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hab ich mir fast gedacht. habs nämlich damals auch auf dem pc gezockt und da sah es bei weitem nicht so gut aus.

man hatte ja leider auch garkeine optimierungsmöglichkeiten.

war das eig. auf 30 fps gelocked ? oder geht das inzwischen auch mit mods ?

Vorheriger Post um 13:14

Post hinzugefügt um 13:15

bei dem pc port von DS gabs, soweit ich mir erinnere, keine einstellungsmöglichkeiten von grafik etc.

Genau, es gab/gibt keinerlei Möglichkeiten Ingame in den Optionen die Grafik zu optimieren, man kann lediglich die Auflösung anpassen und Anit-Aliasing an oder ausschalten. Das blöde dabei, wenn man die Aufösung auf 1920x1080 gestellt hatte wurde die native Auflösung von 1024x720 einfach nur hochskaliert. Dadurch sahen die Texturen sehr matschig aus und die Umgebungsschärfe war sehr niedrig. Das hat sich aber unmittelbar nach der Veröffentlichung des DSfix verändert der auch ziemlich früh rausgekommen ist. Dort kann man dann alles einstellen Intros skippen, FPS unlocken, die wirkliche Auflösung verändern und die Möglichkeit seine eigenen Texturen ins Spiel einzufügen. :D

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Leute nur mal nebenbei bemerkt er hat nicht nur borderlands gezockt sondern auch Mass effect .... Aber ich glaub er würde das auch mit "das ist ein shooter mit rpg elementen" bezeichnen *pfeif*
Ich wusste ja das das irgendeiner ausgraben würde, aber das es meine Freundin sein wird nicht :dozey:

Das wird sich rächen.. ;)

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Nice, aber eigentlich müsste das mit dem PS4 Controller funktionieren. Mit dem Programm womit man einen XBox Controller emuliert. Hab es auch mit einem PS3 Controller gezockt :)

Ich bin mir immer noch nicht sicher. Das Problem, das ich habe, haben auch diejenigen, die einen Box-Controller benutzen. Im Geräte-Manager tauchen irgendwie mehrere Controller auf. Man soll einen oder mehrere deaktivieren, damit es wieder geht. Bei mir klappt das aber nicht. Ich werde es mir heute aber noch mal im Detail anschauen. Gestern auf die Schnelle konnte ich nichts erreichen.

Wenn ich das Game starte, sehe ich die Box-Tasten auf dem Bildschirm. Also wird ein Controller erkannt, reagiert aber nicht.

Zockst du mit dem DS3? Mit welchem Tool machst du das und klappt das gut?

Man gewöhnt sich dran, ist zum Glück keine Wissenschaft. :D

Edit: Heute mal Screenshots gemacht von Dark Souls




Ja, neue Texturen für die Rüstung und noch andere Texturen mit höhere Auflösung für die Pflanzen und Gebäude. Zum Glück ist die Community so gut denn From Software hatte einen grottigen PC Port abgeliefert :xd::'>
Genau, es gab/gibt keinerlei Möglichkeiten Ingame in den Optionen die Grafik zu optimieren, man kann lediglich die Auflösung anpassen und Anit-Aliasing an oder ausschalten. Das blöde dabei, wenn man die Aufösung auf 1920x1080 gestellt hatte wurde die native Auflösung von 1024x720 einfach nur hochskaliert. Dadurch sahen die Texturen sehr matschig aus und die Umgebungsschärfe war sehr niedrig. Das hat sich aber unmittelbar nach der Veröffentlichung des DSfix verändert der auch ziemlich früh rausgekommen ist. Dort kann man dann alles einstellen Intros skippen, FPS unlocken, die wirkliche Auflösung verändern und die Möglichkeit seine eigenen Texturen ins Spiel einzufügen. :D

Hey das sieht fett aus. :drool5: Muss man etwas besonderes machen, um DS so zocken zu können? Muss ich etwas runterladen? Ich hab gestern nur das Game runtergeladen und installiert. Dann hab ich in den Einstellungen die Auflösung auf 1920x1080 gestellt. Aber das reicht wohl nicht aus und macht die Sache sogar noch schlimmer, oder wie?

