PS Vita Spiele
- 307
- Beiträge
- A.W. Phoenix Festa
- A-Men (Vita)
- A-Men 2 (Vita)
- A Hole New World (Vita)
- A Virus Named Tom
- A Winter's Daydream (Vita)
- Aabs Animals
- Active Soccer 2 DX (Vita)
- Actual Sunlight
- Adventure Time Das Geheimnis des namenlosen Königreichs (Vita)
- Adventures of Mana
- Aegis of Earth Protonovus Assault (Vita)
- Age of Zombies
- Air Race Speed
- Akai Suna Ochiru Tsuki
- Akiba's Beat
- Akibas Trip Undead & Undressed (Vita)
- Alien Breed (Vita)
- Alien Shooter
- Alone With You (Vita)
- Alteric (Vita)
- Amnesia Memories
- Angry Birds Star Wars (Vita)
- Angry Birds Trilogy (Vita)
- Another World 20th Anniversary Edition (Vita)
- AoT Wings of Freedom (Vita)
- Ar nosurge Plus Ode to an Unborn Star
- Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!! (Vita)
- Army Corps of Hell
- Asphalt Injection
- Assassin's Creed Chronicles (Vita)
- Assassin's Creed III Liberation
- Atelier Ayesha Plus The Alchemists of Dusk
- Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Vita)
- Atelier Firis The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey (Vita)
- Atelier Meruru Plus The Apprentice of Arland
- Atelier Rorona Plus The Alchemist of Arland (Vita)
- Atelier Totori Plus The Adventurer of Arland
- Atomic Ninjas (Vita)
- Attack of the Toy Tanks (Vita)
- Axiom Verge (Vita)
- Azkend 2 The World Beneath (Vita)
- Atelier Shallie Plus Alchemists of the Dusk Sea (Vita)
- 3,1k
- Beiträge
- 幕末Rock 超魂
- Back in 1995 (Vita)
- Back to Bed (Vita)
- Backgammon Blitz
- Bad Apple Wars
- Badland (Vita)
- Baphomets Fluch 5 Der Sündenfall - Episode 1
- Baphomets Fluch 5 Der Sündenfall - Episode 2
- Bard’s Gold (Vita)
- Baseball Riot (Vita)
- Bastion (Vita)
- Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate
- Battalion Commander (Vita)
- Begrüßungscenter
- Ben 10 Galactic Racing (Vita)
- Bentley's Hack-Paket (Vita)
- Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (Vita)
- Best of Arcade Games
- Best of Arcade Games PSN (Vita)
- Best of Board Games (Vita)
- Big Sky Infinity (Vita)
- BigFest
- bitter smile.
- Blast'Em Bunnies (Vita)
- Blasting Agent Ultimate Edition (Vita)
- BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend (Vita)
- BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend (Vita)
- Blind Men (Vita)
- Bloodstained Curse of the Moon (Vita)
- Bombing Busters (Vita)
- Bonds of the Skies (Vita)
- Borderlands 2 (Vita)
- Bouncy Bullets (Vita)
- BreakQuest Extra Evolution
- Bridge Constructor (Vita)
- Broken Age (Vita)
- Bucket Knight (Vita)
- Burly Men At Sea (Vita)
- Burn the Rope
- 1,7k
- Beiträge
- Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified
- Castlestorm (Vita)
- Castle Invasion Throne Out (Vita)
- Catherine Full Body (Vita)
- Cel Damage HD (Vita)
- Chaos Child (Vita)
- Child of Light (Vita)
- Chronovolt
- Chronus Arc (Vita)
- Citizens of Earth (Vita)
- Claire Extended Cut (Vita)
- Coconut Dodge Revitalised
- Code Realize Future Blessings
- Code Realize Guardian of Rebirth
- Code Realize Wintertide Miracles (Vita)
- Collar X Malice
- Color Slayer (Vita)
- Conception II Children of the Seven Stars
- Conga Master Go!
