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God damn it. Wenn es schlimmt kommt denn aber richtig!

3 runs in folge Speedrun CM außen kein Ding in 30 Minuten oder kürzer. 4. run schlimmster und längster run ever bei Mir! 25 Minuten Restzeit, haufenweise Frischlinge und CS Gucker, schlechter 2. Tank und keine Kanonen am Ende mehr für die beiden Mobs die am Bosseingang Patroile schieben und Mein Equi war auf 0% gesunken. Gott war das ein Krampf. Die 100 Steine waren am Ende echt hart erarbeitet. Mittendrinen hatten wir denn auch noch haufenweise leaves weil 2 leecher (1 Tank und 1 Healer) anwesend waren und ohne die wird es nix. An sowas zu treffen in dem Dungeon ist echt ätzend!

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Hallo Ihr lieben,

Wir sind gerade im Tempel von Qarn und müssen gegen den Teratosaurus kämpfen und blocken nicht, welche Strategie wir verfolgen sollen...Bitte um Hilfe.:frown:

Gibt eigentlich nur 2 wichtige Punkte.

1. Die Wespen die da regelmäßig spawnen sofort killen, die machen instant kill.

2. Ab ca. 75% LP wird der Mob sauer und man bekommt ständig so eine Art Todesurteil (sieht mal links oben über der LP Leiste vom Mob), dann muss man innerhalb einiger Sekunden über die Plattform laufen, die leuchtet. Und damit es nicht gar zu einfach wird, sind es 3 Plattformen aber es leuchtet immer nur eine.

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Gibt eigentlich nur 2 wichtige Punkte.

1. Die Wespen die da regelmäßig spawnen sofort killen, die machen instant kill.

2. Ab ca. 75% LP wird der Mob sauer und man bekommt ständig so eine Art Todesurteil (sieht mal links oben über der LP Leiste vom Mob), dann muss man innerhalb einiger Sekunden über die Plattform laufen, die leuchtet. Und damit es nicht gar zu einfach wird, sind es 3 Plattformen aber es leuchtet immer nur eine.

Die Wespen haben wir schon mitbekommen - die sollten ja eigentlich die Arbeit des Waldläufers sein, meine Partnerin, die den Tempel begangen hat ist Marodeur und hängt sich an den Obermotz. Das die Platten aufgeleuchtet haben, haben wir auch gecheckt jedoch sind wir drauf stehen geblieben, also darüber laufen, okay! Ich Danke Dir!:cool2:

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Die Wespen haben wir schon mitbekommen - die sollten ja eigentlich die Arbeit des Waldläufers sein, meine Partnerin, die den Tempel begangen hat ist Marodeur und hängt sich an den Obermotz. Das die Platten aufgeleuchtet haben, haben wir auch gecheckt jedoch sind wir drauf stehen geblieben, also darüber laufen, okay! Ich Danke Dir!:cool2:

Kein Thema! Ist ne sehr wirre hin und her Rennerei. Wir haben da auch einige Versuche gebraucht.:banghead:

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FFXIV: ARR Producer and Director Yoshida here.

I would like to start off by apologizing for the login and character creation restrictions due to the heavy congestion during the two weeks following the launch of FFXIV: ARR. Twice now we've enhanced existing servers and introduced new servers, and with the upcoming additions that will be made starting in the middle of this month and finishing up at the end, we will have developed our expanded infrastructure to properly meet our operation needs.

As a result of players experiencing problems following the character creation restrictions, we have been working hard to introduce the World Transfer Service.

You picked a World because you liked the name, but character creation was closed when you tried to create a character.

You wanted to play with your real life friends, but were unable to create a character on their World.

You created a character on a World that is often congested and were often met with login restrictions.

Before you all read the official announcement, I've organized an outline of the World Transfer Service describing what it is, the benefits, risks, and case by case scenarios, so if you are thinking about using the World Transfer Service or plan on using it, please be sure to read on.

What is the World Transfer Service?

Simply put, the World Transfer Service is a service that will allow you to move from your current World to another World of your choice. Normally this is a fee-based service; however, as an apology to players for the aforementioned issues, we will be offering this service free for the first five days.

