4]

  107. Hitman 2 - Whittleton Creek [PS4]

  108. Hitman 2 - Isle of Sgàil [PS4]

  109. Hitman 2 - Himmelstein [PS4]

  110. Hitman 2 - Legacy Paris [PS4]
  111. Hitman 2 - Legacy Sapienza [PS4]
  112. Hitman 2 - Legacy Marrakesh [PS4]
  113. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bonus Missions [PS4]
  114. Hitman 2 - Legacy Bangkok [PS4]
  115. Hitman 2 - Legacy Colorado [PS4]
  116. Hitman 2 - Legacy Hokkaido [PS4]
  117. Hitman 2 - Singapore [PS4]
  118. Hitman 2 - New York [PS4]
  119. Hitman 2 - Siberia [PS4]
  120. Hitman 2 - Haven Island [PS4]
  121. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 Expansion [PS5]
  122. Hitman 3 - Hitman 2 [PS5]
  123. Hitman 3 - Hitman [PS5]
  124. Horizon Zero Dawn - Neues Spiel+ [PS4]
  125. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Quests [PS4]
  126. Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds - Taten [PS4]
  127. Just Cause 3 - Himmelsfestung [PS4]

  128. Just Cause 3 - Mech Land Assault [PS4]

  129. Just Cause 3 - Bavarium Seeräuber [PS4]

  130. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS3]

  131. L.A. Noire - Falsche Papiere [PS4]

  132. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS3]

  133. L.A. Noire - Die nackte Stadt [PS4]

  134. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS3]

  135. L.A. Noire - Nicholson Galvanisierung [PS4]

  136. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS3]