- Corpse Party Blood Drive
- Cosmophony (Vita)
- CounterSpy (Vita)
- Crazy Market
- Criminal Girls Invite Only
- Crimsonland (Vita)
- Croixleur Sigma (Vita)
- Cross Channel For all people (Vita)
- Crossovers by Powgi (Vita)
- Cybarian The Time Travelling Warrior (Vita)
- 866
- Beiträge
- Dance with Devils
- Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair
- Danganronpa Another Episode Ultra Despair Girls
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
- Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours (Vita)
- Darkest Dungeon (Vita)
- Day D Tower Rush
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered (Vita)
- Dead Nation (Vita)
- Dead or Alive 5 Plus
- Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Venus
- Death Mark (Vita)
- Deception IV Blood Ties (Vita)
- Deception IV The Nightmare Princess (Vita)
- Deep Ones (Vita)
- Deep Space Rush (Vita)
- Demetrios The Big Cynical Adventure
- Demon Gaze
- Demon Gaze II (Vita)
- Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Vita)
- Destiny of Spirits
- Devious Dungeon (Vita)
- Devious Dungeon 2 (Vita)
- Dex (Vita)
- Die Muppets Filmabenteuer
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory (Vita)
- Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention
- Disgaea 4 A Promise Revisited
- Disney Infinity 2.0 (Vita)
- Disney Micky Epic Die Macht der 2 (Vita)
- Distraint Deluxe Edition (Vita)
- Divekick (Vita)
- DJMax Technika Tune
- Doctor Who Die Unendlichkeitsuhr
- Doki-Doki Universe (Vita)
- Dokuro
- Don't Die, Mr. Robot!
- Don't Starve Giant Edition
- Doodle Devil
- Doodle God
- Doodle Kingdom
- Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z (Vita)
- Dragon Fantasy Book I (Vita)
- Dragon Fantasy Book II (Vita)
- Dragon Fin Soup (Vita)
- Dragon Quest Builders (Vita)
- Dragon's Crown (Vita)
- Draw Slasher
- Dream C Club Zero Portable
- Dreii (Vita)
- Drowning (Vita)
- Duck Souls+ (Vita)
- Dungeon Hunter Alliance (Vita)
- Dungeon Punks (Vita)
- Dungeon Travelers 2
- Dustforce (Vita)
- Dying Reborn (Vita)
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires (Vita)
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends (Vita)
- Dynasty Warriors Godseekers (Vita)
- Dynasty Warriors Next
- 4,5k
- Beiträge
- EA Sports FIFA Football
- Earth Defense Force 2 Invaders from Planet Space
- Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable
- Ecolibrium
- Energy Balance (Vita)
- Energy Cycle (Vita)
- Energy Cycle Edge (Vita)
- Energy Invasion (Vita)
- Entwined (Vita)
- Epic Word Search Collection (Vita)
- Escape Plan
- escapeVektor
- Ethan der Meteorjäger (Vita)
- Eufloria HD
- Everybody's Golf (Vita)
- Exile’s End (Vita)
- Explosive Jake (Vita)
- 2,3k
- Beiträge
- F1 2011 Formula 1 (Vita)
- Farming Simulator
- Fat Princess Piece of Cake
- Fate/Extella The Umbral Star (Vita)
- Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
- Fez (Vita)
- Fieldrunners 2
- FIFA13 (Vita)
- FIFA14 (Vita)
- FIFA15 (Vita)
- Fifty Words by Powgi (Vita)
- Fill-a-Pix Phil's Epic Adventure (Vita)
- Final Fantasy X (Vita)
- Final Fantasy X-2 (Vita)
- Final Horizon (Vita)
- Fish On Next
- Flame Over
- Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims in HD
- flOw (Vita)
- Flower (Vita)
- Flyhunter Origins
- Flying Hamster HD
- Foosball 2012 (Vita)
- Football Game (Vita)
- Football Manager Classic 2014
- forma.8 (Vita)
- Fort Defense
- Fort Defense North Menace
- Foul Play (Vita)
- FoxyLand (Vita)
- FoxyLand 2 (Vita)
- Freedom Wars
- Frobisher Says!