However, please be aware of the below.

A single transfer is a one to one transfer from your original World to a single destination World.

If it's a single destination, you can transfer up to eight characters at once.

In the event you would like to move character #1 to World A, and character #2 to World B or C, you will have to perform two world transfers.

In order to transfer, the below requirements need to be fulfilled:

→ You cannot belong to a Free Company (If you do belong to one, please leave the Free Company).

→ Make sure the character you wish to transfer is logged out.

→ Make sure there are no items being sold on the market boards.

→ There will be a limitation on the maximum amount of gil you can bring into the destination World.

Additional details on the rules and restrictions will be explained in the official announcement.

Furthermore, it will be possible to move from a new World to a new World, a Legacy World to a Legacy World, and a new World to a Legacy World. In the future, we will look at economic conditions on new Worlds and plan on making it possible to transfer from Legacy Worlds to new Worlds; however, this option will not be available at the start of the World Transfer Service. We appreciate your understanding.

What are the benefits of transferring Worlds?

One of the biggest reasons that people use World transfers is so that they can meet up with their friends and play together.

The largest benefits being that you can adventure with your friends, or meet up with the people you've become friends with via the Duty Finder, and of course play with the people you want to play with.

The service also gives you the ability to move to the World that features the name that you really like.

What are the risks of transferring Worlds?

There really aren't any negatives to transferring, but there are a couple of risks, which I would like to go over.

Risk of having to rename your character

One risk of transferring is that there may be a character on the destination World with the same name as you. In this case, the name priority is given to the person who is originally from that World.

If you try to move your character to this World, you will be asked to change your name. Applying for the World Transfer Service will be performed from the Mog Station. When applying, the system will check whether there is a character residing on the destination World with the same name. However, there may be cases where a character with the same name is created on the destination World a second sooner than when you are transferred, and while this might be extremely rare, please understand that we cannot guarantee anything.

Risk of congestion

In the event that you use the World Transfer Service and the destination World is one with a large population, login restrictions may be enacted during each region's peak time, which falls between 9 p.m. to midnight. While we have raised the amount of players that can simultaneously play on each World to 8,000, if this number is exceeded, we may impose login restrictions to prioritize World stability. In the event you wish to transfer to a heavily populated World, please understand this risk. Currently the following Worlds are heavily populated:

Japan Data Center NA/EU Data Center

Alexander Behemoth

Anima Cactuar

Atomos Excalibur(LEGACY)

Carbuncle Hyperion(LEGACY)

Fenrir Moogle(EU)

Garuda Ultros





Please keep this in mind if you're thinking about transferring to one of the above Worlds. Also, if you and your friends plan on congregating on a specific World, it would be best to avoid the above in order to have a stable play environment.

Risk of gil loss

When transferring Worlds, in the event the destination World is a new World, in order to prevent the transportation of RMT gil, there will be limitations on the amount of gil that you can bring to the destination World. This is a critical specification in order to protect the economic conditions on each World, so before transferring, please keep this in mind. In the event you transfer Worlds and you exceed the gil limit, the amount that exceeds the limit will be lost.

Risk of a period where you cannot log in

It's difficult for us to predict the amount of people that will be applying for a transfer during the free period. You will need to be logged out for the transfer to occur and we will be transferring characters in the order that was requested. In the event that there are a large amount of applications then there is the possibility that you will not be able to log in for a couple of days. We will keep an eye on the congestion and make announcements regarding this, but in the worst case scenario, please understand that you may not be able to log in for a couple of days until the transfer has been completed.

Warning if you are transferring to a specific World because you like the name

Due to the character creation restrictions that were imposed after the official launch of service, there may be cases where you really wanted to play on Chocobo, but made a character on a different server. By using the World Transfer Service, you will be able to move to the World of your choice. However, as I mentioned above, in the event that the destination World is heavily populated, there is a possibility that login restrictions will be imposed during peak times. Please carefully consider this when making your decision.

