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Verabredung Online-Trophäen zu Madden NFL 25

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Unter www.PS3Trophies.org steht wie man boosten kann

ich weiss nur nicht wie man das hier rüber


Vorheriger Post um 09:02

Post hinzugefügt um 14:56

Complete the Journey

Win a MUT Seasons Super Bowl.

You can either chose attempt this trophy legit and play against whoever you are randomly matched up against or you may choose to boost this. Boost at you own risk as there have been reports of suspensions. In your first season you must win 5 games to enter the playoffs to unlock the Playoffs?! trophy, 8 games of 10 to earn a first round bye to earn Well Rested) then once in the playoffs win 3 games in a row for Complete the Journey. This trophy may be easy for you if you have a super MUT team and get favorable match-ups or this trophy will become the bane of your existence.

Boosting Method: You and your partner need to go into MUT Head-to-Head Season and bring up search setting by press . Choose playtype "Conventional" and sync up with your partner so that you search at the same time. As soon as you hit to search, bring up the XMB (press ) and go to Players Met and the name of your opponent (hopefully your boosting partner) will be at the top. Right before or as soon as the loading screen appear. If it's not your boosting partner quickly sign-out of the PSN and retry. You will not get a loss for signing out in the loading screen and you can keep trying until you find your partner.

Note: You must unfriend your boosting partner to have them show up under the players met section of the XMB.

Use this method at your own risk as there are unconfirmed reports of suspensions being handed out, thus preventing you from playing this game online.

Last edited by Terminator; 09-18-2013 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Editorial Sweep.

Vorheriger Post um 14:56

Post hinzugefügt um 14:58

ich hoffe ich bekomme jetzt kein ärger weil es nicht der trophie-leitfaden ist oder weil es von einer anderen seite ist??!

ja ich glaub das schreib ich eher nicht in den leitfaden

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Hört sich soweit ganz gut an. Würd da gerne noch mit einsteigen wenns recht is :biggrin5:

Allerdings wirds etwas ''tricky'' aus diesem Grund:


Complete the Journey

Win a MUT Seasons Super Bowl.

You can either chose attempt this trophy legit and play against whoever you are randomly matched up against or you may choose to boost this. Boost at you own risk as there have been reports of suspensions. In your first season you must win 5 games to enter the playoffs to unlock the Playoffs?! trophy, 8 games of 10 to earn a first round bye to earn Well Rested) then once in the playoffs win 3 games in a row for Complete the Journey. This trophy may be easy for you if you have a super MUT team and get favorable match-ups or this trophy will become the bane of your existence.

Boosting Method: You and your partner need to go into MUT Head-to-Head Season and bring up search setting by press . Choose playtype "Conventional" and sync up with your partner so that you search at the same time. As soon as you hit to search, bring up the XMB (press ) and go to Players Met and the name of your opponent (hopefully your boosting partner) will be at the top. Right before or as soon as the loading screen appear. If it's not your boosting partner quickly sign-out of the PSN and retry. You will not get a loss for signing out in the loading screen and you can keep trying until you find your partner.

Note: You must unfriend your boosting partner to have them show up under the players met section of the XMB.

Use this method at your own risk as there are unconfirmed reports of suspensions being handed out, thus preventing you from playing this game online.

Last edited by Terminator; 09-18-2013 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Editorial Sweep.

Zitat Ende

Hoffentlich ist die Zeitspanne nicht zu knapp beim sync. So oder so müssten wa denn nen Uhrenvergleich machen. :biggrin5::banghead:

sykpe headset und dann klappt das schon

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