- Frozen Synapse Prime
- Fruit Ninja
- Full Throttle Remastered (Vita)
- FullBlast (Vita)
- Funk of Titans (Vita)
- Furmins
- Furwind (Vita)
- Futuridium EP Deluxe (Vita)
- 3,2k
- Beiträge
- GalGun DoublePeace (Vita)
- Garou Mark Of The Wolves (Vita)
- Gem Smashers (Vita)
- Genji Koi Emaki
- Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved (Vita)
- Germinator (Vita)
- Ghoulboy (Vita)
- God Eater 2 Rage Burst (Vita)
- God of War I (Vita)
- God of War II (Vita)
- God Wars Future Past (Vita)
- Grab the Bottle (Vita)
- Grand Kingdom (Vita)
- Gravity Badgers
- Gravity Crash Ultra
- Gravity Duck (Vita)
- Gravity Rush
- Grim Fandango Remastered (Vita)
- Grisaia no Meikyuu Le Labyrinthe de la Grisaia
- Guacamelee! (Vita)
- Guard Duty (Vita)
- Gunslugs
- 872
- Beiträge
- Habroxia (Vita)
- Hakuoki Edo Blossoms
- Hakuoki Kyoto Winds
- Handball 16 (Vita)
- Hatoful Boyfriend (Vita)
- Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star (Vita)
- Hatsune Miku Project DIVA f
- Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd (Vita)
- Hatsune Miku Project Diva X (Vita)
- Helldivers (Vita)
- Hello Kitty to Issho Block Crash V
- Heroes of Loot
- Heroes Trials (Vita)
- Himno (Vita)
- Hitman GO Definitive Edition (Vita)
- Hoggy2 (Vita)
- Hohokum (Vita)
- Home (Vita)
- HotchKiss
- Hotline Miami (Vita)
- Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number (Vita)
- htoLNiQ The Firefly Diary
- Hue (Vita)
- Hungry Giraffe
- Hustle Kings (Vita)
- Hyakka Hyakurou Sengoku Ninpoujou
- Hyperdevotion Noire Goddess Black Heart
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Producing Perfection
- Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth1
- Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth2 Sisters Generation
- Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth3 V Generation
- Hyperdimension Neptunia U Action Unleashed
- 1k
- Beiträge
- Schnell leveln
- Von klomarvin,
- I am The Hero (Vita)
- I and Me (Vita)
- Ice Cream Surfer (Vita)
- Iconoclasts (Vita)
- Illusion of L'Phalcia (Vita)
- Indoor Sports World
- Injustice Götter unter uns Ultimate Edition
- InkSplosion (Vita)
- International Snooker (Vita)
- Invizimals Das Bündnis
- Invizimals Der Widerstand
- Invokers Tournament (Vita)
- Iron Sea Defenders (Vita)
- Iron Snout (Vita)
- Island
- Iwaihime -Matsuri- (Vita)
- 229
- Beiträge
- J-Stars Victory VS+ (Vita)
- Jack n' Jill DX (Vita)
- Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery
- Jak 3 (Vita)
- Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy (Vita)
- Jak II Renegade (Vita)
- Jazz Trump's Journey
- Jet Set Radio (Vita)
- Jetpack Joyride (Vita)
- Jetpack Joyride Deluxe (Vita)
- Just a Phrase by Powgi (Vita)
- Joe Danger (Vita)
- Joe Danger 2 The Movie (Vita)
- Just Ignore Them (Vita)
- 1,1k
- Beiträge
- 1,6k
- Beiträge
- La-Mulana EX
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 14
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 16
- Landwirtschafts-Simulator 18
- Lara Croft GO (Vita)
- League of Evil (Vita)
- Legend of the Skyfish (Vita)
- Legends of War (Vita)
- LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes (Vita)
- LEGO Batman 3 Jenseits von Gotham (Vita)
- LEGO Der Herr der Ringe (Vita)