  137. L.A. Noire - Kifferwahnsinn [PS4]

  138. L.A. Noire - Neue Sammlungen [PS4]

  139. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Dark Knight [PS4]
  140. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Batman 75. Jubiläum [PS4]
  141. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Man of Steel [PS4]
  142. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Arrow [PS4]
  143. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - Bizarro [PS4]
  144. LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham - The Squad [PS4]
  145. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Die Meister des Bösen [PS4]
  146. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Captain Marvel [PS4]
  147. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Ant-Man [PS4]
  148. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Black Panther [PS4]
  149. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Doktor Strange [PS4]
  150. LEGO Marvel Avengers - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [PS4]
  151. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - The Phantom Limb [PS4]
  152. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Poes Kampf ums Überleben [PS4]
  153. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Erste Ordnung Belagerung auf Takodana [PS4]
  154. LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht - Flucht von Starkiller-Basis [PS4]
  155. LittleBigPlanet - Metal Gear Solid Pack [PS3]
  156. LittleBigPlanet - Pirates of the Caribbean Pack [PS3]
  157. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Move Pack [PS3]
  158. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Das Muppet Premium Level Pack [PS3]
  159. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Cross-Controller Pack [PS3]
  160. LittleBigPlanet 2 - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PS3]
  161. LittleBigPlanet 3 - Die Heimreise [PS4]
  162. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Avengers Ultimative Flucht [PSV]
  163. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Hero Rush [PSV]
  164. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - S.H.I.E.L.D. - Interceptor [PSV]
  165. LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - DC Comics-Premium-Level-Paket [PSV]
  166. Little Nightmares - Die Tiefen [PS4]
  167. Little Nightmares - Der Unterschlupf [PS4]
  168. Little Nightmares - Das Wohnhaus [PS4]
  169. Mafia II - Jimmy's Vendetta [PS3]
  170. Mafia II - Joe's Adventures [PS3]
  171. Mafia III - Schneller, Baby! [PS4]
  172. Mafia III - Offene Rechnungen [PS4]
  173. Mafia III - Zeichen der Zeit [PS4]
  174. Max Payne 3 - Lokale Gerechtigkeit [PS3]
  175. Max Payne 3 - Geiselbefreiung [PS3]
  176. Max Payne 3 - Schmerzhafte Erinnerungen [PS3]
  177. Max Payne 3 - Himmlisches Deathmatch [PS3]
  178. Mirror's Edge - Time Trials Pure [PS3]
  179. Moving Out - Movers in Paradise [PS4]
  180. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Supersportwagen [PS3]
  181. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Bewaffnet und Gefährlich [PS3]
  182. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Lamborghini Ungezähmt [PS3]
  183. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Porsche Entfesselt [PS3]
  184. Need for Speed - Lebendiges Spiel [PS4]
  185. Need for Speed - Prestige und Speedlists [PS4]
  186. Never Alone - Foxtales [PS4]
  187. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  188. Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye [PS4]
  189. Payday The Heist - Wolfpack [PS3]
  190. Payday 2 - Infamy 2.0 [PS4]
  191. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Ninja-Pack [PS4]
  192. Payday 2 - Das Gage-Rittertum-Pack [PS4]
  193. Payday 2 - Die Point-Break-Überfälle [PS4]
  194. Payday 2 - Der Alesso-Raub [PS4]
  195. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Western-Pack [PS4]
  196. Payday 2 - Das BBQ-Pack der Schlächterin [PS4]
  197. Payday 2 - Überfall auf das Golden Grin [PS4]
  198. Payday 2 - Goat-Simulator-Überfälle [PS4]
  199. Payday 2 - Wolf Pack [PS4]
  200. Payday 2 - Schlächterin-Mod-Pack [PS4]
  201. Payday 2 - Hardcore Henry Packs [PS4]
  202. Payday 2 - Biker Heist [PS4]
  203. Payday 2 - Seasonal [PS4]
  204. Payday 2 - Gage Spec Ops Pack [PS4]
  205. Payday 2 - Scarface Pack [PS4]
  206. Payday 2 - John Wick Heists [PS4]
  207. Payday 2 - Gage Russian Weapon Pack [PS4]
  208. Payday 2 - Klassisch [PS4]
  209. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Furchtlos [PSV]
  210. Prince of Persia - Epilog [PS3]
  211. Read Dead Redemption - Outlaws bis zum Schluss [PS3]
  212. Read Dead Redemption - Legenden und Schurken [PS3]
  213. Read Dead Redemption - Lügner und Betrüger [PS3]
  214. Read Dead Redemption - Alptraum der lebenden Toten [PS3]
  215. Returnal - Ascension [PS5]
  216. Ride 3 - Sport Bikes Pack [PS4]
  217. Ride 3 - BMW R 1200 GS Pack [PS4]
  218. Ride 3 - Italy Pack [PS4]
  219. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 1 [PS4]
  220. Ride 3 - Best of 2018 Pack 2 [PS4]
  221. Ride 3 - The World of Customizers [PS4]
  222. Ride 3 - 2-Strokes Pack [PS4]
  223. Ride 3 - Top Performance Pack [PS4]
  224. Ride 3 - Japan Pack [PS4]
  225. Ride 3 - Limited Models Pack [PS4]
  226. Ride 3 - Naked Bikes Pack [PS4]
  227. Ride 3 - Racing Pack [PS4]
  228. Ride 3 - Back to Basic Pack [PS4]
  229. Ride 3 - Street Racing Pack [PS4]
  230. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Ausdauer [PS4]
  231. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Baba Yaga [PS4]
  232. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Kalte Finsternis [PS4]
  233. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Croft-Anwesen [PS4]