Ich wusste ja das das irgendeiner ausgraben würde, aber das es meine Freundin sein wird nicht :dozey:

Das wird sich rächen.. ;)

Sie ist halt ne ehrliche Haut. :dozey:

Wieso bin ich schon wach....?:Yawn:

Dann leg dich wieder hin, du faule Socke. :dozey:

muahaha, ich hab dich wieder beleidigt. :emot-slick:

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ja läuft alles supiii. :drool5:

Jap vor 5min erstellt. Name: TensoRaido wenn es dich interessiert. ;)

Nö, interessiert mich überhaupt nicht. Hab nur so gefragt. :cool2:

Ich schick dir heute Abend ne FA. :redface:

Ich gehe weiter mein RPG von Bungie zocken während ihr Euch verbrüdern könnt :dozey:

OK, mach ich gern. Deine Ohren werden glühen!

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Cool, der Anführer des OT schickt MIR dem Gaukler eine FA... :eek6:

Muss gerade Dampf ablassen wegen meiner neuen Lehrerin, alte Zicke ey. Will nächste Woche 2 Tests schreiben, ich weiß schon ich bin "krank". :cool2:

Vorheriger Post um 15:04

Post hinzugefügt um 15:09

Laut Steam hat mein neuer Account 4 Gratis Spiele darunter Saints Row 4! Wie kann das denn sein? Sehe jedenfalls keinen Preis...:emot-raise:

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Ja, sowas sehe ich auch immer wieder. So gratis sind die Spiele glaube ich aber nicht. Ich glaube, die sind nur zeitlich begrenzt. Irgendwie so müsste es sein.

Nächste Woche bist du nicht "krank"! Ist das klar? Du gehst zur Schule und machst die Tests mit, damit du nicht so endest wie ich. :mad1:

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ich bin mir immer noch nicht sicher. Das Problem, das ich habe, haben auch diejenigen, die einen Box-Controller benutzen. Im Geräte-Manager tauchen irgendwie mehrere Controller auf. Man soll einen oder mehrere deaktivieren, damit es wieder geht. Bei mir klappt das aber nicht. Ich werde es mir heute aber noch mal im Detail anschauen. Gestern auf die Schnelle konnte ich nichts erreichen.

Wenn ich das Game starte, sehe ich die Box-Tasten auf dem Bildschirm. Also wird ein Controller erkannt, reagiert aber nicht.

Zockst du mit dem DS3? Mit welchem Tool machst du das und klappt das gut?

Hey das sieht fett aus. :drool5: Muss man etwas besonderes machen, um DS so zocken zu können? Muss ich etwas runterladen? Ich hab gestern nur das Game runtergeladen und installiert. Dann hab ich in den Einstellungen die Auflösung auf 1920x1080 gestellt. Aber das reicht wohl nicht aus und macht die Sache sogar noch schlimmer, oder wie?

Momentan zock ich auch mit einem 360 Controller, da mein DS3 Controller total ausgeleiert ist. Früher hab ich immer mit dem Programm DS3 Tool den XBOX Controller emuliert, dass sollte heute auch noch gehen.

Um Dark Souls so zu zocken brauchst du erst einmal den Mod "DSfix"

Bevor du ihn wie unten beschrieben konfigurierst musst du Ingame in den Optionen Anti-Aliasing ausschalten.

Jetzt beginnt der Mod Spaß. Erstmal muss du dich auf nexusmods.com registrieren. Die Plattform bietet auch eine Menge Mods für andere Spiele wie Fallout oder Skyrim. Ansonsten kann man manche Inhalte von dort nicht runterladen.


Nachdem du den DSfix runtergeladen hast kopierst du die Inhalte dorthin wo dein Spiel installiert wurde. Also beispielsweise C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition

Danach öffnest du die Dsfix.ini Datei die wie folgt aussieht:

# You can configure DSfix by editing this file

# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by the program and contain descriptions of the options


# Graphics Options


# internal rendering resolution of the game

# higher values will decrease performance

renderWidth 1920

renderHeight 1080

# The display width/height

# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height

# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)

presentWidth 0

presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting

# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)

aaQuality 0

# AA type

# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"

aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)

# 0 = off

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

ssaoStrength 0

# Set SSAO scale

# 1 = high quality (default)

# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance

# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance

ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used

# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, only option pre-1.9)

# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion


# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO with more samples (tweaked by Asmodean)

# VSSAO and HBAO types have a slightly different effect. and similar performance

# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact

# VSSAO2 is generally more accurate, but also requires more performance

ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:

# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)

# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540

# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810

# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080

# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160

# higher values will decrease performance

# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!

dofOverrideResolution 540

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)

# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)

# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)

disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur

# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect

# suggested values:

# o (off) at default DoF resolution

# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution

# 1 or 2 above that

# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)

dofBlurAmount 1

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)


# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL

# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay

# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS

# - in some instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders

# Use this at your own risk!

# 0 = no changes to game code

# 1 = unlock the frame rate

unlockFPS 0

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate

# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine

FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold

# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value

# and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)

FPSthreshold 28

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override

# 0 = no change

# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)

# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)

# if in doubt, leave this at 0

filteringOverride 0


# HUD options


# Enable HUD modifications

# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!

# 1 = on

enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD

# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)

enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:

# 1.0 = original scale

# 0.75 = 75% of the original size

hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD

# 1.0 = fully opaque

# 0.0 = fully transparent

# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators

hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f

# Bottom left: item indicators & counts

hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f

# Bottom right: soul count

hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f


# Window & Mouse Cursor Options


# borderless fullscreen mode

# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!

# 0 = disable

# 1 = enable

borderlessFullscreen 0

# disable cursor at startup

# 0 = no change

# 1 = off at start

disableCursor 0

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)

# 0 = don't capture

# 1 = capture

# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)

captureCursor 0


# Save Game Backup Options


# enables save game backups

# 0 = no backups

# 1 = backups enabled

# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"

enableBackups 0

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)

# (minimum setting 600)

backupInterval 1500

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted

maxBackups 10


# Texture Override Options


# enables texture dumping

# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures

# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"

enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override

# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals

# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!

enableTextureOverride 0


# Other Options


# skip the intro logos

# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be

# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems

skipIntro 0

# change the screenshot directory

# default: . (current directory)

# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures

# directory must exist!

screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language

# none = no override

# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish

# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian

# this does not work in Windows XP!

overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining

# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together

# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here

dinput8dllWrapper none

# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override

# -1 = no override

# N = use adapter N

# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs

# everyone else should leave it at -1

d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging

# only enable for debugging

logLevel 0


# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!


# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)

# 0 = off, 1 = on

forceWindowed 0

forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync

enableVsync 0

# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!

fullscreenHz 60

Das sind ganz schön viele Information und womöglich schwierig da ohne Vorkenntnisse bei Mods durchzusteigen. Du kannst auch einfach den kompletten Inhalt der Datei leeren und mit meinen ersetzen, so hast du es einfacher :d:

# You can configure DSfix by editing this file

# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by the program and contain descriptions of the options


# Graphics Options


# internal rendering resolution of the game

# higher values will decrease performance

renderWidth 1920

renderHeight 1080

# The display width/height

# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height

# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)

presentWidth 0

presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting

# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)

aaQuality 3

# AA type

# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"

aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)

# 0 = off

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

ssaoStrength 0

# Set SSAO scale

# 1 = high quality (default)

# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance

# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance

ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used

# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, only option pre-1.9)

# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion


# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO with more samples (tweaked by Asmodean)

# VSSAO and HBAO types have a slightly different effect. and similar performance

# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact

# VSSAO2 is generally more accurate, but also requires more performance

ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:

# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)

# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540

# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810

# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080

# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160

# higher values will decrease performance

# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!

dofOverrideResolution 540

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)

# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)

# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)

disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur

# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect

# suggested values:

# o (off) at default DoF resolution

# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution

# 1 or 2 above that

# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)

dofBlurAmount 1

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)


# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL

# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay

# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS

# - in some instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders

# Use this at your own risk!

# 0 = no changes to game code

# 1 = unlock the frame rate

unlockFPS 1

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate

# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine

FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold

# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value

# and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)

FPSthreshold 28

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override

# 0 = no change

# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)

# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)

# if in doubt, leave this at 0

filteringOverride 0


# HUD options


# Enable HUD modifications

# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!

# 1 = on

enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD

# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)

enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:

# 1.0 = original scale

# 0.75 = 75% of the original size

hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD

# 1.0 = fully opaque

# 0.0 = fully transparent

# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators

hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f

# Bottom left: item indicators & counts

hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f

# Bottom right: soul count

hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f


# Window & Mouse Cursor Options


# borderless fullscreen mode

# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!