- LEGO Der Hobbit (Vita)
- LEGO Harry Potter Die Jahre 5-7 (Vita)
- LEGO Jurassic World (Vita)
- LEGO Legends of Chima Laval's Journey
- LEGO Marvel Avengers (Vita)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universum in Gefahr
- LEGO Ninjago Nindroids
- LEGO Ninjago Schatten des Ronin
- LEGO Star Wars Das Erwachen der Macht (Vita)
- LEGO The Lego Movie Videogame (Vita)
- Lemmings Touch
- Let’s Fish! Hooked On
- Level 22 (Vita)
- Limbo (Vita)
- Little Adventure on the Prairie
- Little Deviants
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
- London Detective Mysteria
- Lone Survivor The Director's Cut (Vita)
- Looney Tunes Die Galaktischen Spiele
- Lord of Apocalypse
- Lost Dimension (Vita)
- Luftrausers (Vita)
- Lumines Electric Symphony
- Lumo (Vita)
- 8,9k
- Beiträge
- Machinarium (Vita)
- Madden NFL 13 (Vita)
- Mahjong Carnival
- Mahjong Royal Towers
- Mahjong Gold
- Mahjong World Contest
- Mal-Center Plus
- Medieval Defenders
- MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
- Mekabolt (Vita)
- Mekorama (Vita)
- Memories Off 6 Complete (Vita)
- Men's Room Mayhem
- Metagal (Vita)
- Metal Gear Solid 2 (Vita)
- Metal Gear Solid 3 (Vita)
- Metal Slug 3 (Vita)
- Metrico
- Metropolis Lux Obscura (Vita)
- Michael Jackson The Experience HD
- Midnight Deluxe (Vita)
- Milo's Quest (Vita)
- Mind Zero
- Minecraft PlayStation Vita Edition
- Minutes (Vita)
- Mixups by Powgi (Vita)
- MLB 12 The Show (Vita)
- MLB 13 The Show (Vita)
- MLB 14 The Show (Vita)
- MLB 15 The Show (Vita)
- Mochi Mochi Boy (Vita)
- ModNation Racers Road Trip
- Monster Monpiece
- Monster Radar
- MonsterBag
- MotoGP 13 (Vita)
- MotoGP 13 Compact (Vita)
- MotoGP 14 (Vita)
- MotoGP 14 Compact (Vita)
- MotorStorm RC (Vita)
- MouseCraft (Vita)
- Mud FIM Motocross World Championship (Vita)
- Muramasa Rebirth
- Murasaki Baby
- Muv Luv (Vita)
- Muv Luv Alternative (Vita)
- MXGP The Official Motocross Videogame (Vita)
- MXGP The Official Motocross Videogame Compact
- My Big Sister (Vita)
- My Name is Mayo (Vita)
- Mystery Chronicle One Way Heroics (Vita)
- 3,2k
- Beiträge
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus
- Natural Doctrine (Vita)
- Need for Speed Most Wanted (Vita)
- Neon Chrome (Vita)
- NeuroVoider (Vita)
- Neverending Nightmares (Vita)
- New Little King's Story
- Nidhogg (Vita)
- NightCry
- Nihilumbra
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
- No Heroes Allowed No Puzzles Either!
- Norn9 Var Commons
- North (Vita)
- Nuclear Throne (Vita)
- Nun Attack
- Nurse Love Addiction
- 797
- Beiträge
- Oceanhorn Monster of Uncharted Seas (Vita)
- Octodad™ Dadliest Catch (Vita)
- Oddworld Abe's Oddysee New 'n' Tasty
- Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee HD (Vita)
- Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD (Vita)
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (Vita)
- OlliOlli
- OlliOlli2 Welcome to Olliwood (Vita)
- Omega Strike (Vita)
- Omerta Code Tycoon Kai
- OMG HD Zombies!
- One Eyed Kutkh (Vita)
- One More Dungeon (Vita)
- One Piece Kaizoku Musou 2
- One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (Vita)
- One Piece Unlimited World Red (Vita)
- One Word by Powgi (Vita)
- Open Me!