Warning if you are moving to a World with multiple friends

In the event you have four friends who had to make characters on four separate Worlds, you can use the World Transfer Service to all meet up on a single World. However, please make sure that the destination World is not overpopulated for all of you. Transferring with multiple people will affect the population, so we recommend selecting a World that has a comparatively lower population so that peak times are stable.

Japan Data Center NA/EU Data Center

Asura Coeurl

Belias Brynhildr

Pandaemonium Faerie

Unicorn Famfrit

Yojimbo Goblin

Zeromus Lamia






The above Worlds have a good amount of room, even during peak times, and are also a good destination for those who are just starting FFXIV: ARR. These are great choices for those of you wishing to transfer with multiple people, so please consider these.

I apologize that there were those of you who were unable to select the World of your choice due to character creation restrictions. We will be announcing details and rules for the World Transfer Service in the coming days.

Thank you so much for your continued support for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

Tl;dr: Wenn man auf nem Legacy Server ist kann man nicht wechseln, ausserdem wird es ein Limit geben was man an Gil ruebernehmen darf alles ueber dem Limit geht verloren. Sollte auf der Server auf dem ihr wechseln wollt bereits einen Charakter mit euren Namen besitzen muesst ihr euren Charakter bei dem Transfer umbenennen. Wenn ihr dieses Feature nutzt kann es sein das ihr mit dem Charakter ein paar Tage nicht spielen koennt, je nachdem wie viele das Feature nutzen, da es chronologisch abgearbeitet wird, dies soll sich aber nach den fuenf Gratistagen aber gelegt haben.

so hab ich was wichtiges uebersehen?:D

ps: weiss jemand wie man jetzt den kaktus und bomberohrring bekommt welche waehrend der tgs fuer alle gewonnen wurden?

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Jo. Der Rest sind alles optionale Dungeons:

Die Feste Dzemael (Ab Stuffe 44)

Goldklamm (Ab Stufe 47)

Palast des Wanderers (Ab Stufe 50)

Die Ruinen von Amdapor (Ab Stufe 50)

Aber nach der Story bist Du eh nicht durch. Weil denn kommen die Primae Hardmode und die Restaurierung der Relikt Waffe. Bevor Du das angehen kannst darfst Du eh erstmal Steine farmen um dir das Stufe 70 Equi zu kaufen. Und hie rnehme bloß das 2. Set wo es Equi am Kopf und Fuß gibt. Das ist nicht nur billiger sondern hat auch höhere Werte als das 1. Set wo es kein equi am Kopf und Fuß gibt.

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Set 1 (Ohne Kopf und Fuß): 3.510 Steine

Schwerer Schwarzlicht-Körperpanzer = 1.320 Steine

Schwere Schwarzlicht-Panzerhandschuhe = 495 Steine

Schwerer Schwarzlicht-Plattengürtel = 375 Steine

Schwarzlicht-Flankenschützer = 1.320 Steine

Set 2 (Mit Kopf und Fuß): 3.510 Steine

Tapfer-Diadem = 495 Steine

Tapfer-Waffenrock = 825 Steine

Tapfer-Panzerhandschuhe = 495 Steine

Helden-Gürtel der Verteidigung = 375 Steine

Tapfer-Schenkelschützer = 825 Steine

Tapfer-Sollerets = 495 Steine

Beide Sets kosten also gleich viel aber das 2. ist besser weil es noch die zusätzlichen Werte von Kopf und Fuß hat die Set 1 nicht bietet. Die Kosten (Steine) sind für jede Klasse gleich nur das Equi heißt es. In dem beispiel hier ist es das Equi vom Paladin.

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Die Allagischen Steine kann man NICHT kaufen bzw. braucht man andere sachen um die Steine kaufen zu können. Die Dame links bietet sowas an. Die Steine bekommt man ausschließlich in Dungeons ab Stufe 41! Die 3000 ist die maximale Anzahl an Steinen die man haben kann. Macht man danach noch einen run sind diese Steine umsonst weil man ja schon 3.000 hat. Man muss sich also erst was kaufen damit man unter dem Maximallimit liegt und wieder Steine zum ansammeln bekommen kann. Mit Gil kommst Du da nicht weit. Damit kann man die Steine nicht kaufen.

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