# 0 = disable

# 1 = enable

borderlessFullscreen 0

# disable cursor at startup

# 0 = no change

# 1 = off at start

disableCursor 0

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)

# 0 = don't capture

# 1 = capture

# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)

captureCursor 0


# Save Game Backup Options


# enables save game backups

# 0 = no backups

# 1 = backups enabled

# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"

enableBackups 0

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)

# (minimum setting 600)

backupInterval 1500

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted

maxBackups 10


# Texture Override Options


# enables texture dumping

# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures

# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"

enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override

# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals

# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!

enableTextureOverride 1


# Other Options


# skip the intro logos

# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be

# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems

skipIntro 1

# change the screenshot directory

# default: . (current directory)

# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures

# directory must exist!

screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language

# none = no override

# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish

# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian

# this does not work in Windows XP!

overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining

# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together

# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here

dinput8dllWrapper none

# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override

# -1 = no override

# N = use adapter N

# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs

# everyone else should leave it at -1

d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging

# only enable for debugging

logLevel 0


# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!


# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)

# 0 = off, 1 = on

forceWindowed 0

forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync

enableVsync 0

# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!

fullscreenHz 60

Nachdem du den DSfix konfiguriert hast kannst du wenn du magst auch HD Texturen runterladen. Diese werden dann in dem Ordner dsfix\tex_override eingefügt.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Keine Lust !! :mad1:

Ja da steht was von 2 Tagen aber wie soll ich das so schnell durchspielen??! Oder gilt dies nur für die Installation? :emot-raise:

Keine Ahnung. Mich hat das nicht interessiert, daher hab ich auch nicht weiter drauf geachtet.

Doch, du gehst! Sonst hibts keine FA! :mad1:

Wenn die letzten Züge schon kurz nach 0 Uhr fahren wie will man denn da noch richtig saufen? :dozey:

Die Welt ist einfach so grausam. :frown:

Wo seid ihr denn?

Momentan zock ich auch mit einem 360 Controller, da mein DS3 Controller total ausgeleiert ist. Früher hab ich immer mit dem Programm DS3 Tool den XBOX Controller emuliert, dass sollte heute auch noch gehen.

Um Dark Souls so zu zocken brauchst du erst einmal den Mod "DSfix"

Bevor du ihn wie unten beschrieben konfigurierst musst du Ingame in den Optionen Anti-Aliasing ausschalten.

Jetzt beginnt der Mod Spaß. Erstmal muss du dich auf nexusmods.com registrieren. Die Plattform bietet auch eine Menge Mods für andere Spiele wie Fallout oder Skyrim. Ansonsten kann man manche Inhalte von dort nicht runterladen.


Nachdem du den DSfix runtergeladen hast kopierst du die Inhalte dorthin wo dein Spiel installiert wurde. Also beispielsweise C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition

Danach öffnest du die Dsfix.ini Datei die wie folgt aussieht:

# You can configure DSfix by editing this file

# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by the program and contain descriptions of the options


# Graphics Options


# internal rendering resolution of the game

# higher values will decrease performance

renderWidth 1920

renderHeight 1080

# The display width/height

# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height

# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)

presentWidth 0

presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting

# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)

aaQuality 0

# AA type

# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"

aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)

# 0 = off

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

ssaoStrength 0

# Set SSAO scale

# 1 = high quality (default)

# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance

# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance

ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used

# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, only option pre-1.9)

# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion


# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO with more samples (tweaked by Asmodean)

# VSSAO and HBAO types have a slightly different effect. and similar performance

# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact

# VSSAO2 is generally more accurate, but also requires more performance

ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:

# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)

# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540

# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810

# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080

# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160

# higher values will decrease performance

# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!

dofOverrideResolution 540

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)

# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)

# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)

disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur

# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect

# suggested values:

# o (off) at default DoF resolution

# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution

# 1 or 2 above that

# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)

dofBlurAmount 1

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)


# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL

# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay

# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS

# - in some instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders

# Use this at your own risk!

# 0 = no changes to game code

# 1 = unlock the frame rate

unlockFPS 0

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate

# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine

FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold

# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value

# and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)

FPSthreshold 28

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override

# 0 = no change

# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)

# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)

# if in doubt, leave this at 0

filteringOverride 0


# HUD options


# Enable HUD modifications

# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!