- Operation Abyss New Tokyo Legacy
- Operation Babel New Tokyo Legacy
- Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines
- Orfreres Bouquet du Bonheur
- orgarhythm
- 348
- Beiträge
- P4G Persona 4 Golden
- Panda Run
- Pantsu Hunter Back to the 90s (Vita)
- Papers, Please
- Paradox Soul (Vita)
- Peasant Knight (Vita)
- Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight (Vita)
- Persona 4 Dancing All Night
- Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight (Vita)
- Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds
- Phineas und Ferb Doofenshmirtz' große Stunde
- Pic-a-Pix Classic (Vita)
- Pic-a-Pix Classic 2 (Vita)
- Pic-a-Pix Color (Vita)
- Pic-a-Pix Color 2 (Vita)
- Pic-a-Pix Pieces (Vita)
- Pinball Arcade (Vita)
- Pinball Heroes Complete
- Pirate Solitaire
- Pix the Cat (Vita)
- Pixel Hunter
- PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD
- PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate (Vita)
- Planet RIX-13 (Vita)
- Plantera
- Plants vs. Zombies (Vita)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (Vita)
- PlayStation Vita Pets
- Poltergeist A Pixelated Horror
- Proteus (Vita)
- Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
- Psycho Pass Mandatory Happiness (Vita)
- Puddle (Vita)
- PulzAR
- Pumped BMX+ (Vita)
- Punch Line (Vita)
- Pure Chess (Vita)
- 2,1k
- Beiträge
- 27
- Beiträge
- Rabi-Ribi (Vita)
- Race the Sun (Vita)
- Ragnarok Odyssey
- Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (Vita)
- Rainbow Moon (Vita)
- Rainbow Skies (Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank (Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank 2 (Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank 3 (Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank QForce (Vita)
- Rayman Legends (Vita)
- Rayman Origins (Vita)
- Real Boxing
- Reality Fighters
- Red Bow (Vita)
- Red Game Without a Great Name
- Reed Remastered (Vita)
- Renai 0 Kilometre V
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 (Vita)
- Resistance Burning Skies
- Resogun (Vita)
- Retro City Rampage (Vita)
- Retro City Rampage DX (Vita)
- Reverie
- Ridge Racer
- Risk of Rain (Vita)
- Rocketbirds 2 Evolution (Vita)
- Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken (Vita)
- Rogue Legacy (Vita)
- Rollers of the Realm (Vita)
- Romancing SaGa 2 (Vita)
- Root Letter (Vita)
- Royal Defense
- Royal Defense Invisible Threat
- Rozen Maiden Wechseln Sie Welt ab (Vita)
- Rugby World Cup 2015 (Vita)
- Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu (Vita)
- Run Like Hell!
- Run Sackboy! Run!
- Runner2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Vita)
- Runter von meinem Rasen!
- Rush Rover (Vita)
- Russian Subway Dogs
- 4,5k
- Beiträge
- Samurai Shodown V Special (Vita)
- Scram Kitty DX (Vita)
- Secret of Mana (Vita)
- Semispheres (Vita)
- Senran Kagura Bon Appetit!
- Senran Kagura Estival Versus (Vita)
- Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
- Severed
- Shake Spears! (Vita)
- Shakedown Hawaii (Vita)
- Shantae Half-Genie Hero (Vita)
- Shinobido 2 - Revenge of Zen
- Shovel Knight (Vita)
- Shutshimi (Vita)
- Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2 Plus
- Sigi A Fart for Melusina (Vita)
- Silent Hill Book of Memories
- Sine Mora (Vita)
- Sir Eatsalot
- Skeleton Rider
- Sky Force Anniversary (Vita)
- Slain Back from Hell (Vita)
- Slayaway Camp Butcher's Cut (Vita)
- Sly 2 Band of Thieves (Vita)
- Sly 3 Honour Among Thieves (Vita)
- Sly Cooper Jagd durch die Zeit (Vita)
- Sly Raccoon (Vita)
- Smart as...