  234. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Koop-Ausdauer [PS4]
  235. Rocket League - Utopia Coliseum [PS4]
  236. Rocket League - Supersonic Fury [PS4]
  237. Rocket League - Die Rache der Battle-Cars [PS4]
  238. Rocket League - Chaos Run [PS4]
  239. Rocket League - Neo Tokyo [PS4]
  240. Rocket League - AquaDome [PS4]
  241. Rocket League - Dropshot [PS4]
  242. Rocket League - Champions Field [PS4]
  243. Rocket League - Klub-Update [PS4]
  244. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Die Schmiede [PS4]
  245. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Pfeiler [PS4]
  246. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Albtraum [PS4]
  247. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Preis des Überlebens [PS4]
  248. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Das Herz der Schlange [PS4]
  249. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der große Kaiman [PS4]
  250. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Der Weg nach Hause [PS4]
  251. Sleeping Dogs - Albtraum in North Point [PS3]
  252. Sleeping Dogs - Das Jahr der Schlange [PS3]
  253. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS3]
  254. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PS4]
  255. Sound Shapes - Akustik Soundpaket [PSV]
  256. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS3]
  257. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PS4]
  258. Sound Shapes - Schlagzeug Soundpaket [PSV]
  259. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS3]
  260. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PS4]
  261. Sound Shapes - 8-Bit Soundpaket [PSV]
  262. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS3]
  263. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PS4]
  264. Sound Shapes - Auto-Mini-Album & Objektpaket [PSV]
  265. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS3]
  266. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PS4]
  267. Sound Shapes - 80er Soundpaket [PSV]
  268. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS3]
  269. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PS4]
  270. Sound Shapes - Dubstep Soundpaket [PSV]
  271. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS3]
  272. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PS4]
  273. Sound Shapes - Old School Soundpaket [PSV]
  274. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS3]
  275. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PS4]
  276. Sound Shapes - Vocoder Soundpaket [PSV]
  277. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS3]
  278. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PS4]
  279. Sound Shapes - Blechbläser Soundpaket [PSV]
  280. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS3]
  281. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PS4]
  282. Sound Shapes - Hohokum-Sound- und Kunstpaket [PSV]
  283. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS3]
  284. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PS4]
  285. Sound Shapes - Future Funk 3000 Soundpaket [PSV]
  286. Spider-Man - Neues Spiel + [PS4]
  287. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Der Raubüberfall [PS4]
  288. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Revierkämpfe [PS4]
  289. Spider-Man - Die Stadt, die niemals schläft - Silver Lining [PS4]
  290. Table Top Racing World Tour - Tropical Ice Pack [PS4]
  291. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS3]
  292. The Last of Us - Left Behind [PS4]
  293. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS3]
  294. The Last of Us - Zurückgewonnene Gebiete [PS4]
  295. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS3]
  296. The Last of Us - Verlassene Gebiete [PS4]
  297. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS3]
  298. The Last of Us - „Erbarmungslos“-Modus [PS4]
  299. The Last of Us Part II - Modus "Erbarmungslos" [PS4]
  300. The Outer Worlds - Peril on Gorgon [PS4]
  301. The Outer Worlds - Murder on Eridanos [PS4]
  302. The Walking Dead - 400 Tage [PSV]
  303. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 2 [PSV]
  304. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 3 [PSV]
  305. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 4 [PSV]
  306. The Walking Dead Season 2 - Episode 5 [PSV]
  307. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone [PS4]
  308. The Witcher III Wild Hunt - Blood & Wine [PS4]
  309. Uncharted Drakes Schicksal - Extended Collection [PS4]
  310. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Drakes Schicksal [PS3]
  311. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Siege Expansion Pack [PS3]
  312. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Extended Collection [PS4]
  313. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 1 [PS3]
  314. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Fort-Kooperativ [PS3]
  315. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Rückblende 2 [PS3]
  316. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Schatten [PS3]
  317. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - U3-Karten [PS3]
  318. Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - Extended Collection [PS4]
  319. Uncharted 4 A Thief's End - Überleben [PS4]
  320. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection - The Lost Legacy [PS5]
  321. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Among Thieves [PSV]
  322. Uncharted Fight for Fortune - Drake's Deception [PSV]
  323. Watch Dogs - Bad Blood [PS4]
  324. Watch Dogs 2 - Menschliche Bedingungen [PS4]
  325. Watch Dogs 2 - Keine Kompromisse [PS4]
  326. Watch Dogs 2 - Showd0wn [PS4]

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