# 1 = on

enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD

# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)

enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:

# 1.0 = original scale

# 0.75 = 75% of the original size

hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD

# 1.0 = fully opaque

# 0.0 = fully transparent

# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators

hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f

# Bottom left: item indicators & counts

hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f

# Bottom right: soul count

hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f


# Window & Mouse Cursor Options


# borderless fullscreen mode

# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!

# 0 = disable

# 1 = enable

borderlessFullscreen 0

# disable cursor at startup

# 0 = no change

# 1 = off at start

disableCursor 0

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)

# 0 = don't capture

# 1 = capture

# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)

captureCursor 0


# Save Game Backup Options


# enables save game backups

# 0 = no backups

# 1 = backups enabled

# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"

enableBackups 0

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)

# (minimum setting 600)

backupInterval 1500

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted

maxBackups 10


# Texture Override Options


# enables texture dumping

# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures

# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"

enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override

# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals

# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!

enableTextureOverride 0


# Other Options


# skip the intro logos

# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be

# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems

skipIntro 0

# change the screenshot directory

# default: . (current directory)

# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures

# directory must exist!

screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language

# none = no override

# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish

# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian

# this does not work in Windows XP!

overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining

# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together

# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here

dinput8dllWrapper none

# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override

# -1 = no override

# N = use adapter N

# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs

# everyone else should leave it at -1

d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging

# only enable for debugging

logLevel 0


# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!


# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)

# 0 = off, 1 = on

forceWindowed 0

forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync

enableVsync 0

# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!

fullscreenHz 60

Das sind ganz schön viele Information und womöglich schwierig da ohne Vorkenntnisse bei Mods durchzusteigen. Du kannst auch einfach den kompletten Inhalt der Datei leeren und mit meinen ersetzen, so hast du es einfacher :d:

# You can configure DSfix by editing this file

# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by the program and contain descriptions of the options


# Graphics Options


# internal rendering resolution of the game

# higher values will decrease performance

renderWidth 1920

renderHeight 1080

# The display width/height

# 0 means use the same resolution as renderWidth/Height

# (use for downscaling - if in doubt, leave at 0)

presentWidth 0

presentHeight 0

############# Anti Aliasing

# AA toggle and quality setting

# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)

aaQuality 3

# AA type

# either "SMAA" or "FXAA"

aaType SMAA

############# Ambient Occlusion

# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)