- Söldner-X 2 Final Prototype (Vita)
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Vita)
- Sorcery Saga Curse Of The Great Curry God
- Soul Sacrifice
- Soul Sacrifice Delta
- Sound Shapes (Vita)
- Space Hulk (Vita)
- Space Overlords (Vita)
- Sparkle
- Sparkle 2 (Vita)
- Spelunky (Vita)
- Spider Rite of the Shrouded Moon (Vita)
- Spiral Splatter (Vita)
- SpongeBob HeldenSchwamm
- Spy Chameleon (Vita)
- Spy Hunter
- Squareboy vs Bullies Arena Edition
- Star Wars Pinball (Vita)
- Stardew Valley (Vita)
- StarDrone Extreme
- Starlight Inception
- State of Anarchy Master of Mayhem (Vita)
- Stealth Inc 2 A Game of Clones (Vita)
- Stealth Inc. A Clone in the Dark (Vita)
- SteamWorld Dig (Vita)
- SteamWorld Heist (Vita)
- Steins Gate (Vita)
- Steins Gate 0 (Vita)
- Steins Gate Elite (Vita)
- Steins Gate Senkei Kousoku no Phonogram (Vita)
- Stick it to the Man (Vita)
- Still Time (Vita)
- Stranded A Mars Adventure
- Stranger of Sword City
- Street Fighter X Tekken (Vita)
- Strike Solitaire
- Strike Solitaire 2
- Sumioni Demon Arts
- SunFlowers
- Super Box Land Demake (Vita)
- Super Exploding Zoo! (Vita)
- Super Meat Boy (Vita)
- Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz
- Super StarDust Delta
- Super Time Force Ultra (Vita)
- Super Wiloo Demake (Vita)
- Superfrog HD (Vita)
- Supermagical
- Surge Deluxe
- SwapQuest
- Switch Galaxy Ultra (Vita)
- Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment
- Sword Art Online Hollow Realization (Vita)
- Sword Art Online Lost Song (Vita)
- Syrup and The Ultimate Sweet (Vita)
- 4,3k
- Beiträge
- Table Ice Hockey
- Table Mini Golf
- Table Top Racing
- Table Top Tanks
- Tachyon Project (Vita)
- Tad and the lost scroll (Vita)
- Tadeo Jones
- Tales from Space Mutant Blobs Attack
- Tales of Hearts R
- Tearaway
- Tennis in the Face (Vita)
- Terraria (Vita)
- Teslagrad (Vita)
- Tetra's Escape (Vita)
- Tetris Ultimate (Vita)
- The Amazing Spider-Man (Vita)
- The Bard’s Tale Remastered and Resnarkled (Vita)
- The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (Vita)
- The Bit.Trip (Vita)
- The Bridge (Vita)
- The HD Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character
- The Hungry Horde
- The Keeper of 4 Elements (Vita)
- The King of Fighters '97 Global Match (Vita)
- The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel (Vita)
- The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel 2 (Vita)
- The Long Reach (Vita)
- The Longest 5 Minutes
- The Mooseman (Vita)
- The Quiet Collection
- The Swapper (Vita)
- The Swindle (Vita)
- The Tower of Beatrice (Vita)
- The Treasures of Montezuma 4 (Vita)
- The Unfinished Swan (Vita)
- The Walking Dead (Vita)
- The Walking Dead Season Two (Vita)
- The Wolf Among Us (Vita)
- Thomas Was Alone (Vita)
- Three Fourths Home Extended Edition (Vita)
- Tic-Tac-Letters by Powgi (Vita)
- Time Recoil (Vita)
- Timespinner (Vita)
- Tiny Troopers Joint Ops (Vita)
- Titan Attacks (Vita)
- Titan Souls (Vita)
- Tokyo Onmyouji Tengenjibashi rei no Baai V Edition
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters (Vita)
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak Special Gigs (Vita)
- Top Darts (Vita)
- Total Recoil
- Touch My Katamari
- Touhou Double Focus (Vita)
- Touhou Genso Wanderer (Vita)
- Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle (Vita)
- Toukiden Kiwami (Vita)
- Toukiden The Age of Demons
- Towerfall Ascension (Vita)
- Travel Bug
- Treasures of Montezuma Arena
- Treasures Of Montezuma Blitz
- Trillion God of Destruction
- Twin Robots (Vita)
- Type Rider (Vita)
- 3,4k
- Beiträge
- 3,6k
- Beiträge
- 1k
- Beiträge
- Wake-up Club
- Waking Violet (Vita)
- Walpurgis No Uta
- Wanted Corp. (Vita)
- Warlock’s Tower (Vita)
- When Vikings Attack! (Vita)
- Whispering Willows (Vita)
- White Album 2 (Vita)
- WipEout 2048
- Without Escape (Vita)
- Woah Dave! (Vita)
- Word Maze by Powgi (Vita)
- Word Search by Powgi (Vita)
- Word Sudoku by Powgi (Vita)
- Word Wheel by Powgi (Vita)
- Wordsweeper by Powgi (Vita)
- World of Final Fantasy (Vita)
- Worms Revolution Extreme
- WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship (Vita)
- WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship (Vita)
- WRC 5 (Vita)
- 1,2k
- Beiträge
- 24
- Beiträge
- 154
- Beiträge
- 74
- Beiträge