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Allgemeiner Thread zu Resident Evil Revelations

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

RIGHT! I switch on resident evil revelations to play raid mode,which I've been playing happily since release! Only to find that I can no longer play online raid mode because I have to buy damn lady hunk and rachel ooze! If I don't buy them I'm locked out of online play! WTF! Its a fckn joke! So as of today I'm not buying anything made by capcom and its a shame really because I've been a die hard RE fan since the beginning pretty much! Thanks capcom you money stealing ungreatful for the customers fckers! As if they don't have billions anyway! Disgrace!

Quelle/ https://www.facebook.com/residentevil?fref=ts

^^ sind nicht die einzigen !

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