# 0 = off

# 1 = low

# 2 = medium

# 3 = high

ssaoStrength 0

# Set SSAO scale

# 1 = high quality (default)

# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance

# 3 = lowest quality, lowest impact on performance

ssaoScale 1

# Determine the type of AO used

# "VSSAO" = Volumetric SSAO (default, only option pre-1.9)

# "HBAO" = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion


# "VSSAO2" = Volumetric SSAO with more samples (tweaked by Asmodean)

# VSSAO and HBAO types have a slightly different effect. and similar performance

# SCAO combines both, with a higher performance impact

# VSSAO2 is generally more accurate, but also requires more performance

ssaoType VSSAO

############# Depth of field

# Depth of Field resolution override, possible values:

# 0 = no change from default (DoF pyramid starts at 512x360)

# 540 = DoF pyramid starts at 960x540

# 810 = DoF pyramid starts at 1440x810

# 1080 = DoF pyramid starts at 1920x1080

# 2160 = DoF pyramid starts at 3840x2160

# higher values will decrease performance

# do NOT set this to the same value as your vertical rendering resolution!

dofOverrideResolution 540

# Depth of Field scaling override (NOT RECOMMENDED)

# 0 = DoF scaling enabled (default, recommended)

# 1 = DoF scaling disabled (sharper, worse performance, not as originally intended)

disableDofScaling 0

# Depth of field additional blur

# allows you to use high DoF resolutions and still get the originally intended effect

# suggested values:

# o (off) at default DoF resolution

# 0 or 1 at 540 DoF resolution

# 1 or 2 above that

# 3 or 4 at 2160 DoF resolution (if you're running a 680+)

dofBlurAmount 1

############# Framerate

# Enable variable framerate (up to 60)


# - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL

# - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay

# - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS

# - in some instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders

# Use this at your own risk!

# 0 = no changes to game code

# 1 = unlock the frame rate

unlockFPS 1

# FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate

# do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine

FPSlimit 60

# FPS threshold

# DSfix will dynamically disable AA if your framerate drops below this value

# and re-enable it once it has normalized (with a bit of hysteresis thresholding)

FPSthreshold 28

############# Filtering

# texture filtering override

# 0 = no change

# 1 = enable some bilinear filtering (use only if you need it!)

# 2 = full AF override (may degrade performance)

# if in doubt, leave this at 0

filteringOverride 0


# HUD options


# Enable HUD modifications

# 0 = off (default) - none of the options below will do anything!

# 1 = on

enableHudMod 0

# Remove the weapon icons from the HUD

# (you can see which weapons you have equipped from your character model)

enableMinimalHud 1

# Scale down HuD, examples:

# 1.0 = original scale

# 0.75 = 75% of the original size

hudScaleFactor 0.75

# Set opacity for different elements of the HUD

# 1.0 = fully opaque

# 0.0 = fully transparent

# Top left: health bars, stamina bar, humanity counter, status indicators

hudTopLeftOpacity 0.8f

# Bottom left: item indicators & counts

hudBottomLeftOpacity 0.75f

# Bottom right: soul count

hudBottomRightOpacity 0.5f


# Window & Mouse Cursor Options


# borderless fullscreen mode

# make sure to select windowed mode in the game settings for this to work!

# 0 = disable

# 1 = enable

borderlessFullscreen 0

# disable cursor at startup

# 0 = no change

# 1 = off at start

disableCursor 0

# capture cursor (do not allow it to leave the window)

# 0 = don't capture

# 1 = capture

# (this also works if the cursor is not visible)

captureCursor 0


# Save Game Backup Options


# enables save game backups

# 0 = no backups

# 1 = backups enabled

# backups are stored in the save folder, as "[timestamp]_[original name].bak"

enableBackups 0

# backup interval in seconds (1500 = 25 minutes)

# (minimum setting 600)

backupInterval 1500

# maximum amount of backups, older ones will be deleted

maxBackups 10


# Texture Override Options


# enables texture dumping

# you *only* need this if you want to create your own override textures

# textures will be dumped to "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].tga"

enableTextureDumping 0

# enables texture override

# textures in "dsfix\tex_override\[hash].png" will replace the corresponding originals

# will cause a small slowdown during texture loading!

enableTextureOverride 1


# Other Options


# skip the intro logos

# this should now be slightly more stable, but should still be

# the first thing to disable in case you experience any problems

skipIntro 1

# change the screenshot directory

# default: . (current directory)

# example: C:\Users\Peter\Pictures

# directory must exist!

screenshotDir .

# override the in-game language

# none = no override

# en-GB = English, fr = French, it = Italian, de = German, es = Spanish

# ko = Korean, zh-tw = Chinese, pl = Polish, ru = Russian

# this does not work in Windows XP!

overrideLanguage none

# Dinput dll chaining

# if you want to use another dinput8.dll wrapper together

# with DSfix, rename it (e.g. "dinputwrapper.dll") and put the new name here

dinput8dllWrapper none

# dsmfix.dll

# D3D adapter override

# -1 = no override

# N = use adapter N

# this setting is for multiple (non-SLI/crossfire) GPUs

# everyone else should leave it at -1

d3dAdapterOverride -1

# Log level - 0 to 11, higher numbers mean more logging

# only enable for debugging

logLevel 0


# The settings below are not yet ready to use!!


# You can only set either forceFullscreen or forceWindowed (or neither)

# 0 = off, 1 = on

forceWindowed 0

forceFullscreen 0

# turn on/off Vsync

enableVsync 0

# adjust display refresh rate in fullscreen mode - this is NOT linked to FPS!

fullscreenHz 60

Nachdem du den DSfix konfiguriert hast kannst du wenn du magst auch HD Texturen runterladen. Diese werden dann in dem Ordner dsfix\tex_override eingefügt.

OK, dann hab ich meine Hausaufgaben. :biggrin5:

Aber erst muss ich mein Controller-Problem aus der Welt schaffen. Und auf dieser Seite anmelden wäre kein Problem, wenn die Sprachbarriere nicht wäre. Ich werd mir das aber mal genauer anschauen.

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