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Bewertet den Zeitaufwand für 100%

Bewertet den Zeitaufwand für 100%  

8 Stimmen

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Durchschnittsbewertung: 10.75

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Zeitaufwand 15-20h

SKG 5/10


Hätte fast eine 6 gegeben, aber letztlich ist es doch eher mühseliges Herausfinden der Optimalroute. Schon manchmal sehr nervig, aber letztlich nicht super schwer. Manche Timings der Sprünge sind aber nicht ohne, daher ist 5 ok.


Schwerstes Level war das Sushi Level mit den Homing knives.


Für Tips, siehe hier:




A big tip I can give is: Play the challenge mode alongside your "no flip" run, that way, you can practise the layout of single stages before doing the level (10 stages back-to-back) in regular mode with the no-flip requirement. 

For me as for most people Sushi level was the hardest, and in the sushi level the hardest stage was number 7 for me. The one with the 3 circle forms above you, and 2 knive chefs in the corners. Make sure you immediately jump up to the left circle and get the lower orange thing, then it is waaay easier...


Other general tips would be to use double jumps to stay in one place, and wait for an opening to jump where you need to go (since you cant change direction, but you can jump between two walls to stay in a spot basically). Another tip, esp. for Sushi level, is to just roll away from knives to make space for you doing something, after some time they return to the chef and stop following you.


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